Rabu, 12 November 2014

English Literature:An Analysis of Language Style Used in Traveling Gear Advertisement Magazine of Outside” Magazine

This chapter presents background of the study,
problem statements, objective of the
study, originality and significance of the study, scope and limitation of the
study and clarification definition of
key terms.
1.1 Background of the Study It is
inevitable that each person has their own characteristic in expressing their feelings and in conveying message to others.
One's feeling and thought will be expressed
in accordance with his own way and manner. Dealing with this statement, several meanings of language style is arisen
(Wales, 2001:371; Renkema, 1993: 97; Crystal
and Davy, 1969:9-10). Wales (2001:371) for example, defines it to the perceived distinctive manner of expression in
writing or speaking. It also can be seen as variation in language use, whether literary or
non-literary. The variations in linguistics features is also commonly used to particular
non-literary situations, for instancein advertising,
legal language, and sports commentary.
Every human uses the varieties of style in
every different situation with the purpose
of getting the greatest attention from the listener or reader. Related to this statement, Guth (in Sari, 2004:17) affirms
that good speaker or writer will get success on their aim rely on how well people use the
words, how they deliver a message to others,
what they say to a dissatisfied person, and how well they understand what they are told to do. To sum up, he said that in
creating a good communication, people are required to use various ways or stylistic
language to make our messages are accepted by others.
Based on the explanations above,
the characteristic variation of each human being is also stated in Holy Al-Quran Surah
Ar-Ruum 30:22: Meaning: And of His signs is the creation of the
heavens andthe earth, and the difference of your language and colors. Lo! Herein indeed are
portentsfor men of knowledge.
Therefore, although human are
created by God with the difference of language, tribe, and nation, it is important for us to
know other languages and its style to avoid getting misunderstanding among the society.
Language is not always related with race, but it is true that language is the
significant part of ethnic membership in many things.
It is a social fact. We can
differentiate and recognize one's ethnic group from her or his language. Sumarsono (in Habibah, 2006:3)
stated that language often placed as the main identification sign related to someone
and his ethnic or country.
Dealing with the languages
variation, it implies to the individual’s style of the language that is used.
Obviously, there are no people who speak or write their idea exactly in the same way. In expressing an idea
in the form of spoken or written language,
people have and use their own style. Schuster (1965:9) characterizes that style in language is the manner of expressing
whatever is expressed. In general, style has been widely used in every aspect of life.
There are styles in dresses, styles in automobiles,
styles in football player and also styles in speech and writing. While McCrimmon (1963:135-142) divides language
style into 3 kinds: 1) Formal style, 2) Informal
style, and 3) Colloquial style.
It is interesting to investigate
how the speaker or writer uses their own style in conveying the intentional writing or speaking
to other people. In writing, the writer puts
the utterance in the form of written language only. And on the other hand, in speaking, the speaker delivers the message in
order to be heard and known what the speaker
wants directly. Based on those explanations, the researcher is interested in investigating the language style used in the
written form, especially in the advertisement
The definition of advertisement has been quoted
by some experts, such as Gaw (1961:9),
Wells (1973:11), Bolen (1984:4), Rowse and Nolan (1957:37). For instance, Gaw (1061:9) describes advertisement as a
media for selling ideas, goods, or services.
It employs paid space or time or
uses a vehicle to carry it message that does not hide the identity of the advertiser or his
relationship to the sales effort. While Rowse and Nolan (1957:37) defines advertisement as a
tool of communication that has many purposes,
such as; to introduce a new product, to familiarize consumers with the product uses, to attract consumers, and to
introduce styles and customs.
Advertisement can be easily found
in all mass media, either on television, internet, or in newspaper. In this case, the
researcher selects the language used in the traveling gear advertisement of “Outside”
magazine as the object in analyzing language style. Advertisement, especially goods
advertisement, is selected as data source ofthis research for several reasons; firstly,
advertisement is a form of written communication that develops at the same time with the
advance of technology. The development of technology allows people to communicate with
each other in many ways, so the advertiser
attempts to use language style in their advertisement as attractive as possible.
Thus, the use of language style
in advertisements nowadays becomes more remarkable to be analyzed. Second, in linguistics study,
advertisement in news is included into transactional
discourse since its stress is on the expression of message from an advertiser to consumers (Brown & Yule,
1983:1). Third, the language of advertisement is compact and has a persuasive impact, and it
is different from most of other language used in everyday life.
“Outside” magazine is a magazine
which is dedicated to cover the people, mainly
for men, sports and activities, traveling gear, literature, and world. Also, “Outside” has always been driven by the search
for innovative ways to connect people to
the world outdoors. (http://www.outside.away.com/outside/system/aboutus.html).
”Outside” magazine is chosen
because it has various and attractive advertisements, especially for the traveling gear
advertisements, which present differentlanguage style.
Traveling gear is the equipment
or tool which is used by people to travel from one place to another.
Moreover, there are some
researchers who conducted investigation in this field of study. For instance, Zahra (2006), she analyzed
language style used by bloggers in the
blogosphere. Here, she described that there are five styles of language style, namely: consultative style, casual style,
deliberative style, oratorical style, and intimate style.
Hidayat (2004) conducted a
research on language styles of advertisement in Jawa Pos. the result of his study shows that
there are five categories of language style in the advertisement according to Mott (1968).
They are narrative style, dramaticstyle, newsy style, dialogue style, and humorous
While Ersan (2003) investigated
stylistics analysis on “A Marriage Proposal” play by Anton Chekhov. The result of this
research is that there are two theories used, those are the theories of McCrimmon (1972) and
Kirsner and Mandell (1997).

English Literature:An Analysis of Language Style Used in Traveling Gear Advertisement Magazine of Outside” Magazine

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