Kamis, 13 November 2014

English Literature:An Analysis on Paul Morel’s Personality Development in D.H. Lawrence’s Sons and Lovers

1.1 Background of the Study Human life cannot
be separated from the existence of work of art. People need the art as a
spiritual cure when they are under pressure. Everyday people face problems,
either trivial or complex like financial, family, study, etc. Everyone needs something
to refresh them, they have different ways to get refreshing such as listening
music, dancing, watching or sometimes using literary work, as a product of art.
By reading a literary work, people know many things that are related to the problem
of life. The function is to provide them with unique experience in order to give
the aesthetic pleasure that accompanies them understanding of work. Besides, they
can learn many elements of literature, such as: character, plot, setting, point
of view, and knowledge about moral, social and psychology aspects.
Literature is a written material
that deals with thought and feeling. It is closely related to the existence of
human beings in the world. Literary works present series of events in life,
individually or communally. They represent real life because their events will
show life that is experienced, felt, and enjoyed by human beings.
Literature is universal. It talks
about human beings in general, their activities, duties, and existence in the
world. Jones (1968:1) states that literature is simply another way we can
experience the world around us through our imagination.
Novel is one of the literary
forms that are considered as fictitious long story, dealing with truth,
conflict and struggle. Jeremy Hawthorn (1985) states that a novel may include
references to real places, people and events but it cannot contain only such reference. However, it is still
representative of real life in same sense, even though its characters and
actions are just imagery.
Foster (in Warren and Wellek,
1990:3) states that novel is very helpful in showing a person the nature of
human character. Character is an important part in the story because it has a
function to build up the story. Characters refer to human beings, which have
some problems around them in a literary work.
In order to solve and understand
them, we need to learn psychology, because psychology consists of question
about every aspect of human behavior and considered as a scientific behavior
and mental processes.
Furthermore, Atkinson (1987) has
an opinion that psychological study touches all aspects of life and has an
important role in solving human problems.
Therefore, it is a fact that
novel and psychology have close relationship. Personality also studies about
human behavior. According to Kartono Kartini, (1974:14) she states that
personality is a totally organizer from individual psychics dispositions that give
the possibilities to distinguish the general characteristics with the other personalities.
In this study, the researcher
only analyzes the personality development and factors that influence the
personality development of the main character on novel Sons and Lovers written
by D.H. Lawrence by using the psychological approach.
This novel
is very interesting
to be analyzed
as an object
of the study
based on some considerations. First,
the researcher’s first
impression of this
novel was that the
main character of
Sons and Lovers
possesses strange behaviors
that hardly ever exist
in this world
of actual experience.
Paul Morel, the
protagonist of Sons
and Lovers, is based
on the youthful
D. H. Lawrence.
He is a
young man in
the painful process of growing up. He is also gradually
discovering that he is a gifted artist. Most important of
the story, Paul
is torn between
his passion for
two young women,
the mystical Miriam and
the sensual Clara,
and his unyielding
devotion to a
possessive mother. It can
be seen that
Paul merely as
a fellow under
the thumb of a dominating mother. Another view of Paul is that he derives great strength from
his mother and is inspired
rather than crippled by his
relationship to her. And Paul' s
conflict centers on his apparent hatred
for his father.
It can be
seen that not
only Paul' s abhorrence
of Walter Morel' s vulgarity
and alcoholism, but
also his imitation
of Walter' s carefree spirit and
lust for life.
Some of Paul' s
own brutality to
Miriam is derived
from his father' s behavior.
His masculine virility
is only another
version of brutality.
Paul' s inner conflicts are
as a reflection
of his parents'
very different personalities
and class backgrounds. His
character is combination
of his father' s
working-class simplicity, spontaneity,
and sensuality with his mother' s middle-class steadfast.
Second, this novel has been
acknowledged by many critics as one of the best novel of D.H. Lawrence. After
reading the Sons and Lovers, they get better understanding about men. Aldous
Huxely, in giving comments on the novel, says Sons and
Lovers is one
of the most
interesting works of
world famous novelist. D.H.
Lawrence was always
inescapably artist. He was
intensely aware of misery of the world. He was a clever man as well as a man of
The research entitled “An
Analysis on Paul Morel’s Personality Development in D.H. Lawrence’s Sons and
Lovers” is to analyze the personality development and factors that influence
the personality development of Paul Morel as the main character in novel Sons
and Lovers written by D.H. Lawrence by using the psychological approach. 1.2
Problems of the Study Based on the above background of the study, this research
is intended to answer the following problems: 1. How is the development of Paul’s personality?
2. What factors influence Paul’s
personality development? 1.3 Objectives of the Study In relation to the
previous problems of the study, the objectives of this study are formulated as
follows: 1. to describe how Paul’s
personality development 2. to describe
factors that influence Paul’s personality development 1.4 Scope and Limitation This
study is concerned psychological problems and Paul Morel’s personality development
as the main character in the novel Sons and Lovers by D.H. Lawrence.
The researcher limits her study
only about Paul Morel’s personality development and factors influencing his
personality development using the psychological approach.
1.5 Significance of the Study There
are two functional considerations for conducting the research. This study is
significant to conduct due to its theoretical and practical functions.
Theoretically, this research is
aimed at enriching the theoretical bases of literary studies, especially those
that are related to the psychological analysis of the character’s personality
development. Furthermore, the result of this study is
expected to be a reference and alternative information for other researchers in
conducting the similar research.
However, it only gives a little,
but expected to be valuable, contribution to the wide range of literary
studies. This study, then, needs to be followed and completed through other
researchers with the same subject or object of the study.

English Literature:An Analysis on Paul Morel’s Personality Development in D.H. Lawrence’s Sons and Lovers

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