Sabtu, 15 November 2014

English Literature:Entitled Psychological Problems of the Main Female Character Lucy Snowe in Charlotte Bronte’s Villete (An Analysis Using Psychological Approach)

This section includes background of the study,
statement of the problems, objectives of
the study, scope and limitation, significance of the study, research method, and the definition of key terms. Each
of the items will be discussed as follows.
1.1 Background of the Study Literature
is one of human expression, it comes from the human thought, and it talks about the human life. Literature
is presented in society to convey the benefit
things about the idea, life, thought, emotion and all of which happen in society. According to Roberts (in Triawati,
2004: 01) literature is a fundamental discipline
for the knowledge of man, one that treads the deeper and vaster fields of humanism. Literature help the readers grow
both personally and intellectually, because
it enables them recognize human dreams and struggle in different societies that they would never otherwise get
to know.
Besides that, Hamlyn (in Purnomo,
2006: 01) stated that literature is one of
human’s creativity that has universal meaning as one of the way to communicate each other about the emotion,
spiritual and intellectual experiences that
needed to build up intellectual and moral knowledge and mankind. Literature is concerns the imagination of an idea of
human expression about the world that has
the benefit values to use in human’s life.
From the explanation about the
definitions of literature above, the writer wants to present the forms of literature.
There are three kinds of literature’s forms; prose, poetry and drama. Prose includes novel,
short story, myth, parable, romance, and
epic. Poetry is much more economical in the use of imagery, figure of speech, and rhythm. And drama according to
Peck and Coyle (1984: 75), the basic
point about all plays, both in formal and thematic terms, is that the characters are always caught up in some sorts
of crisis, dilemma, of confusion; they
are always faced by some sort of problem.
Moreover, Connoly (in Salmena,
2006: 10-11) mentions that there are three
points of literature characteristics. The first characteristic is literature
has the power, it means that the use of
language in certain piecework of literature may create a powerful emotional impact in the
readers’ mind. The second characteristic
is literature also vivid; it means that a literary works is meaningful and lifelike. And the third characteristic is
the language of literature is clear.
Based on the explanation above,
the writer wants to study about novel in this thesis. According to Oxford English
dictionary (in Hawthorn, 1985: 01 ), a novel
is a factious prose narrative to tale of considerable length (now usually one long enough to fill one or more volumes) in
which characters and actions representative
of the real life of past or present times are portrayed in a plot of more or less complexity.
Describing about a novel,
Triawati (2004: 02) stated that novel contains a number of striking incidents, and these can be
separated from one another by considerable
lapses of time. Moreover, a novel is aiming to present a picture of particular period and society in which the
person, the manners, surrounding, scenery,
or even modes of speech are meticulously depicted in a way they are supposed to belong. The unity of the novel is
a far more complicated matter and depends
upon aspects of consistency in tone, character development, subordination, and elaboration of incidents.
The reason why the writer uses
psychological problems as the topic because
between literature and psychology are have close relationship. Both of them are have the same object, that is human
being. The different is psychology has
the real human being created by God as the object, but literature has the imaginative human being created by the author
as the object.
Now, the writer prefers to
analyze one of classical novels by the title Villete by Charlotte Bronte. The reason why
the writer chooses this novel as the data
sources because this novel has a struggle woman as the main female character who suffers psychological problems,
her name is Lucy Snowe. She has suffered
psychological problems after she hears that her beloved boyfriend will be left her. In this novel Lucy Snowe has told as
the narrator and she will be view all of
the events in this novel by her view points. Lucy has described as the main female character because the point of view in
this novel used ―I as stated in Villete: In
the autumn of
the year--- I
was staying at
Bretton; my godmother
having come in
person to claim
me of the
kinsfolk with whom
was at the
time fixed my
permanent residence. I believe
she then plainly saw events coming, whose very shadow I scarce guessed; yet of which the faint
suspicion sufficed to impart unsettled
sadness, and made me glad to change scene and society (Bronte, 2007: 04).
In this novel Lucy has described
as a young English woman who is destitute
and thrown upon the world, besides that, she has drawn as a young woman who has no money, family, and friends;
even she has had a happy childhood. But
in this novel, Lucy has showed as the educated woman and come from the gentle class of society like other
Bronte heroines. Besides that, Lucy also described as a woman who has psychologicl
problems. Especially, after Lucy hears
the news that she will be left by someone- the only one man who really understands, cares, and loves her, his name is
M. Paul Emanuel.
M. Paul Emanuel will be send by
Madame Beck, Madame Walravens, and Pere
Silas to go to Guadaloupe. They are tried to desperate the relationship between Lucy and M. Paul because they have
different faith. Lucy is a Protestant and
M. Paul is a Catholic. So that way, after Lucy hears and knows about their planning. The writer catches that Lucy has
suffered psychological problems, such as,
anxiety and depression. Moreover, the writer uses defense mechanism, especially repression and rationalization to
handle Lucy’s psychological problems.
This novel wrote by a British
novelist Charlotte Bronte. Charlotte Bronte was born in Thornton, Yorkshire, England, in
1816 and she died on March 31, 1855 in
Haworth, west Yorkshire, England. She was the third of six children from Patrick Bronte who was an Irish Anglican
Clergyman and Maria Barnwell.
Charlotte was the eldest of three
famous Bronte sisters whose novels have become standards of English literature.
In this study, the writer uses a
psychological approach by applying psychoanalysis
theory which is incude: depression, anxiety, and defense mechanism. Besides that, the writer uses
repression and rationalization to deal Lucy’s
psychological problems. In this study, the writer focused on analyzing the main female character Lucy Snowe in Charlotte
Bronte’s Villete using psychological approach. This approach will be help the
writer to focuses her analysis on Lucy
Snowe’s psychological problems and the way she deals with them.

English Literature:Entitled Psychological Problems of the Main Female Character Lucy Snowe in Charlotte Bronte’s Villete (An Analysis Using Psychological Approach)

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