Senin, 03 November 2014

English Literature: An Analysis of Translating Phrasal Verbs from “Fallen” by Lauren Kate into “Terkutuk” by Fanny Yuanita

Background of the Study 
There  are  thousands 
of  languages  amended 
and used  in  this 
world;  each of  them 
has  differences  and 
uniqueness.  Language  is 
a  tool  of 
communication  for  people 
daily  life  such 
as  English  as 
International  language.  In 
fact,  English  recommended as one of compulsory subject in
every school and university.
We  use 
language  in  order 
to  communicate  with 
others,  to  express 
our  personal reactions to
situation, to stimulate a response on someone else, and for the  sake 
of  thinking  something 
out.  Language  may 
be  as  a 
means  of  conveying  something that the user of the language wants
to convey. In the wider sense, the word  language  is 
used  as  to 
cover  any  means 
used  to  convey 
emotion  and  thoughts  (Robert, 15: 1952). Many people speak English
and use it, along with its components  and
structures in their daily lives. However, the English phrasal verb is often
found,  but rarely used. Phrasal verb
usually found when people doing translation process.
Translation  is 
studying  the  lexicon, 
grammatical  structure,  communication  situation, 
and  cultural  context 
of  the  source 
language  text,  analyzing 
it  in  order 
to  determine its meaning, and
then reconstructing this same meaning using lexicon and  grammatical structure, which are appropriate
in the receptor language and its cultural  context 
(Larson,  1984:  3). 
Translation  as  a 
means  to  transfer 
equivalent  message  from 
source  language  to 
target  language,  so 
that  communication  of 
human  keeps  going on.
Language may  refer 
either  to  the 
specifically human capacity 
for  acquiring  and 
using  complex  systems 
of communication,  or  to 
a  specific  instance 
of  such  a  system  of 
complex  communication.  Owen 
(2006:1)  describes  the 
language  as  socially 
shared  symbols.  Those 
combinations  of  symbols 
and  rules  governed 
by  some provisions and socially
accepted conventions.
  Phrasal  verb is 
a  combination  of  a
verb and  a preposition,  a 
verb  and  an adverb, or a verb with both an adverb and a
preposition, any of which are part of  the
syntax of the sentence, and so are complete semantic unit. Sentences may
contain  direct  and 
indirect  objects  in 
addition  to  the 
phrasal  verb. Phrasal  verbs 
are  particularly  frequent 
in  the English  language. 
A  phrasal  verb 
often  has  a 
meaning  which different from the
original verb.
Based  on 
its  characteristics,  people 
find  difficulties  to 
translate  the  phrasal  verbs. 
In  some  cases, 
when  translated  into 
another  language,  either 
its  meaning  is  changed  or 
it  is  meaningless. 
This  case  may 
occur  in  the 
literary  translated  texts,  such as 
in the translated  novel. In this
thesis, the writer analyzes the phrasal verbs  found in Lauren Kate’s  Fallen 
translated into Bahasa Indonesia 
Terkutuk  by Fanny  Yuanita.
This  novel 
tells  about  Lucinda 
Price  who  is 
a  seventeen- year-old  girl  from
Georgia. She previously attended a private school in New Hampshire before the  court ordered her be moved to a boarding
school for troubled youth, after an incident  which left her alive, but her boyfriend Trevor
dead. When she first enters Sword &  Cross,
she realizes how much her life will change. There are cameras watching her  every 
move  and  there 
is  a  strict 
rule  regarding  cell 
phones.  On  her 
first  day,  she  meets
Arriane Alter, an excitable and enigmatic girl who immediately takes a liking  to 
Luce.  She  shows 
her  fondness  by 
asking  Luce  to 
cut  her  hair 
just  like  Luce's,  much to Luce's dismay for she does not want to
mess her hair up. Also on her first  day  at 
Sword  &  Cross, 
Luce  finds  herself 
meeting  the  handsome 
Cam  Briel  and  interested  to the 
fascinating Daniel  Grigori,  who 
seems  to have  mixed 
feelings for  her when he smiles
and then flips her off. During the first day, she also meets Penn,  the 
daughter  of  the 
deceased  caretaker.  Luce 
also  makes  enemies 
to  an  angry 
girl  who has multiple  facial piercings, Molly. She feels as if
Daniel is familiar. Luce falls  in  love with Daniel,  and with the 
help of Penn and the 
librarian,  she uncovers  her  secret  -  she
reincarnates  every  lifetime 
after  meeting  Daniel, 
whom  she  also  discovers  is 
an  angel,  as 
well  as  many of 
the  other  school 
kids.  There  is  an
angel  fight at the end, where the
librarian is found to be evil and murders Penn and tries to  kill Luce but Daniel saves her.  Cam is actually a demon and fights against
Daniel in  the battle to determine Luce’s
life or death.
reasons why the writer chose the topic of this thesis is because the writer  likes to read novels especially novels that
are now favored, both in terms of story and  characterizations,  after 
reading  the  novel 
the  writer  found 
in  this  novel 
there  are  many 
sentences  that  use 
phrasal  verb.  Phrasal 
verb  is  also 
frequently  used  in  everyday
language, also contained in the articles or other works of English literature.
The second reason is, the writer
observes an opportunity in the topic of phrasal verbs,  the 
opportunity  to  reveal 
the  translation  process 
of  phrasal  verbs 
into  Bahasa  Indonesia.
In  the 
translation  of  Lauren 
Kate’s  Fallen,  the 
writer  finds  some 
phrasal  verbs, such as: Source
language (English): Wherever he ended up, it would be easier then being here.
(Page 2) Target language (Bahasa Indonesia): Kemanapun ia pergi, akan lebih
mudah daripada berada disini. (Page 11) The translator translates ended up into
pergi, it changes the sense of meaning  totally,  but 
in  this  case, 
the  translator  translates 
the  phrasal  verb 
by  transitive  expression of phrasal verb based on oblique
meaning translation.

English Literature: An Analysis of Translating Phrasal Verbs from “Fallen” by Lauren Kate into “Terkutuk” by Fanny Yuanita

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