Kamis, 13 November 2014

English Literature:Deixis Used In This Odd World” of the Jakarta Post

This chapter covers the discussion on
background of the study, problems of the study, objective of the study,
significance of the study, and definition of the key terms.
1.1 Background of the Study Allah mentioned in
the holy Qur’an Sura Ar – Ruum: 24 that “And among His signs, he shows you the
lightning by way both of fear and of hope, and he sends down rain from the sky
and with it gives life to the earth after it is dead: Verily in that are signs
for those who are wise.” From the verse
above, we know that Allah will give the signs in every event. Allah shows the
lightening, sends down rain from the sky, and gives life to the earth after it
is dead, but all of those signs have the meaning. It means that we have to use
our mind to know the signs given by Allah.
Signs also appear in texts. Texts
could not be interpreted based only on their truth meaning, because it directly
concerns with the relationship between the structure of languages and the
context in which they are used (Levinson, 1983: 54). To know the writer’s
interpretations of the texts, we have to analyze them in the form of discourse
analysis. Discourse analysis is a general term for a number of approaches to
analyze written, spoken, or sign language use. According to Brown and Yule
(1983: 27), that discourse analysis is describing what speakers and hearers are doing, and not the
relationship which exists between one sentence or proposition and another.
Furthermore, Cook (1989: IX) states that discourse analysis examines how stretches
of language are considered in their full textual, social, and psychological
context. There are two kinds of language, namely spoken
language and written language (Brown & Yule, 1983: 4). Spoken language is
language that is heard directly from the speakers. The speakers must monitor
what it is that he has just said, and determine whether it matches his
intentions while he is uttering his current phrase and monitoring not only his
own performance but also its reception by his hearers, while, written language
is language that is written by the writer.
The writer has no access to
immediate feedback and simply has to imagine the reader’s reaction (Brown &
Yule, 1983:5). The written language can be seen in the form of text. Text
refers to the verbal record of communicative act (Brown & Yule, 1983:6).
There are many kinds of written text, for instance, Newspapers, Magazines,
Novels, Poems, etc.
Deixis as a part of discourse
analysis deals with connections between discourse and the situation in which
the discourse is used (Renkema, 1993: 76).
Furthermore, Grundy (2000: 23)
states that deixis is the way in which a small number of words require an
addressee to be able to pick out a person, place or time relevant in
understanding how the words refer. According to Buhler in Renkema (1993: 77),
there are three types of deixis, namely: person deixis, place deixis, and time
deixis. Furthermore, Levinson (1983:68) states that besides the previous three types of deixis, there are two
others types of deixis namely, social deixis and discourse deixis.
In this research, the researcher
chooses Buhler’s theory to analyze newspaper because in the real world, the
theory of deixis can make intercultural variation in the way that speakers
encode the relationship of themselves to the world around them (Grundy, 2000:
Newspaper is a publication
containing news, information and advertising.
Most of Newspapers often
published daily or weekly. The first printed newspaper was published in 1605,
and the form has thrived even in the face of competition from technologies such
as radio, television, and the internet. General-interest newspapers are usually
journals of current news. Those can include political events, crime, business,
culture, sports, and opinions (editorials, columns, or political cartoons,).
(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Newspaper, accessed on 10th of March 2007). There
are many kinds of Newspapers published in Indonesia, for instance; Jawa pos, Kompas,
Republika, etc. All of them are published by using Indonesian Language. “The
Jakarta Post” is a daily Newspaper that published using English. This Newspaper
was published firstly in 1982. This newspaper is undertaken by PT Bina Media
Tenggara. At that time, there are two others kinds of newspaper published in
Indonesia, namely Indonesia Times, and Indonesia Observer. However, “The
Jakarta Post” is most well known.
accessed on 10th of March 2007) Furthermore,
the researcher chooses The Jakarta Post daily newspaper as an object of the
study because it is a daily newspaper using English and it covers all aspects
of live. This newspaper always gives the up to date news in the world so that
it is easy to the readers to get the information. “This Odd World” of The Jakarta
Post is a part of its section telling about something strange or unusual things
in the world. In "This Odd World" of The Jakarta Post, there are many
kinds of unusual events occur in the world. Based on the reasons described
above, it is significant to analyze the phenomenon of “This Odd World” of The
Jakarta Post daily newspaper.
This study has a relationship
with other researches that had been done by Hasanah (2004), which focuses on
Deixis of Headlines Published by Kompas during General Election 2004. It found
that there were five kinds of deixis namely person, place, time, discourse, and
social deixis. Furthermore, Fatmawati’s study (2006) has observed deixis in
“Opinion Section” Published by Tempo Magazines.
It analyzes the titles and
subtitles of “Opinion Section” published by Tempo Magazines using five kinds of
deixis, and Ningtyas’s study (2004) also researches deixis. It deals with the
deixis of advertisements published in “The Jakarta Post”.
Her study analyzes the
telecommunication tools advertisements using three kinds of deixis namely time,
place, and person deixis.
1.2 Problem of the Study In line with the
background of the study above, the problem proposed is: 1.
What types of deixis are used in “This Odd World” column of The Jakarta
Post daily newspaper? 1.3 Objective of
the Study Based on the problem mentioned above, the objective of this research
is to explain descriptively types of deixis used in “This Odd Wold” of “The
Jakarta Post” daily newspaper.
1.4 Scope and Limitation of the Study This
research focuses on analyzing the types of deixis as a part of discourse analysis.
The analysis is made on the deixis in “This Odd World” column of The Jakarta
Post daily newspaper. However contains of the news will not be taken. It focuses
on the sentences, utterances, or words related with the theory of deixis proposed
by Karl Buhler, which consists of three types of deixis, namely person deixis,
time deixis, and place deixis.
The problems discussed are
specified into three types of deixis.
The analysis is not made on other aspect that might have relation with
deixis, such as: implicture, flouting and hedging maxin, and presupposition.
Furthermore, the column analyzed is published in February 2007.
1.5 Significance of the Study The findings of
this research are expected to be able to give both theoretical and practical

English Literature:Deixis Used In This Odd World” of the Jakarta Post

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