Kamis, 13 November 2014

English Literature:English Sentence Types of Reading Text Book for Junior High School Grade VII

This chapter discusses six items namely
backgroundof the study, problem of the
study, objective of the study, significance of the study, scope and limitation,
and definition of the key term.
1.1 Background of the Study English language is very different from
Indonesian language, especially in using
the sentence correctly; it means the use of grammatical patterns. This difference often makes us difficult in
understanding the meaning of English or the message, which is conveyed. Therefore,
learning English structure is very important
to get the meaning or message of spoken and written information to add our knowledge and to communicate with other
Formally, the beginners learn
English in the school. English course book becomes the media to help student in learning
English. By using this book, student can
learn and read the book to get information and add their knowledge.
Therefore, to be able to
comprehend the English information, we cannot only concentrate on the vocabulary only, but we
also have to know about using sentences.
“The people should understand and shouldhandle on the structure of sentences to get and send the basic idea of
the sentence” (Houp and Pearsall, 1984:
172). Thus, study about types of English sentences is very important to bring out the message.
In addition, understanding
English sentences also can achieve a very high degree of correctness and prevents
misperception and miscommunication, especially
on getting knowledge. We know that many of people in the world use their own style in producing English orally or
in written one.
Sentence is a set of words
expressing a statement, a question or command.
Usually sentence contains a
subject and a verb. In written English a sentence begins with a capital letter and end with a
full stop or an equivalent mark (Hornby,
1995: 1071). Sentence has two elements (subject and predicate).
Sentence has four types (simple,
complex, compound,and compound-complex sentence)
and four function (declarative, interrogative, exclamatory, and imperative sentence).
All of the types of English
sentence has big influence for English learners.
Therefore, learning type of
sentence will help themto solve their problem in Learning English, especially who they are
still in basic continuation (Junior High School). By reading text in the course book
which they get from school will help them
in learning English sentence while they are reading the text.
This study focuses on the type of
English sentence of reading text of English
course book for Junior High School Grade VII. This study has relation to the previous researches on the same field.
Faidah (2002). Focused her research on types
of sentences and structure of advertisement used in Time Magazine Advertisement. The finding showed that there
were variation of types of sentences and
structure of advertisements. Most of the advertisements were used simple sentence, complex sentence, declarative
sentence, and imperative sentence.
Compound sentence and complex
sentence and communicative sentence balanced and inverted sentence were rarely used in
Fuadah (2003) focused her research on a study
on types of sentences based on the
classification y numbers and kinds of clauses within sentence and the most frequently used of sentences. The finding
showed that from all edition of Hello magazize
at reader’s problem section, there were forty-seven simple sentences, fifty-three complex sentences. Six compound
sentences, nine compound-complex sentences.
On the other word, types of sentence which was the most frequently used was complex sentence followed by simple
sentence, compound-complex sentence and
the last was compound sentence.
Other research was also done by Atho’illah
(2004),he investigated on study on
English sentence used in segment of “Different Ponds Different Fish” in KangGuru Magazine. And Siti Alfiati (2007).
She investigated in types of sentence
and inter-relationship of advertisement found in “Newsweek” magazine.
In this study, the researcher
uses reading text on course book for Junior High School Grade VII as the data sources.
“Get along with English” course book is
one of course book for grade VII which is used mostly for Junior High School in Malang as an effort to complete a learning
sources in a process of English learning.
This book consists of ten units and divides into some reading text skills (transactional, procedure, descriptive,
narrative and recount) and consists of 168 pages. This course book is compiled by team of
English teacher for Junior High School
in Malang.
English sentence plays very
important rule in the reading text on course book for Junior High School. A reading text
employsillustration word’s power to attract
the attention. Sentence in reading text is presented to make clear the message bear on the illustration. Therefore,
peopleespecially student in Junior High
School will easily recognize that the reading text has sentence construction.
Based on the reason described
previously, it is interesting to analyze the English structure on reading text on “Get
along with English” course book for Junior
High School Grade VII using type of English sentence since knowing that people will be able to understand on the
message conveyed and also know on the idea
of sentence that is sent especially in readingtext. The researcher takes one reading text of each reading text skill,
except unit I, because in this unit is transactional
that shows the explanation of introduction.
1.2 Problems of the Study Based on the background of the study above,
the researcher intends to answer two
questions as follows: 1. What are the types of the English sentences
in reading text book on “Get along with
English” for Junior High School Grade VII? 2. What
types of English sentence are mostly used in reading text book on “ Get along with English” for Junior High
SchoolGrade VII? 1.3 Objectives of the Study Concerning the problems mentioned above, this
studyis intended to identify the types
of English sentences of reading text book on “Get along with English” for Junior High School Grade VII and
also to identify the types of English
sentence are mostly used in reading text book on “ Get along with English” for Junior High School Grade VII.
1.4 Significance of the Study The finding of this study is supposed to give
both theoretical and practical contribution
on the linguistic area. Theoretically,the finding of the study, the researcher hopes that this study would be
useful onthe syntax area, especially descriptive

English Literature:English Sentence Types of Reading Text Book for Junior High School Grade VII

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