Senin, 10 November 2014

English Literature:A Psycholinguistic Study on Language Comprehension Disorder of Character with Asperger’s Syndrome in the Movie My Name is Khan”


This chapter presents background
of the study, problems of the study, objectives of the study, significance of
the study, scope and limitation, and definition of the key terms.

1.1 Background of the Study Every human being in
this world has been created by God in a good figure and different from other
creatures. In creating them God gives some laxity to show that God is the perfect
one. Like what God says in the Holy Qur’an (Ar-ra’d: 8): Allah knows every
female (womb) doth bear, by how much the wombs fall short (of their time or
number) or do exceed. Every single thing is before his sight in (due) to proportion.

The characteristic of no
perfection tends to refer to human’s speech system which is categorized as
language disorder. It is one of the topics in psycholinguistics which is very
interesting to be discussed today.

Concerning with the language, a
language then would be some unitary system of linguistic communication which
subsumes a number of mutually intelligible varieties (Wardaugh,1986:29).
Language, besides as tool to communicate with others, it is also as a tool in
establishing and maintaining relationship with others. In this case, there are
some people who experience difficulties in social interaction because the
impairments that is happened such as though disorder and language
disorder. A language disorder is the impaired
comprehension and/or the use of spoken and written language necessary for
expressing and understanding thoughts and ideas.

Psycholinguists have addressed
the phenomena of sentence comprehension in different ways. Some theorists have
focused on the fact that the sentence comprehension system continually creates
novel representations of novel messages, following the constraints of a
language’s grammar, and does so with remarkable speed.( Others
have emphasized that the comprehension system is sensitive to a vast range of
information, including grammatical, lexical, and contextual, as well as knowledge
of the speaker/writer and of the world in general. Theorists in the former group
(e.g.,Ford, Bresnan, & Kaplan, 1982; Frazier & Rayner, 1982; Pritchett,
1992) have constructed modular, serial models that describe how the processor
quickly constructs one or more representations of a sentence based on a
restricted range of information that is guaranteed to be relevant to its
interpretation, primarily grammatical information. Any such representation is
then quickly interpreted and evaluated, using the full range of information
that might be relevant.

Furthermore, one of the language
disorders is the language comprehension disorder that is used by Asperger’s
syndrome. Asperger’s syndrome is one of number

[1] [1]

of pervasive
developmental disorder, a group of disorders that includes autism.

Asperger’s syndrome (AS) is a
developmental disability marked by impairments in social relationship and in
verbal and non-verbal communication and restrictive repetitive patterns of
behavior, interest and activities (Barnhill, (2001, p-46) has become a widely
known disorder in recent years.

People with Asperger’s syndrome
tend to be obvious to social conventions (Attwood, 1998). The sufferers do not know how to share a
conversation, to be polite, or to seek friendship. Therefore, this study
analyzes about Asperger’s syndrome in order to be able to describe the types of
language comprehension disorder of people who suffer from Asperger’s syndrome
and the context causing language comprehension disorder of Asperger’s syndrome

Many researches about language
disorder and autism have been conducted for instance; Fauziyah (2003) focused
on pragmatic study on speech acts used by autistic children. She has
investigated speech acts used by some patients of autistic therapy of RSI-Dinoyo-Malang
in the intermediate and advance level. She found three acts from utterances of
autistic children. They are assertive acts, directive acts, and expressive acts.
Nafiah (2008), researched on expressive language disorder of the autistic child
in Mercury rising film. The result of the study shows that Simon Lynch’s
utterances have some kinds of speech and language disorder namely phonological
disorder, articulation disorder, voice disorder, and also language disabilities
as an autistic child.

Leutuang (2008), researched on
the utterances produced by an autistic character in Rain Man movie. The result
of her study shows that the autistic character has some [1] [1] kinds of speech and
language disorder namely articulation disorder (from the places and manner of
articulation), phonological disorder (addition, assimilation, deletion, and
substitution), voice disorder (talking too much, unnatural pitch or intonation,
improper stress, grubling unclear words or sentences), also repetition
(repetitive and stereotyped utterances, ritualistic question and answer, and
robotic sounding speech).

The result also shows that phonological
disorder is mostly found and stuttering seldom occurs.

The study which is closely
related to the focus of this research is done by Halimatus Sa’diyah (2008). She
researched on perceptive language disorder of the main characters in Mozart and
the Whale film. The result of her study shows that Donald Morton and Isabella
Soreson have some kinds of perceptive language disorder namely absurd response
(AR), odd response (OR), relevant but not polite (RnP) response, marginal
relevant (MR) response. The result also shows that RnP response is mostly found
in both of them, while absurd response and odd response are rarely occur.

The present study is slightly
different from the earlier of study.
This is to prove whether the character of Asperger’s syndrome has the
same comprehension disorder compared to those. Furthermore, this study is more
detail than the latest research. Because it is not only mention the type of
perceptive language disorder to describe language disorder, but also explain
the contexts the contexts causing of language comprehension in Asperger’s syndrome sufferer. [1] [1] My Name is Khan
movie tells about a Muslim who suffers from the Asperger’s syndrome, a form of
autism that impacts social interaction abilities, and he is arrested as a
suspected terrorist in post-9/11 Los Angeles after authorities mistake his
disability for suspicious behavior. This movie released on February that has good rate in Hollywood and Bollywood.

The research uses “My Name is
Khan” movie as the object of analysis because through conversation of Rizwan
Khan, the researcher found many utterances that show speech abnormalities from
a character who diagnosed Asperger’s Syndrome.

Rizwan Khan behaviors that can
surely indicate his Asperger’s syndrome has problem of communication. It is
clearly seen in the way he speaks to others. It can be verified by
inappropriate emotional expression that often times shown in his conversation.
For example, when he tells about the death of his child to the audience at the
church; “…. he directly laughs while said he died, he died on November th , 2007” many times and then laugh again. It
shows his disability for showing his emotion and his moral sense; difficulty
with empathy for others. Furthermore,
the using of metaphorical expression is often used that he is the only one can

English Literature:A Psycholinguistic Study on Language Comprehension Disorder of Character with Asperger’s Syndrome in the Movie My Name is Khan”

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