This chapter elaborates on the background of
the study, problem statements, and
objectives of the study, significance of the study, scope and limitation of the study and clarification
definition of the key terms.
1.1 Background of the Study It is self-evident that language plays a very
vitalrole in advancing human civilization.
As a means to exchange message, language enables humans preserve and develop their civilization. By language,
humanscan transfer their ideas, share their
thought, and create civilization. This is what makes human beings are different from other creatures in this world.
According to Yule language is a complex
system of meaningful vocal symbols.
Some linguists claim that although animals
have a means to communicate among their
groups but it does not belong to language because of several reasons.
Firstly, animal’s language can
not develop like what humans have. Linguists, therefore, agree that animals do not have
language but they have only “sign” that is
used to interact among their groups. Secondly, other groups of animal can not learn and produce the other’s language while
human can speak more that one language.
Lastly, several studies have been conducted to examine whether animals have language or not, but the results
provethat they can not speak like George Yule. 1985. The Study of Language.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
human. For example, an experiment on
chimpanzees, linguists have taught them language,
but they can only speak what they have heard and can not develop it. In conclusion, they can only imitate.
The beginning of human language
itself, however, isstill in debate among linguists and language philosophers. There are
no certain facts or data that can explain
us scientifically of when firstly human language emerges. Most of linguists just assume it and it ends in
controversies. In accordance with al-Qur’an, Surah al-Baqarah, verses 30—34, as one who
lives and dedicates his life in the State
Islamic University of Malang, Rahardjo, states that indeed language firstly emerged a long with the emergence of Adam, the
father of human beings.
Behold, thy lord said to the angels: “I will
createa vicegerent on earth”. They said:
“wilt Thou place therein one whowill make mischief therein and shed blood? Whilst we do
celebrate Thy praises and glorify Thy
holy (name)?” He said: “I know what ye know
not” (verse: 30). Mudjia Rahardjo. 2006. Bahasa, Pemikiran dan
Peradaban [Language, Thought, and Civilization].
Malang: Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Malang. p.4. And
He taught Adam the names of all things; then Heplaced them before the angels, and said: “Tell Me the
names of these if ye are right” (verse:
They said: “Glorify to thee: Of
knowledge we have none, save what Thou
hast taught us: in truth it is Thou who art perfect in knowledge and wisdom” (verse: 32).
He said: “O’ Adam! Tell them
their names”. When he had told them
their names, Allah said: “Did I not tell you that I know the secrets of heaven and earth, and I know what
ye reveal, what ye conceal?” (verse: 33).
And behold, We said to the
angels: “Bow down to Adam”: and they
bowed down: Not so Iblis (Satan): He refused and was haughty: He was of those who reject faith
(verse: 34).
Although the debate of the beginning of
language still runs, it will not reduce the significance and the urgency of language in
human life.
The use of language is not for communication
only,but also it is used for other
purposes. Some people, moreover, use languageto achieve and reach an intention. Politicians use language to
influence other’s opinion to create an agreement
or support to what they say and act or perhaps to control their power. A presidential candidate, for instance, uses
languagein his or her speeches to persuade
and convince people that he or she is qualified to be the next president and what he or she asserts about some issues
is true based on his or her arguments.
Thus, language is a means to reach some purposes.
language has a very important role in human life, some experts give more concerns with language. Afterward, there
is a particular discipline that Qur’an, Karim. Translated by Abdallah Yousouf
Ali corrected and revised by F. Amira Zrein
Matraji. 1999. Beirut: Dar el-Fikr.
Elaine Chaika. 1982. Language the Social
Mirror. Massachusetts: Newbury House Publisher,
studies language that is recognized as
Linguistics.Linguistics is the study of human
More specific, Linguistics is the study of a
systematic meaningful vocal symbol.
Discourse Analysis is one of
Interdisciplinary Linguistics. There is recently
a perspective of Discourse Analysis that is very well-known among Discourse Analysts. Critical Discourse
Analysis is a new perspective in language studies in which it has main foundation that
stateslanguage is a means to fulfil goal
and interest and related to the power. It means that every people communicate and produce language to reach the
aim of the communication at least and to
influence other people.
There are several versions of
Critical Discourse Analysis. One of the versions
of Critical Discourse Analysis, that is more applicable and that provides complete version of discourse, is Discourse
Structures that are introduced by Teun A.
van Dijk. He declares that there is a complete version of discourse: Macro Structure, Micro Structure, and Super
Macro Structure is a general or global meaning of a particular text that is
examined by focusing on topics of the text,
Super Structure is a sequence of a text such as how elements and structures of discourse are arranged in a full body of
text, and Micro Structure is concerned with
the meanings of discourse by investigating andanalyzing words, sentences, propositions, and phrases.
H. G. Widdowson. 1996. Linguistics. London: Oxford University Press. p.
Tuen A. van Dijk. 2004. from Text Grammar to
Critical Discourse Analysis. Working Paper.
Barcelona: Universitat Pompeu Fabra. Vol. 2.
Sakban Rosidi. 2007. Analisis Wacana Kritis
sebagai Ragam Paradigma Kajian Wacana
[Critical Discourse Analysis as Variance of Paradigm of Inquiry on Discourse].
Working Paper. Malang:
Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Malang. p. 10.
In this research, the researcher investigates
the phenomena of Microstructural level of American Senator, Barack Obama’s
political speeches. This model of
Critical Discourse Analysis is considered fit to this phenomenon of language because political speeches that are
delivered by a presidential candidate of
course have goals to influence other people. Eventually, this research attempts
to answer the question about discursive
tactics of Micro Structure which are used by Barack Obama in his political speeches.
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