Minggu, 09 November 2014

English Literature:Apology Used In Bridget Jones The Edge Of Reason Movie


This chapter consists of
background of the study, statements of the problems, objectives of the study, scope and
limitation, significance of the study and
definition of key terms.

1.1 Background of the Study People
need to communicate with others. They can make friends through communication. Moreover, people can
know each other and have good relationship
with communication. When people have communication they may have acquired a good lexical and grammatical
command of the language. But, it is
possible for human being to make some violation or offense. If so, we may hurt other person or do something wrong. It
means that we have to do something to
repair it in order to make our relationship be better as Allah said An apology
can often be the first step to better understanding in a damaged relationship. It says that people
share values regarding appropriate behavior
towards each other, that they have regretswhen they don’t behave according to those values (intentionally or
unintentionally), and that they will make
greater efforts to live up to their shared standards of behavior (Francisca, 2006: 10).

Apology can clarify
misunderstanding when people did some mistake.

If it happens, they have to be
responsible and be regretful. But, sometimes ask an apology is very difficult for certain
people because they think its something shameful
and humility themselves or when you feel someone has offended you, hurt and anger often arise. Sometimes, you
want an apology in order to humiliate or
blame the other person, a motive that may provide short-term relief, but can damage a relationship in the long term.

The researcher interested in
conducting a study of the types of apology according to the thing what actually they want
to extend by using those types of apology.
The writer is interested in knowing how people ask an apology for some mistake and how they express their regret
using some words of apology.

Moore (2003) claimed that the
apology strategies (I’m sorry, excuse me, please forgive me, I beg your pardon, I
apologize) are anything from remedial expressions
of regret to sarcastic intimations of blame.

Based on the explanation above,
it is clear that apology strategies are important
to explore because we will learn how people ask for an apology appropriately to repair mistake. This study
investigates apology strategies used by
the characters in different subject from the previous study that is “Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason” movie. The reason
for choosing that movie is that because that movie provides the whole picture
or imagination is real visualization
that everyone can see. This movie also contains a lot of incidents that shows the damage of the relation and use
the apology to express their fault.

Studies on apology have been done
by previous researchers. For example, Hidayati
(2005), she focused on apology strategies in Indonesia language used by the Indonesian department students of the
State University of Malang. This study found
that Indonesian students of UM use the fifth strategies of apologies, they are an expression of apology, an
acknowledgement ofresponsibility, an explanation
or account of the situation, an offer of repair and promise of forbearance in five situations, but they refer
using offer of apology in direct apology
and offer of repair in indirect apology. This study used Trosborg’s (1987) theory.

Wallesa (2007) studied the types
of the apologies which are used by the female
shop-assistants of offician stores at tunjungan plaza and pasar turi are denying responsibility, minimizing affense,
affer of repair, expressing conan for the
hearer, and checking. This study used Trosborg’s theory intended to show the differences and the similarities in using
apology strategy which focuses on offer of
repair strategy which it is in common response to a complaint situation.

Lie (1998) focused on study using
about apology strategies on higher to lower
status, equal status, and lower to higher status that is used by American and Indonesians. Her research questions are to
show similarities and the differences of using apology strategies. which used Olshtain
and Cohen’s theory of apology to examine
apology strategies based on higher to lowerstatus, equal status, and lower to higher status.

Utomo (1997) He used Trosborg’s
theory of apology to find out the differences
between male and female travel agents using apology strategies in responding clients’ complaints.

Based on the explanation above,
the researcher tries to analyze apology based
on Daniela Kramer-Moore and Michael Moore’s theory entitled “Apology Used in Bridget Jones: The Edge of
Reason Movie”.

1.2 Statement of the Problems Based on background
of the study, the statements of the problem are formulated as follows: 1. What
kinds of apology are used in Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reasonmovie? 2. How
are those kinds of apology used in Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reasonmovie? 1.3
Objectives of the Study Dealing with the problems above, this study is
intended for several objectives as
follows: 1. To classify what kinds of apology are used
in Bridget Jones: The Edge of

2. To describe how apology used in Bridget
Jones: The Edge of Reasonmovie.

1.4 Scope and Limitation of the Study This
research is focused on apology in utterances which are spoken by the all characters of Bridget Jones: The Edge of
Reasonmovie based on Daniela Kramer-Moore
and Michael Moore’s theory. Besides, to avoid broadening of the discussion based on the theory, the scope of
this study is on the apology in utterances,
spoken words usually used by the speaker to apologize expressing their regret to other speakers. This theory
brieflypresents the directly apology by means
of an explicit apology using one of the verbsdirectly signaling apology (apologize, be sorry, excuse, etc) or it can
be done indirectly by taking on responsibility
or giving explanation.

The study analyzes several
aspects of explicit apologies: (1) The
general types of different forms of apologies examined. The types also relate to the social factor of gender to
see whether male or female speakers apologize
more extensively and whether they have any prefer in different forms of apologies.

(2) Another aspect that studied
is the usage patterns, which mainly include syntactic structures of different apologies.
Finally, the research attempt to examine
apologies on the pragmatic level by taking into account what is commonly apologized for in film settings. All
thesedifferent aspects and levels of analysis
related to the contextual factors, or situational features. The investigation not take into account the phonological level
since the nature of the available data does
not allow us to do that. To limit the scope ofthe investigation, the turns following apologies are not analyzed in
greater detail either. This important aspect of the apologizing routine could be a focus of
a separate study. This study uses script
obtained from the results of the conversations in the movies, and the dialogue is seen as natural as possible.

1.5 Significance of the Study This study is expected to give theoretical and
practical contribution in relation to
the study of apology. Theoretically, the findings would be useful to enlarge the audiences’ views on using apology,
and to open the new insight of apology
as that shown in the characters of “Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason” movie. The readers can learn some kinds of
apology strategies that they can use in their
real life when solving a certain problem, so they can use it properly and hopefully they can repair the communication It is also hoped that this thesis have
practical significances. First, for the second
language learners, this study enriches theirunderstanding on using the appropriate apology in conversation. Second,
this study is also be useful for sociolinguistic
or pragmatic teachers or lecturers in giving their students broader knowledge on the study of apology. Finally,
this study becomes a source of information
for others who are interested in doing further researchs on the same area.

1.6 Definition of the Key Terms In order to avoid
misunderstanding and misinterpretation of key words in this study, the researcher will defines the
following essential terms as follows: Apology : A word or statement to express a regret
because of having a wrong word or act to

Apology Strategies : The methods used by individuals to perform
the speech act of apology such as
statement of remorse and reparation.

In order to avoid
misunderstanding and miscommunication which
it can be hurt other people. (Bataineh, 2005) Types of apology Type 1 : There are elements of regret and promise
not to repeat the offense. (Moore, 2003)
Type 2
: Contains a bit of regret and certainly lacks a promise not to repeat the offense. (Moore, 2003) Type 3
: Implies neither regret nor offer any promise about the future act. Does not assume any
responsibility. (Moore, 2003) Type 4
: Implies neither regret nor promise. Similar with the second type but it is used in different
situation. (Moore, 2003) Type 5
: No regret, sometimes it is used to condescend and blame the other. (Moore, 2003) Type 6
: Does not imply any apologizing but it is rather such as verbal aggression. (Moore, 2003) Type 7
: No regret or promise. It is used only wants the hearer to repeat what s/he said. (Moore, 2003) CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE This chapter presents theories dealing with
the focus of this study: Communication
and Relationship, Definition of Apology, The Elements of Apology, Seven Types of Apology according to
Daniela Kramer-Moore and Michael Moore’s
theory, The Synopsis of “Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason” movie and The Previous Study.

English Literature:Apology Used In Bridget Jones The Edge Of Reason Movie

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