Senin, 03 November 2014

English Literature:Anna’s Sacrifrices In Jodi Picoult’s Nover My Sister’s Keeper

 1. 1. Background of the Study There are many
ways to express idea and feeling. One of the ways to express  idea or feeling is by writing a literature.
Rene Wellek and Austin Warren (1997: 5)  said
that literature should be creative, an art and what an author has
produced.  Not  have  much
different meaning  from Wellek and
Warren,  Julien  D. 
Bonn (2010:  93) said  that 
literature  in  a 
broader  aspect,  literature 
can  be  define 
as  any  written 
or  spoken  material 
but  the  term 
most often  refers  to 
creative  works.  While 
according  Robert  dan 
Henry  (1993:1)  Literature 
refers  to  compositions 
that  tell  stories,  dramatize 
situations,  express  emotions 
and  analyze  and 
advocate  ideas.  Although  they 
have  different  meanings, 
but  the  writer 
concludes  that  literature 
is  a  creative  work which contains beauty that arises out of
the human ability to create language.
Wellek  and 
Warren  also  said 
literary  language  has 
an  expressive  function,  indicates the tone and the attitude of the
speaker or writer. Literary langua ge tries to  influence, 
persuade  and  eventually 
change  the  attitudes 
of  readers.  The 
most  important  in 
literary  is  a  sign  language, 
the  sound  symbolism 
of  words.  There 
are  many  variety techniques created  (e.g. 
alliteration  and  sound patterns)  to 
attract  the reader’s  attention 
to  the  literary 
work  (1997:  15). 
Literature  itself  has 
functions;  it  entertains the reader, it provides knowledge
such as history, culture, social life and it  is 
give  us  moral 
teaching.  Literature  is 
to  please  and 
to  teach  the 
reader.  Literary  works 
may  please their  listeners 
or  readers.  It  has
an  element  of 
entertaining  or  to  afford  pleasure 
or  we  can 
say  that  many 
stories  attract  our 
interest.  Some  literary   could stir our feeling and emotion. As the
result, we may feel sad, happy, or angry  after listening or reading a story.
Edgar  V. 
Robert  and  Henry 
E.  Jacobs  (1995:2) 
classified  literature  into 
four  categories  or 
genres:  (1)  prose 
fiction,  (2)  poetry, 
(3)  drama,  (4) 
nonfiction  prose.
Prose  fiction 
or  narrative  fiction 
includes  myths,  parables, 
romances,  novels  and  short
stories. Poetry expresses a conversation or interchange that is grounded in
most  deeply  felt 
experiences  of  human 
beings.  Drama  is 
literature  designed  to  be  performed by actors. Beside, non-fiction prose
is literary genre that consists of news  reports,  feature 
articles,  essays,  editorials, 
textbooks,  historical  and 
biographical  works and the like,
all of which describe or interpret facts and present judgments and  opinions.
The fiction that will be
discussed in this thesis is a novel entitled 
My Sister’s Keeper  written  by 
Jodi  Picoult.  Rees’ 
( 1973:106  )  stated 
that  novel  is 
a  fictitious  prose narrative of considerate length in which
characters and action representative of  real  life 
are  portrayed  in  a  plot of 
more or  less  complexity. 
The  novel  My 
Sister’s Keeper is one of her 
works  which became a New York
Times bestseller. Beside that  she  has 
published  many  novels; 
there  are  Salem 
Falls,  Plain  Truth, 
Vanishing  Act and many more.
Picoult’s novels ally deal with ethical issues and are told from a  variety 
of  viewpoints,  with 
each  chapter  written 
in  a  different 
character’s  voice.
Abrams (1981: 20) stated that
characters are the  persons  in a 
narrative of dramatic  work  of  art 
such  as  novel, 
play  or  film, 
that  are  interpreted 
by  reader  as 
being  enclosed  with 
moral  and  dispositional 
qualities  expressed  in 
what  they  say 
–  the  dialogue – and what they do – the action.
 As we know that character is one of an
important aspect of the novel. There are  many characters in  My Sister’s 
Keeper  novel, the characters
are:  Sara Fitzgerald is a  mother of 
three children,  Jesse,  Kate 
and Anna.  She made  decisions 
for  Anna and  taking 
control  of  her 
life,  Brian  Fitzgerald 
is  Anna’s  father. 
He  is  a 
fire  fighter  captain. 
Being  a  good 
parent,  facing  a 
difficult  problem  and 
take  care  all 
of  the  broken 
family  is  not 
easy  for  him, 
Anna  Fitzgerald  is 
a  younger  daughter 
of  Fitzgerald couple. She was
born for a specific purpose, to save her sister life, Kate  Fitzgerald is an older daughter of Fitzgerald
couple. She diagnosed had a leukemia,  but
in case of Kate she had an Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia, one of rare leukemia  disease, 
Jesse  Fitzgerald  is 
a  son  of 
Fitzgerald  couple.  He is a 
broken  home  child,  Campbell Alexander is a lawyer. Anna  hires 
him to sue her  mother her rights
over  her own body, Julia Romano is a
guardian al litem. A GAL is chosen by a court to be  a 
child’s  advocate  during 
a  legal  proceeding 
that  involves  a 
minor.  From  the  description
of the characters, the writer decided to choose one of the main character  named Anna Fitzgerald.
Anna Fitzgerald is a thirteen
years old girl  was born for specific
reason to save  her sister life.  Anna should be an allogenic donor for her
sister because her sister has  leukemia.
By newborn, she used to do sacrifices 
for her sister, Kate.  Actually,
Anna  is 
not sick, but she might as well be. By 
age thirteen, she  has undergone
countless  surgeries, transfusions, and
shots so that her older sister, Kate, can somehow fight the  leukemia that has plagued her since
childhood.  Then when she reached aged
thirteen,  Anna tries to get her rights
over her own body, she wants a freedom from 
being her  sister donor, Kate.
Anna tries to tell her mother to stop using 
her body to save  her  sister. But on the other hand, her mother does
not want to lose her daughter Kate and   Anna.
Her mother should sacrifice one of her daughter’s life to save the other. Her  mother action is not exactly cruel, but cannot
be said as good, either.
In  this 
thesis,  the  writer 
will  analyze  the 
sacrifices  found  from 
the  character  Anna in 
My Sister’s Keeper  written by
Jodi Picoult. The writer chooses one of Jodi  Picoult 
works  because  the 
story  was  interesting 
especially  about  the 
sacrifices  of  Anna. Generally, sacrifice was come from the
heart. No one should be forced to do  it.
But different in Anna’s story, she should sacrifice herself from newborn until
her  death.  And 
we  know  that 
every  people  have 
a  moral,  even 
it  is  good  or  bad. 
The  moral value in this novel
deals with  the human problem in
life.  This story can be  a  good
lesson for reader; they can see how to be a good person by being more tolerant  of other people’s feelings, minding their
attitude and responsibility in society.
1. 2. Problem of the Study Every
thesis has a problem, as a purpose to complete this thesis, the writer will  focus the 
analysis  to  the leading characters  named 
“Anna”.  Through  Jodi Picoult’s  novel 
My Sister’s  Keeper, the writer
will try to explain her sacrifice, the way she did  it and also about her struggle to get her
rights over her own body. In order to doing  the analysis, the writer would like to put
forward the problems as follows: 1) What are Anna’s sacrifices to save her
sister’s life? 2) How does she sacrifice to save her sister’s life? 3) What are
Anna’s struggles to get her rights over her own body?  1. 3. Objective of the Study The objective of
this thesis is to find out and explain the sacrifices, the way she  did 
it  and  the 
struggle  which  Anna 
faced  as  portrayed 
in  the  novel 
My  Sister’s  Keeper. Then the writer also explains Anna’s
fight in order to get her rights over her  own body as reflected in the story of the

English Literature:Anna’s Sacrifrices In Jodi Picoult’s Nover My Sister’s Keeper

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