Senin, 10 November 2014

English Literature:Explicatures in the Headline News of Sunday Post


chapter covers the discussion on background ofthe study, problem of the study, objective of the study, scope and
limitation of the study, significance of the study and definition of the key terms.

1.1. Background of the Study Allah says in the Holy Qur’an, surah Al Imran
in the verse 7: ٌ۟ ( It is He Who has sent down to you the Book
(the Holy Quran). In it are verses that are
entirely clear (Muhkamaat), they are the foundations of the Book; and others not entirely clear (Mutasyaabihaat), in the
meaningof which there is doubt. So as for
those in whose hearts there is a deviation (from the truth) they follow (only) that which is not entirely clear thereof,
seeking Al-Fitnah, and seeking its Ta'wil, but none knows its Ta'wil (true meaning)
except Allah. And those who are firmly grounded in
knowledge say: "We believe
in it; all of
it is from
our Lord.'' And none
receive admonition except men of understanding.

This surah gives
explanation that here
Allah SWT has
differentiated between the
verses that are
muhkamat, and those
that are mutasyabihat.

2 Muhkamat
verses are those
which are clear
and decisive. They relate
to the fundamentals of religion, such as the oneness
of Allah SWT. Any man of average intelligence can
understand and follow
these verses. On
the other hand, mutasyabihat verses
are those which
can have several
possible meanings (ambiguous meaning). These verses have been
composed in subtle and profound diction and
style and carry
implications other than the literal
meanings (Jaafari Muslim Association, 2005:1).

Based on the explanation above,
there are two kindsof verses in the Holy Qur’an;
are muhkamat and mutasyabihat verses. It’s
same with our
language; there are explicit and
implicit meanings of language. Language and meaning as a unity that cannot be separated because meaning
is an important role of language itself.
Understanding the language will let us understand the meaning. Meaning is not
made by language
alone. In speech
gesture, postural, proximal
and paralinguistic information,
in which writing
accompany it by
choices in visual coding
of words other
graphical information. The
meanings of any
text or discourse event always depend on how we
connect it to be textual and contextual information.
Understanding the language and understanding the context when the language
is used in
communication are separable,
since language is
bound by context.

When we
communicate with other
people, we have
to understand their language.
Understanding the language is understood
what speaker said and mean.

Sperber and
Wilson (1995:182) in
Grundy (2000:112) state
that in order
to understand an utterance, we
need to recover an explicature. Explicature is theory 3 to explain
the process of
understanding of utterance,
which is proposed
Dan Sperber and Deidre Wilson.
This theory appears whenthey are not satisfied with the Grice’s theory, because they find Grice’s
distinction between what is said and what
is implicated inadequately. So, Sperber and Wilson propose a theory based on pragmatic process and enrichment that is
called explicature.

Sperber and Wilson (1980:182) in
Aprilya (2006) stated that explicature is a development of the logical form encoded by
an utterance. The central idea of explicature
is that, in interpreting an utterance,
the hearer or readers do not only understand
the context and
the meaning of utterance. They
also develop the logical form.
The logical form
is a set
of structured of
constituents that are developed through
the three processes
involved; reference assignment, disambiguation, and enrichment which depend on

Explicature is
an enrichment of an original
utterance to fully
elaborated propositional form
(Grundy, 2000). One
single words can represent
a fully sentence meaning. Explicature is an inference
or series of inferences which enrich the under
determined form of the utterance
to a full
propositional form.

Explicatures preserve
and elaborate the
propositional form of
the original utterance.

Language users deliver their
messages to other people in form of a text.

There are two kinds of text,
spoken text and written text. The readers or hearers can understand explicitly the intended meaning
in written or spoken text, because the
processes to get explicature will result the truth functional understanding.

4 Newspaper is one of written text. It is used
as a means of communication in the
form of written
text between the
writer and the
readers. The writer
uses their experience, thought
and worldview to produce a work though
expression of words. While the reader
uses his knowledge, language, though and worldview to reconstruct
and interpret the
writer’s word into
idea and catch
the writer’s intended messages. Through newspaper we can
obtain many information, news, present actual and daily common event in
local, regional, international scope as possible.
Sunday Post is one of local newspaper in
this country. It is written in English
even though as
local newspaper. So,
Sunday Post different
with other local newspapers.

The researcher
chooses Sunday Post
as subject because
the topics of Sunday
Post are more varied than others. Sunday edition provide more analytical and
in-depth articles appropriately
balanced by entertaining
and informative stories. Readers still get the latest news of
the weekend, but the proportion is less than
that normally provided in the weekday editionsof the paper. Sunday Post using
various and attractive
language that can
interest readers’ attention.
The language used
in this newspaper
is in tiers,
starting from the
most easily understood language to more the complex one.
SundayPost contains of 14 pages with
aspects of life through light-hearted discourses on daily issues. The contents of
the newspaper are
actual news, supplement,
opinion, sport, current
issues, special report,
people, lifestyle, travel,
bookmark, focus, music,
screen, art & design
and features.

5 In this research, the researcher uses Sunday
Post newspaper as the object of
researcher that specified in “Headline”. Headline is line of words as the title
in large and bold letter at the top of
page; it uses to attract the people to read it that explain about the content of the news. It is
the most important part of newspaper, which
indicates and provides the current issues written in English either nationally or regionally even internationally. Some of
utterances used by the news reporter of Sunday
Post are included
the explicatures and
high level of

Usually the
readers of newspaper
will read the
headline before the
content of news.

English Literature:Explicatures in the Headline News of Sunday Post

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