Senin, 03 November 2014

English Literature:A Short Happy Moment Of Charlie's Life In Flower For Algernon By Daniel Keyes

Background of the Study According Julien Bonn (2012;93) Literature
includes poetry, drama, fiction  and  many 
kinds  of  non 
fiction  writing,  as 
well  as  oral, 
dramatic  and  broadcast  compositions, 
not  necessarily  preserved 
in  a  written 
format  such  as 
films  and  television programs.
The fiction works discussed in
this thesis is a Novel. According to Julien Bonn  (2010;112) Novel is a long fictional narrative
written in prose, which developed from  the
novella and other early forms of narrative. A 
Novel is ally organized under  a  plot or theme with a focus on the character
development and action. Actions  and the characters
in the novel made by the writer themelves. So an action and the events of  the 
novel  can  be 
a  real  story 
in  everyday  life 
can  be  ambitions, 
sadness,  joy,  happiness, sense, logic, and many others are
based on the fact of one’s life. So in this  th esis the writer analysis the character
plot, setting and theme just little  explained. According to Roberts (1990;45)
character is the imaginary person that the  author creates and can be classified as major
and minor character. Major character is  an  important 
figure  at  the 
centre  of  story’s 
action  or  theme 
whereas  minor  is  the
 character which support the major
character and to illuminate them. According Julien  Bonn (2010;128) Plot is an author’s selection
and arrangement of incidents in a story  to
shape the action and give the story a particular focus. Discussion of plot
include  not just what happens, but also
how and why things happens happen the way they do. Stories 
that  are  written 
in  a  pyramidal 
pattern divide  the  plot 
three  essential  parts.
The  first 
part  is  the 
rising  action,  in 
which  complications  created 
some  sort  of  conflict
for  the 
protagonist.  The  second part 
is the  climax,  the 
moment  of  greatest  emotional tension in a narrative, ally marking
a turning point in the plot at which  the  r ising 
action  reserves  to 
become  the  falling 
action.  The  third 
part,  the  falling  action (or resolution) is characterized by
diminishing tensions and the resolution of  the plot’s conflict and complications. In
media’s res is a term used to described the  common strategy of beginning a story in the
middle of the action. In this type of plot,  we enter the story on the verge of some
important moment.
According  to 
Julien  Bonn  (2010;153) 
Setting  is  the 
time,  place,  culture 
in  which  the 
action  of the  narrative 
takes  place. The  elements 
of  setting  may 
include  geographyc  location, 
characters  pyshical,  and 
mental  environments,  prevailing  cultural attitudes or the historical time in
which the action takes place. According to  Julien Bonn (2010;171) Theme is a central idea
or statement that unifies and controls  the
entire work. The theme can take the form of a brief and meaningful insight or a
 comprehensive vision of life, it may be
a single idea.
“Flower for Algernon” is the
novel written by Daniel Keyes was born August 9, 1972 is an American author
best known for his Hugo Award - Winning short story  and 
Nebula Award  –  Winning 
novel  “Flower  for Algernon”.  Keyes 
was  given  the  Author
Emeritus honor by Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America in 2000.
The writer interested in analysis
this Novel because Daniel Keyes was able to make a  rare story about a mentally retarded named
Charlie had  a short happy moment and  able 
make  a  Fantasy 
story.  Then  the 
writer  prefer  to 
Novel  than  poetry 
or  drama.
Therefore the writer wish to
study “Flower for Algernon” by Daniel Keyes.
 The novel tells the story of Charlie Gordon
has an IQ of 68 and has job at a  bakery.  Charlie 
narrates  his  experience 
through  ‘progress  reports’, 
which  he  has  agreed
to submit himself to experimental surgery in order to improve his intelligence.
The reports reveal Charlie’s
experience in the bakery to which the owner, his uncle’s  friend, 
has  brought  him 
from  the  Warren 
State  Home  for 
retarted  people.  Charlie  becomes a part of the bakery, and considers
the people there as his friends. Yet, he is  dissatisfied and wants to be ‘smart’. So, he
joins a special school for retarted people  at Beckman College. Charlie attends reading
and writing classes at Beekman College  Center
for Retarded Adult to improve himself. 
After this, his teacher, Alice Kinnian,  recommends him to a research team at Beckman
psychology department. Alice as a  teacher  is 
a  young  attractive 
woman.  Two  scientist 
at  Beekman  are 
looking  for  a  human
test subject on whom to try an experimental medicine  to increase intelligent.
They  have 
already  try  this 
experimental  medicine  on 
a  mouse  named 
Algernon  which  be 
success  intelligent.  Alice  support 
Charlie  to  undergo 
that  experimental  medicine. 
Charlie  then  undergoes 
weeks  of  testing 
and  competing  with  a  white  mouse,
Algernon at completing mazes. He  is
depressed when the mouse beats him  every  time. 
The  operation  takes 
place  and  Charlie 
is  disappointed  at 
not  ‘getting  smart’ 
immediately.  However,  he 
is  assured  that 
he  will  progress 
gradually,  but  steadily. Over 
a period of time, Charlie finds himself being able to read more, win  some 
mazes  and  master 
complex  processes  at 
the  bakery.  He 
is  disillusioned  with  many
of them. He has to spend a lot of time reading and being tested at the Beckman  lab. 
By  now,  he 
knows  that  Algernon 
has  also  had 
surgery  similar  to 
his,  which  accounts 
for  his  intelligence. 
Charlie  surges  ahead 
in  gathering  knowledge 
and  mastering languages. He
begins to see his supportive teacher Alice, as an attractive  young 
woman.  They  become 
close  and  he 
tries  to  make 
love  to  her. 
On  several   occasions, he finds he has a violent physical
reaction when he is making love to her  and
therefore has to stop. He can’t understand why this  happens. Around the same  time, Charlie’s repressed memories of his
home, surface. Disturbing scenes, like, his  mother pushing him to study or others when he
is being pushed aside in favor of his  younger
sister, flash through his memory. Charlie is upset, but he finds his newfound  intellectual ability thrilling and works hard.
He finds that he and Algernon are to be  taken
to Chicago for a convention, at which Numer will present the findings of the  team. 
The  experimental  is 
success.  Charlie  has  
an  IQ  185 
now.  However,  as  his
 intelligent  increases, 
his  relationship  with 
people  be  bad. 
Finally  intellectual  of  Charlie
be regresses. He said sorry for his parents co-workers. In a final postscript
to  his writings, he request that someone
put flower on Algernon’s grave.
1.2  Problem of the Study This thesis is going to
find whether Charlie really have A Short Happy moment  after an Experimental Medicine success? 1.3
Objective of the Study The aim of this thesis is to describe  whether 
Charlie really have a short happy  moment after an Experimental Medicine success.
1.4 Scope of the study  Scope of the study is only analyzing
characters in  Flower for Algernon.
 1.5 Significant of the study  Significant of the study is to improve the
learning of literature, especially literary  novels 
in  addition to drama  and poetry. 
Another significant  is  that 
there  are  moral  lessons
to understand of the main character.

English Literature:A Short Happy Moment Of Charlie's Life In Flower For Algernon By Daniel Keyes

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