Minggu, 09 November 2014

English Literature:Hedonism and Homosexual Tendency in Oscar Wilde's The Picture of Dorian Gray


1.1 Background of The Study Literature is human creation used as a medium
to express feeling, thought idea,
experience and so on. Neil Grant (1987: 7) says that literature is defined as writing in which expression and form, in
connectionwith ideal of permanent and universal
interest. This statement asserts that literary work is a product of human thought. As result of permanent ideas and
universal, literature can be comfortably enjoyed by any people in different ages.

One of the objectives of literary
works is to tell story for the sake of comprehending
values value in literary works is intended as the suggestion from the author consisting value teaching
practically tothe readers. This statement is accordance with the opinion of Nurgiyanto (
1995:322 ) who states that literary works
or fictions are written by the author to offer an ideal lifestyle and there is value application in the attitude, behavior of
the character of human being. It is also
applied authority and human prestige. The author creates the literary works is not only using the skill and creation ability
at all, but also based on the vision, inspiration
and struggle.

From the statement above it can
be known that we can find something in the
literary works written by certain author about everything related to life such
as attitude, behavior, and ethics in
social interaction. These guidelines are particular because its model is found in the real life as
model presented in the story trough character,
Literary works is viewed as
psychological phenomena. An author uses feelings
thought, and idea in creating literary work. Therefore, psychological literary criticism analyzes literary works as
psyche activity. According to Jatman in
Endrawarsa ( 2003 : 96 ), literature and psychology have tight relationship.

Both literature and psychology
have similar object,that is human life. However, psychology has real phenomena and literature
only imaginative one.

Literature has some function.
Firstly, literature is knowledge. Of course, literature provides some information in which
reader can access it. Secondly, literature
is power. Literature can be persuasion, urge and criticism to the society or government and so on. The next function is
literature is entertainment. People can
get certain pleasure when they enjoy it. However, Koesnosubroto ( 1998 : 2 ) states that literature gives us more pleasure,
which is not only enjoyment but also understanding.

According to Culler ( 1997:20 )
there are three literary genres namely prose,
poems, and play ( drama ). Prose is free composition which ignores the amount of syllables of lines of sentences. In
this case the researcher takes prose in the
form of novel as the object of the thesis because novel is a kind of literary work presenting many kinds of view and value.
In this study, the researcher intended
to analyze the novel by using psychological approach, especially hedonism and homosexual tendency.

There are great number of awesome
novels and well-known authors in the annals
history of literature. But, the researcher chooses one of Oscar Wilde’s work’s The picture of Dorian Gray. The Picture
of Dorian Grayis a novel, which was
written by Oscar Wilde’s. It is one of the mostpopular among Oscar Wilde novel. Which was published in 1890. This novel
concerned about a hedonism and homosexual
who has happened to Dorian.

The novel begins with Lord Henry
Wotton observing the artist Basil Hallward
painting the portrait of a handsome young man named Dorian Gray.

Dorrian arrives later, meeting
Wotton. After hearing Lord Henry’s world view, Dorian begins to think that beauty is the only
worthily aspect of life, and the only thing
left to pursue. Dorian wishes to emulate LordHenry, espousing a new kind of hedonism, Lord Henry suggest that the only
thingworth pursuing in life beauty, and
the fulfilment of the senses, which in turn rouses Lord Henry a sublimated expression of homosexual. It is,
howeverworth only person Dorian claims
to have loved is a woman Sibyl Vayne. He meet Sibly Vane who performs Shakespeare in a dingy theatre, Dorian
approaches her, and very soon, proposes marriage.
Sibly, who refers to him as prince charming, rushes home to tell her sceptical mother and brother, her protective

When Sibly perform in Romeo and
Juliet.Sibly, suddenly loses her acting abilities
through the experience of true with Dorian and perform very badly.

Dorian rejects her saying that her
beauty was in her art and he was no longer interested in her. But finally, Dorian has
conscious if he was hurt Sibly and he decides
to reconcile with sibyl, but Lord Henry arrives in the morning to say that Sibly has killed herself by swallowing prussic

One night before he leaves Paris,
Basil arrives to question Dorian about rumours
of his indulgences .He takes Basil to the portrait which is revealed to have become ugly under Dorian sins. Dorian
blames the artist for his fate, and stabs
him to death. He then blackmails an old friend named Alan Campbell, who happened to be chemist into destroying the

In novel The Picture of Dorian
Graythere psychological collapse that the fleshing out of Dorian as a character. In
novel described Dorian have double live, keenly the terrible pleasure . Dorian’s
indulgence is most evident in Dorian’s visits
to the opium dens in London. Lord Henry asserts that crime belongs exclusively to the lower orders, which suggest
thatDorian is both the criminal and the
aesthete combined in one man is name Dorian Gray.

According to M. Sofyan Hadi
(2004) the student of UIN MMI Malang entitled
The Gap Between Inner Reality and Outer Appearence in Leo Tolstoy’s The Death of Ivan Ilyh. In this study
specially he emphasizes the discussion on the death of Ivan Ilych of main character and
usingpsychological approach that using
the theory of social psychology. However, in this thesis the researcher analyzes different novel and title but same
approach and theory on focus on main character

There are some reasons why the
researcher chooses this novel as the object of the study. Firstly, the researcher is
interestedin revealing hedonism and homosexual.
Secondly, how the theory of psychology can explore what happen.

By reading this novel we can know
about hedonism and homosexual.

Based on the previous reasons the
researcher wants to analyze Hedonism and Homosexual Tendency in Oscar Wilde’s The
Picture of Dorian Gray.

1.2 Statements of the Problems Related to the background of the study, the
researcher tries to explore the problem
as follow : 1. what hedonism tendency of Dorian is portrayed
in The Picture of Dorian Grayviewed from
social psychology? 2. what homosexual tendency of Dorian is
portrayed in The Picture of Dorian
Grayviewed from social psychology? 1.3
Objectives of the Study In accordance
with the statements of the problem, the purposes of the study are: 1. to describe what hedonism of Dorian portrayed
in The Picture of Dorian Grayviewed from
social psychology.

2. to describe what homosexual of Dorian
portrayed in The picture of Dorian Grayviewed
from social psychology.

1.4 Significance of the Study The
result of this research is generally expected to be able to give a valuable contribution theoretically and

Theoretically, the result can be used as a
reference on the research of literature
itself in educational institutions.

Practically, it is expected that the result of
this research would be useful for the
readers to understand and know deeply the psychological approach of the main character on Dorian Gray’s The Picture Of
Dorian Gray.

1.5 Scopes and Limitation of the
Study The scope and limitation of the
writer’s study is analyzing the intrinsic element, which focusing on the main character
and the crisis psychology found in Oscar
Wilde’s The picture of Dorian Gray and describing the hedonism and homosexual that found in The picture of Dorian

While, the limitation is the
weakness of the study.The study is literary criticism want to explain hedonism and
homosexual tendency, but in The picture of
Dorian Graythe author does mention any hedonism and homosexual acts more explicitly .

1.6 Research Method The
researcher discusses the researcher method which is used to analyze the novel. They are research design, data source,
data collection and data analysis.

1.6.1 Research Design This study
is a literary criticism and the researcher uses the psychological approach and focused on the aspects of main
character psychological condition in The Picture of Dorian Graynovel. David
Daiches in his book: Approaches in Literary
Criticism say that we can look at the behaviour of charactersin a novel or a play in the light of modern psychological
knowledge and, if their behaviour confirms
what we know about the subtleties of the human mind, we can use modern theories as a means of elucidating and
interpreting the work ( 1974:348 ).

The theory of psychology is taken from the
book ofTheodere M, Newcomb, Ralph H.
Turner and Philip E. Converse; Social Psychology, and other book related to the purpose of this study. The
theory gives stress on the behaviour and
consciousness of the character. After knowing the character personality, it will be easy to divide and describe hedonism
and homosexual. In addition, Wilhelm
Wundt ( 1832-1920 ) stated the ‘’theory of psychology is no longer just the philosophical meaning, but theory of
psychologyis the theory learning about human
consciousness’’. In this case, Oscar Wilde’s The Picture of Dorian Gray that
has many confusing problem that make his psychological collapse because Dorian feels keenly the terrible pleasure of a
double life , so, the psychological approach
is match to analyze the novel.

The main purpose of the
researcher uses this approach is to describe what are the hedonism and homosexual tendency
portrayed in The Picture of Dorian Gray
and how the theory of psychology which showing thehuman consciousness can explore what happen to Dorian Gray.

1.6.2 Data Source In conducting
this research, the source of the study taken from the novel The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde which
was published in 1890 and other books
related to the purpose of this study.

English Literature:Hedonism and Homosexual Tendency in Oscar Wilde's The Picture of Dorian Gray

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