Kamis, 13 November 2014

English Literature:Deixis Used By the Main Characters in Corpse Bride Movie

1.7 Background of the Study In
this society, human being cannot live alone. They need to cooperate with other people around them. So that, they
need language to communicate each other
in order to share, support their own identity, build social contact, and influence others to feel, think, and have
an action as they want. And also, we can
offer something, refuse something, and show what in our mind in spoken and written forms.
Language is used in written and
verbal communication. Grundy (1993: 7) states
that a proper understanding of „verbal in „verbal
communication requires an understanding of certain
characteristics of language. So, the focus of language itself is an instrument with which
objectives can be achieved. This instrument
cannot be looked at separating from speakers and listeners, writers and readers.
In studying language, discourse
analysis has an important role to know what in that interpretation. According to Brown and
Yule (1993: 9), discourse analysis is
the study of how human being used the language to communicate and in particular, how addressees work on
linguistic messages in order to interpret
them. In other words, discourse analysis is the frame work which deals with the language in use and how the
language users intend to convey the
meaning. Through discourse studies, we can study how the speakers and addressees communicate to each other.
Movies are cultural artifacts
created by specific cultures, which reflect those cultures, and in turn, affect them.
Movie as an art form which is produced
by recording actual people and objects with cameras, or by creating image using animation techniques or specific
Movie is also one of
communication instruments and a motion picture that we can enjoy the visualization of written form
into a complete moving image of screen.
Movie also deals with several concern of art, such as: plot, characters, setting, story, acting, and so on,
which indicate how movies exist in human
civilization. Movie could be both entertainment and cultural richness for each place and land in the world
has their own style and way of life
reflected within. As a matter of facts, movie can give further role as equipment in specific studies and technology.
As a media power, movie can arise
influence toward the viewer, and in many
cases, the influences often appear negative that positive. It is clear that every movie has social and moral responsibility
carried inside in performing in front of
public audiences. Movie cannot be viewed in one sight angle like entertainment; it has other inevitable angle
as a means of education. People can
learn everything in movie, so, we can conclude that the people as audience often imitate language or everything in the
movie, like fashion, new habits, and
also accessories. Most people, from the children until the old man do that.
Actually, there are many genres
of movies, such as animation, drama, action,
horror, and many others. But in this study, animation film is selected because animation movie is very time-consuming
and often very expensive to produce. In
this study, “Corpse Bride” movie is chosen because the language used is easy to understand and it has many
aspects of deixis types. Besides, from
“Corpse Bride” movie we also find the meaning of sacrifice and loyalty.
It is appeared when the corpse
bride want to wait for someone who will marry her even she has died and finally, she has to
make a sacrifice on someones behalf who loved.
Furthermore, the conversations in
“Corpse Bride” movie are chosen because
it gives the basic theory of how people use a language in speaking which focuses on the function of words. It is
impossible to understand the context of
conversations without analyzing the deixis. Therefore, the conversations between Victor Van Dort,
Victoria Everglot, and Corpse Bride as
the main characters in this movie are studied using deixis theory because it is always contextual. It is contextual because
to know the reference of some words or
utterances depends on the context.
Deixis is a little part of
discourse analysis, which studies reference.
Discourse is a discipline devoted
to the investigation of the relationship between form and function in verbal
communication (Renkema, 1993: 1).
Verbal communication relates to
the spoken language, while written language is in the form of texts. Therefore, discourse
is different from text. Discourse only
focuses on process, while text focuses on language production. Thus, in studying a language, discourse analysis has an
important role to identify what in the
interpretation process occurred. Furthermore, Levinson (1992: 54) says that the single most obvious way in the relationship
between language and context which is
reflected in the structures of language themselves is through the phenomenon of deixis. In addition, Grundy
(2000:272) states that deixis is the
indexical property of a closed class consisting of demonstratives such as their reference is determined in relation to
the point of origin of the utterance in
which they occur.
The deixis theory is proposed by
Karl Buhler. Deixis concerns the ways in which languages encode or grammaticalize
features of the context of an utterance
or a speech event. Deixis is clearly a form of referring that is tied to the speakers context,
with the most basic distinction between deictic expression being “near speaker” versus “away
from speaker” (Yule; 1996:9).

Deictic expression is an
expression that refers to the personal, temporal, or spatial aspect of an utterance, and whose
meaning therefore depends on the context
in which it is used. Deictic words are words with a reference point which is speaker or writer dependent and is
determined by the speakers or writers position
in space and time (Renkema; 1983:76).

Deixis linguistically refers to
words like now and then, words that have meanings “change quickly depending on
the time or space in which they are uttered".
Deixis has some relevance to analysis of conversation and pragmatics. It is often and best described as
“verbal pointing”, that is to say pointing
by means of language. The linguistic forms of this pointing are called deictic expressions, deictic markers or
deictic words; they are also sometimes called
indexical. In addition, Brinton (2000:111) states that the word deixis, from the Greek word meaning “to point”,
denotes the marking of objects and events
with respect to a certain reference point, which is usually the time and place of speaking (the speakers here and now).

English Literature:Deixis Used By the Main Characters in Corpse Bride Movie

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