Rabu, 12 November 2014

English Literature:An Analysis on Conjunction in Newsweek Magazine

This chapter deals with
introduction that consists of background of the study, problem of the study,
objectives of the study, significance of the study, scope and limitation of the
study and definition of key terms.
1.1 Background of the Study you
who believe! Be careful of (your duty to) Allah and speak the right word."
(Al-Ahzab: 70) In this verse, Allah told us to speak to others with the right
words. It means that we must be careful to what we want to communicate to
others. In other words, we must be able to communicate with others as well as
Moreover, communication is not
only by speaking but also writing. For example, we can communicate to others by
writing an article. In it we have to create our statement as well as possible
in order to make the language arranged nicely so that the ideas can be received
easily without ambiguous statement. Therefore, it must have good unity or
coherence. Then, in order to make the article has good unity or coherence we
must use grammatical cohesion devices. One of them is conjunction. It is a
means that can make sentences or clauses in the article are related to one
another, A to B, B to A, and so on. Therefore, conjunction is important to be
studied because it is a very important means in a language that make sentences
or clauses cohesively related. As a result, it makes the sentences or clauses
clearly interpreted and easy to be understood.
Halliday and Hasan (1984: 227)
stated that conjunction is a relationship that indicates how the subsequent
sentence or clause should be linked to the preceding or the following (part of
the) sentence. In other words, conjunction is a word or part of speech to link
other words or phrases. One use of a conjunction is to connect words or phrases
that have the same grammatical function in a sentence.
The existence of conjunction is
absolutely important to be observed because conjunction is used as the glue
that ties in every sentence. In this case, this study also observes conjunction
used in article. In it the writers have to create their statement as well as
possible in order to make the language they used arranged nicely so that the
ideas can be received easily without ambiguous statement. Therefore, it needs
cohesive markers such as conjunction to make it clearly interpreted.
Besides, article is useful for
people because it can give many kinds of information for their daily life.
People can get many kinds of articles in printed media, such as, newspaper,
magazine, etc. Magazine is one of printed media that provide articles. It
serves us many pages of pictorial symbol and pictorial images.
In addition, magazine also serves
much information or news, including daily common events in local, regional and
international. There are many kinds of magazine published in English language,
such as, Time, Tempo, Newsweek, Hello, etc.
In this study, the researcher
chooses Newsweek because it is assumed that this magazine is one of the English
publications written by English native speaker which is now widely read in
Indonesia. Therefore, the language and cultural load of the articles which
exist in this publication are not influenced by other languages or by other
cultural varieties. It is different from English publications which are written
by non-native speakers which are probably interfered by the language and cultural
background of the writers. Besides, it is an international magazine that can be
obtained by people easily in the closest agents. It is weekly magazine that provides
English learners of any background of study with good reading materials, such
as stories, articles, poems, etc.
Newsweek magazine is divided into
several sections, such as periscope, perspectives, world view, etc. In this
case, the world view section is chosen because it provides much information
about the issue in the world. Besides, the articles in this section contain
various kinds of conjunction to make sentences in that articles have unity.
Furthermore, studying conjunction
in Newsweek magazine will be useful for people especially for English learners.
They will know various kinds and functions of conjunction used in Newsweek
magazine. Therefore, they can learn more from it and are able to apply their
This study has relation with the
research which is done by Indrawati (2007) entitled ³Cohesive Devices Expressed
by the Main Character of Casino Royal Film´. The research was aimed at
investigating the type as well as the functions cohesive devices expressed by
the main character of Casino Royal film.
The second research was conducted
by Elviyah (2007) entitled ³A Study on Formal Links Used in Ahmed Deedat Vs.
Pastor Stanley Sjoberg¶s Debate (Is Jesus God)´. The research aimed at
investigating the cohesive devices in Ahmed Deedat Vs. Pastor Stanley Sjoberg¶s
Debate ´Is Jesus God´.
Both of the studies focused on
all of types of cohesion devices. In addition, both of them focused at
investigating on debate and film that categorized as spoken discourse. However,
the present study is only focused at investigating on one type of cohesion
devices that is conjunction and its types. Moreover, this study focused at
investigating on the articles that categorized as one of written discourse.
Besides, this study is also aimed at investigating the functions and the mostly
types of conjunction used in article of Newsweek magazine.
From the explanation above it can
be concluded that the existence of conjunction in article is absolutely
important because it is used as the glue that ties in every sentence. It means
that conjunction make a sentence cohesively related and easy to be understood.
Based on the reason, this research aims at discussing ³An Analysis on
Conjunction in Newsweek Magazine.´ 1.2 Problem of the Study Based on the
description of background of study above, the problem of the study is
formulated generally as ³How are the conjunction used in Newsweek magazine?´Specifically,
the problem of the study is formulated as the following research questions: 1.
What are the types of conjunction used in Newsweek magazine? 2. Which type of
conjunction is mostly used in Newsweek magazine? 3. What are the functions of
conjunction used in Newsweek magazine? 1.3 Objectives of the Study Generally,
the study is aimed to describe how conjunction is used in Newsweek magazine. Specifically,
it is aimed as follows: 1. To identify the conjunction used in Newsweek
2. To identify the most type of
conjunction used in Newsweek magazine.
3. To describe the functions of
conjunction used in Newsweek magazine.
1.4 Significance of the Study The
findings of the study are expected to give clear descriptions about conjunction,
including the types and the functions of conjunction used in Newsweek magazine.
Besides, practically it is expected that the result of the study dealing with
conjunction will give valuable contribution to: 1. English learners: to be
alternative information for them who are interested in learning various kinds
of conjunction and its function in Newsweek magazine. So they can learn more
from it and are able to apply their knowledge.

English Literature:An Analysis on Conjunction in Newsweek Magazine

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