Kamis, 13 November 2014

English Literature:Immoralities Found in Daniel Defoe’s Moll Flanders

1.1 Background of the Study Language
is a means of communication. People use language to express their ideas,
feelings, and thoughts, either in spoken or in written forms.
Sometime some people use the
written form of the language to convey their feelings, thoughts, or ideas, for
example in novels, poems, dramas, etc, which are commonly called literature.
There are some definitions
concerning what literature is. Some literary critics see literature as a
product of human creativity in the form of written or oral work (Wellek and
Warren, 1990:3). One reason why readers attend to literature differently is
that its utterances have a special relation to the world- a relation we call
‘fictional’. The literary work is a linguistics event, which projects a
fictional world that includes speakers, actors, events, and an implied audience
(Jonathan Culler, 1997:31).
From the above assumption,
however only sees literary work as the author’s imagination, which is
independent from other aspects of human life.
The claim that literature is
merely a work of fiction which has no historical truth, then, should be
re-examined because although literature is presented in an imaginative way, it
usually imitates, reflects, or at least describes the condition of the society
in which it is produced. It is accordance with what Iswanto (Jabrohim, 2001:61)
said that literary work is created in a society, as an imaginative result of an author and his reflection
toward the social symptoms around him, so that it is appearance part of life.
Furthermore Scott stated that literature as an artistic work is not created in
a vacuum, it is the work not simply of a person but of an author fixed in time
in space (1962:123). Literature, to some extent, can be an effective means to
reflect, even change, any social issues in any community around the world.
Beside literature as reflection
of human life in which it is produced, it also can be good source for the
readers, their needs, interests, cultural backgrounds and language levels.
Readers are usually interested in reading some literary works like drama,
novel, poem because the central theme of those are mostly about life, love,
death which are certainly undergone by all readers.
Furthermore, literature has its
roots in one of the most basic human desires, i.e., the desire for pleasure.
Since the invention of language, men have taken pleasure in following and
participating in the imaginary adventures and imaginary experiences of
imaginary people. Readers drive pleasure from literature’s power to imitate
live. A truly good book can speak of imaginary people so vividly that they seem
more alive than people in real life, and can make us care about its characters
as if they were close friends. Men read to discover themselves and their world,
to assess their special roles in the universe, to learn the meaning of the
personal struggles in which they are engaged. In other word, we want to share
In this study, the writer
concerns with literature especially novel. It is the art of work novelist in
beautiful language and high thought because reading novel is very interesting and we can catch
the message that is given by the author. Novel is an extended prose fiction
narrative that relates to the actions of its character and the events in their
experience. By reading novel every body can enjoy their spare time and also
fulfill their emotional needs. It can be done wherever and whatever. Literature
consists of values for education. Novel can possibly have literary value for us
if we can understand what messages are conveyed by the playwright. Here the
writer chooses a novel Moll Flanders that is written by Daniel Defoe who is
thought by many to be the first true novelist in the English language.
There are some reasons the writer
is interested in this novel. Firstly, she thinks that by reading it, the
readers will know the value contained in it and they have to be able to judge
its values, cultures, and life in it. Secondly, she thinks that studying moral
value is a very important thing and really relevant to the good people
especially for us educated people who live in Indonesia. Moreover, by knowing
the value in literature, we can improve the progression in our life.
Thirdly, this novel is not only
an extremely entertaining and action-packed story, but it also gives a valuable
and lively picture of th century society.
Although Moll Flanders (main
character of the story) is an exceptional character because of an ingenuity and
extraordinary life, the problems that faced are firmly rooted in her society.
Thus, we can know the social condition of English society in th century.
In this study the writer uses moral approach
to analyze the novel because she wants to know what moral messages that want to
be conveyed by the author to its readers. Moral approach emphasizes on how far
a literary work offers the morality reflection to its readers.
Realizing that moral value is
dynamic, it follows the culture and the fact that the novel consists of moral
and immoral values, so the writer thinks that studying Moll Flanders is useful
to decide the moral value of Daniel Defoe wants to convey. Then the readers can
decide whether those values are acceptable in Indonesian culture or not.
In this novel, we can find some
strange ways of life in the main character. This novel tells about a woman born
and bred in the murky stews of eighteenth century London. She is a poor woman
who wants to survive and has good status in her life, but eventually she
resorts to an immoral life to reach what she wants. To get her desires she is
willing to a life of whoredom, a life of crime, and a rollicking career of
incest and bigamy. After that, she is famous and lives happily with her husband
she loves.
From the consideration of the
reason above, the writer would like to conduct a study on “Immoralities Found
in Daniel Defoe’s Moll Flanders”. 1.2 Statements of the Problems Based on the
above background of study, this research is intended to answer the following
problems: 1. What immoralities are done
by the main character Moll Flanders in Daniel Defoe’s Moll Flanders? 2. What
are the causes of the immoralities done by the main character Moll Flanders in
Daniel Defoe’s Moll Flanders? 3. What are the effects of the immoralities done
by the main character Moll Flanders in Daniel Defoe’s Moll Flanders? 1.3
Objectives of the Study In relation to the above problems, the object of this
study is formulated as follows: 1. to describe the immoralities conduct in
Daniel Defoe’s Moll Flanders 2. to identify the motivation of the immoralities
done by the main character Moll Flanders in Daniel Defoe’s Moll Flanders 3. to describe the effects of the immoralities
done by the main character Moll Flanders in Daniel Defoe’s Moll Flanders 1.4
Scope and Limitation The scope of this study is the immoralities in the novel
of Moll Flanders written by Daniel Defoe. However, this study focuses only on
immoral behaviors of Moll Flanders. She is the main character of the novel.
1.5 Significance of the Study This study has
contributed in areas on both of theoretical and practical literature. For this
reason, there are two significance of study in this analysis.

English Literature:Immoralities Found in Daniel Defoe’s Moll Flanders

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