Senin, 03 November 2014

English Literature:An Error Analysis Of Passive Voice Made By The Second Year Student Of SMA Negeri 1 Sigunung Pakpak Bharat


Background of the Study Language 
has  various  definitions. 
Language  is  very 
beneficial  in  our 

Language is used to communicate
to each other, to make our life easier. There is no  reason to say that language is less crucial
than other aspects for the lives of human.

According  to Sapir 
(1921:9) “Language  is  a 
system  of  arbitrary 
vocal  and  visual symbols used by people in a given
culture to carry on their daily affairs”. It  means 
that  an  integrative 
view  combining  aspects 
and  function  of 
language.  This  definition 
covers  three  important 
components:  (a)  internal 
structure,  (b)  speech  community 
in  a  given 
culture,  and  (c) 
communicative  function  of 
Montgomert (1962:15) says
“Language is order to communicate one with another, to  express our personal reactions to situations,
to simulate a response in someone else,  and
for the sake of thinking something out”. It means that language is not only can
be  conveyed verbally but also can be
conveyed by situation and condition that we feel.
Knapp and Watkins (2005:29) says
“That  language  is always produced, exchanged  or received as text; that is, language as a
system of communication is organized as  cohesive
units we call text”. From the statement above language can be changed, into  other 
forms  for  communication.  It 
based  on  who  
is  our  opponent. 
Children,  teenangers or parents.
To know parts of the language, we
have to study about grammar. Grammar is  one  of 
the  aspects  of 
teaching  English.  Grammar 
is  the  most 
important  part  of  Jual
skripsi language for anyone, which  would
be understood first before being able to construct  the sentence.
In the case of foreign language
learners, the students may make some errors,  for it requires sufficient understanding of
every student’s ability. In order to analyse  learner’s 
errors  in   a 
proper  perspective,  it 
is  crucial  to 
make  distinction  between  mistakes and errors. A mistake refers to a
performance error that is a failure to utilize  a known system correctly.
Error  may 
occur  in  all 
components  of  language 
such  as  grammar. 
Knapp  (2005:33)  say s 
that  grammar  therefore 
needs  to  deal 
with  language  from 
three  perspectives: the generic,
the textual, and syntactical. Error is a systematic deviation  from the accepted system of target language.
Mistake is a non systematic deviation  from  accepte d 
system  of  the 
target  language.  While 
lapse  is  a 
non  systematic  deviation 
from  the  accepted 
system  of  language 
being  learnt  it’s  usually  due  to
 human limitation such as tiredness,
nervous, and fatigue.
Passive voice is used when the
focus is on the action. It is not important or  not known; however, who or what is performing
the action.
Example: My bike was stolen.
In the example above, the focus
is on the fact that my bike was stolen. I do not know,  however, who did it.
Sometimes a statement in passive
is more polite than active voice, as the following  example shows: Jual skripsi In this case, I
focus on the fact that a mistake was made, but I do not blame anyone.
Example: You have made a mistake.
1.1.1  Form of Passive Subject + finite form of to
be + Past Participle (3rd column of irregular verbs) Example: A letter was
When rewriting active sentences
in passive voice, note the following:   the object of the active sentence becomes the
subject of the passive sentence   the finite form of the verb is changed (to be
+ past participle)   the subject of the active sentence becomes
the object of the passive sentence  (or is dropped) 1.1.2   Examples of Passive  Tense 
Subject  Verb  Object Simple Present Active:  Rita 
writes  a letter.
Passive:  A letter 
is written  by Rita.
Simple Past Active:  Rita 
wrote  a letter.
Passive:  A letter 
was written  by Rita.
Present Perfect Active:  Rita 
has written  a letter.
Passive:  A letter 
has been written  by Rita.
Future I Active:  Rita 
will write  a letter.
Passive:  A letter 
will be written  by Rita.
Jual skripsi Present Active:  Rita 
can write  a letter.
Passive:  A letter 
can be written  by Rita.

English Literature:An Error Analysis Of Passive Voice Made By The Second Year Student Of SMA Negeri 1 Sigunung Pakpak Bharat

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