Minggu, 09 November 2014

English Literature:Speech Style Used in The Oprah Winfrey Show


This chapter presents the
background of the study, problems of the study, objectives of the study, scope
and limitation of the study, significances of the study, definition of the key
terms and organization of the study.

1.1. Background of the Study Language
has a very important function in human’s life.
People use language in to share idea, information, and knowledge.
Moreover, people have their own styles to express what they want to share. As
we know, nobody speaks the same style event though he/she speaks the same
language. Thus, actually speech style makes one person different from other

According to Chaika (1982:29)
style form a communication system in its own right one that determines how a
social interaction will proceed at all if it is continue, style tells how,
whether formally or informally. Style may also tell listener how to take what
is being said: seriously, ironically, humorously, dubiously, or in some other
way. Speech style can be called “way” to express something related to the
language that someone uses in communication to the other it can be in the form
of oral and written style of language
involve choose meaner of expressing and pattering of choices opinion and
selecting form in order to convey what the researcher want to express.

From Chaika statement, we
understand that styles are the way how the people convey the message. The style tells us
about the speaker' s means, such as, seriously, humorously, ironically, or in
some ways. Sometimes with smile and sometimes laugh loudly, it means that he
wants to convey the message humorously and indicates informality and it happens
among close friends.

According to Joos (1976:145),
speech style here means the form of language that the speaker use. Speech style
is influenced by the social factors. The speech style, which is used by a
person, is different from his or her partner speech style because they may have
different status, sex, age, social distance, occupation.

These differences have an
important rule in deciding the kind of speech style that people use while he or
she communicates with others. For example; the higher the social status of the
partner in a communication, the more formal speech style he or she uses.
Another thing that also has an important rule in deciding the kinds of speech
style is the setting where the conversation takes place. In a formal conference,
for example; it is not polite if we use casual style, such as; slang because
the conversation take place in the formal atmosphere. Language
is a complex system of meaningful vocal symbols (Yule, 1985: 64). Some
linguists claim that although animals have a means to communicate among their
groups but it does not belong to language because of several reasons.

Firstly, animal’s language cannot
develop like what humans have. Linguists, therefore, agree that animals do not
have language but they have only “sign” that is used to interact among their
groups. Secondly, other groups of animal cannot learn and produce the other’s
language while human can speak more that one language. Lastly, several studies
have been conducted to examine whether animals have language or not, but the results prove
that they can not speak like human. For example, an experiment on chimpanzees,
linguists have taught them language, but they can only speak what they have
heard and can not develop it. In conclusion, they can only imitate The use of language
is not for communication only, but also it is used for other purposes (Chaika,
1982:30). Some people, moreover, use language to achieve and reach an
intention. Politicians use language to influence other’s opinion to create an
agreement or support what they say and act or perhaps to control their power. A
president, for instance, uses language in speeches to persuade and convince
people that he or she is qualified to be the next president and what he or she
asserts about some issues is true based on his or her arguments.

Akinson and Ajirotutu (in
Gumperz, 1982:119) said: We then go on to compare the responses of two
candidates to a similar set of interview question: speech style expectation,
content, and underlying pattern. As leech (1981:10), states that style refer to
the way in which language is used in given context, by given person, for given
purpose. In the communication, we have the way to communicate with other
people. It depend on context, which whom we speech, and what is

‑ Meaning: “And among his sign is
the creation of the heaven and the earth and the variation on your language and your
color is the verily in that are signs for those who know”. (Ar- Ruum: 22) This
research focuses on the speech style used by the host and the guest in “the
Oprah Show’s transcripts, the researcher chooses speech style for his thesis because
speech style is important to use in communication. Using speech style people
can differentiate to whom they want to speak which is appropriate with situation,
function and of norm of social context. The researcher is interested in the
study of speech style used in “The Oprah Winfrey Show” for a number of reasons.
Firstly, the researcher interested in investigating talk show program because
language in talk show is produced in different styles reflecting social context.
Social context can be formal, casual, consultative, frozen, and intimate. In addition,
language in talk show program can make the listener easier to understand about
the topic. Secondly, the language used in “The Oprah Winfrey Show” is unique.
The host in this program in this case is Oprah Winfrey can adjust her style to
the topic and situation. Therefore, she makes the situation alive, very
friendly, and not awkward. Lastly, the guests and the participants in the program
have their own different social background, which mean that this program
consists of president and actor. The Oprah Winfrey show channel can be found
every country for example; United State, Europe, Hong Kong, Indonesia and many
more (http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/34050109/ns/entertainmenttelevision/).

Actually, speech style has been
conducted by some researcher but in different method and object of each study.
For example, Anna Mu' minatus Zuhriyah
(2002), under the title " A Study on Nurse' Language Styles and Their Implications to
Patients' Psychological Development in
dr. Syaiful Anwar Hospital Malang, which describes the kinds of the language
styles used by nurses in dr. Syaiful Anwar Hospital of Malang. In carrying
their patients and their relationship to the patient’s psychological
development. In addition, the study also talks about the reason of the nurses
in using the language styles to their patients.

Sri Ratnawati (2004) thesis under
the title "A Study on The Language Styles used in Advertisement in news
week Magazine" which describes the kinds of' the language styles used in advertisement,
and the contexts of the language styles used in advertisement.

Moreover, Sulis Mas’udah (2008)
also studied the language style used by the characters in Titanic movie. She
found the used of speech style formal, informal and colloquial style can be
friendly impression in the speech and the most dominant speech style most used
by the main characters is formal language style.

In the present study, the
researcher discusses the Speech Style used by Oprah Winfrey in the Oprah Show.
In which focuses on the kinds of language styles and the dominant speech style
are used by the host and guest in the in the Oprah Winfrey Show.

1.2. Problems of the Study Based
on the background of study presented above, this study is undertaken to answer
the following questions: 1. What are speech styles used by the host and
the guest in the Oprah Winfrey Show? 2.
What are the dominant speech styles used by the host and the guest in
the Oprah Winfrey Show? 1.3. Objectives of the Study In line with the problems stated above, the
objectives of this study are 1. To
identify the speech Styles used by the host and the guest in the Oprah Winfrey
Show 2. To identify the dominant speech
styles used by the host and the guest in the Oprah Winfrey Show 1.4
Significance of the Study The researcher considers that this study will give
valuable knowledge and understanding for reader about speech style used in “The
Oprah Winfrey Show”, In this case, Oprah Winfrey uses speech style in order to
make the show more interesting. Moreover, this study will be used as example
for other students who are interested in studying about Speech style.

This study gives theoretical and
practical contribution. Theoretically,
this study contributes to give more knowledge about speech style in daily conversation.
Practically, it will give useful not only to student of English department but
also to all reader of this study and especially to concern with language styles
used by the host and guest in the Oprah Winfrey Show. 1.5
Scope and Limitation This study focuses on
the use of general types of speech style, namely: be formal, casual,
consultative, frozen, and intimate. The researcher limits to this research to
the language styles which are used by the host (Oprah Winfrey) and the guest
President of America (Barrack Obama and his wife Michelle ) beside that, the
researcher does not analyze all of the utterance of Oprah Winfrey’s utterance,
Obama and his wife’s. However, he just takes some utterances of them.

The analyses of the researcher is
not totally true or right because it just prediction according the theory,
maybe it will different purpose from the script researcher purpose.

1.6. Definition of the Key Term 1. Speech
style Speech st yle is
the form that
the speaker used
which is usual ly measured along a formal, i nformal,
humor, i ronic and serious.

2. Formal
style Formal style is a st yle that i s General used i n formal situation,
for example in Graduation
ceremony and it is
typically used in speaking to
medium or large Group.

3. Informal
Style Informal style is permitti
ng certain abbreviations and
delectations not permitted in formal speech,
are also rule governed.

4. Ironic
Style Irony is typically used to
complain to or criticize intimates, who are usually hearers of the remarks.
Hearers' reactions to both sarcastic and
directly stated remarks with comparable content were

g � $ r b � � de the researcher believes that it would be a good idea to conduct a research. The
researcher also took Sigmund Freud’s theory
because most problems in the novel were appropiate analyzed through it.

About pleasure, Sigmund Freud is
the only psychological figure who asserts that the pleasure and sexuality principles affects
mo stly people’s personality. In the holy
Qur’an, the delineation of humanistic pleasure principle is also illustrated in
the sorah “The Family of Imran” vrs. 14
as The meaning: The love of desires, of women and sons and hoarded treasures of
gold and silver and well bred horses and
cattle and tilth, is made to seem fair to men; this is the provision of the life of this
world; and Allah is He with Whom is the
good goal (of life).

rk is C � i � � social background. As Elizabeth and Burns said that
literary is not only the effect of social
causes but also the cause of the social effect (Endaswara, 2003:79).

As the research that uses the
sociological approach, this research will analyze the individual and society. This
research purposed to show the correlation between the works of literature and the
society. Itis because the works of literature
is produced by an author, the author is a part of the society and the author uses the society’s properties, and the
result of the literary works will be used
by the society.

1.6.2 Data Source The main source which provides the data for
this research is the novel The Known
World by Edward P. Jones which is published in pdf formatfrom http://rapidshare.com/files/7118957/jones__edward__p_the_known_world__pulit

1.6.3 Data Collecting As one procedure to solve the problem well,
the researcher begins the research with
collecting the data. Here, the researcher takes some steps. These steps are done to make a systematical data and
keepits validity.

The steps are begun by reading
and understanding the novel The Known World.
From this step, the researcher finds some generaldata relating with the condition of racial discrimination happened in
Edward P. Jones’ The Known Worldin form
of paragraphs, phrases and sentences. After this step, the researcher chooses the data which only deals with the
problemsof the study; it is about the form
of racial discrimination and the cause of it and weather does or not the novel reflect the condition of racial discrimination
in Virginia in the last of th century.

To make the process of writing
the result of study easy, the writer in this step gives red colors to the sentences or paragraph
which are used as data. The last step of
data collecting is simplifying the data and to find the only appropriate data which can be analyzed to answer the problems
of thestudy.

1.6.4 Data Analysis After collecting and studying the data, the
researcher comes to the data analysis.
The first step is the researcher tries toexplore the data found and analyze it according to sociology concept of racial
discrimination. This step will help the researcher
to find the forms of racial discrimination in Edward P. Jones’ The Known World.

The second step is focusing in
analyzing the data to find the causes of racial discrimination happened in the society
described in Edward P. Jones’ The Known
World. So, the researcher must carefully classify which data are included to the forms of racial discrimination and
which data are included to the causes of racial discrimination.

The third step is comparing the
condition of racialdiscrimination, its forms
and causes in the Edward P. Jones’ The Known World with some information or references to know does the
racial discrimination told in the novel reflected
the real condition in Virginia in th century
as the sociological research usually
have to do.

The last step is making
conclusion based on the whole analysis. The conclusion covers all of the discussions in
the research.

1.7 Definition of Key Terms To help the reader to understand this thesis,
it isneed to give the key terms of the
research. The key terms are: Discrimination:the
treatment or consideration based on class or category rather than individual merit. It is usually
associated with prejudice. It can be behavior promoting a certain group (e.g. affirmative
action), or it can be negative behavior directed
against a certain group. In the other word, discrimination is unequal treatment of various categories of people.

Racial discrimination: any
distinction, exclusion, restriction or preference based on race, color, descent, or national or ethnic
origin which has the purpose or effect of
nullifying or impairing the recognition, enjoyment or exercise, on an equal footing, of human rights and fundamental
freedoms in the political, economic, social,
cultural or any other field of public life.

English Literature:Speech Style Used in The Oprah Winfrey Show

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