Rabu, 12 November 2014

English Literature:Syntactical Analysis on Structural Ambiguity found in IELTS Reading Comprehension Text

This chapter contains background
of study, problem statement, objective of
the study, significant of the study, scope and limitation, anddefinition of the
key terms.
1.1 Background of Study As a part of language, sentence, spoken or
even written, becomes the important
thing in distributing information. For this reason, a speaker or writer as the informant has to have clear
sentencesin order to give the specific
understanding. Allah says in the holy Al- Qur’an, O ye who believe! Fear Allah, and make your
utterance straight forward” (Al-Ahzab:
Absolutely we can think that it
includes many part of understanding, such
as; meaning, ways, and grammatical as well. That is why this research is absolutely important referring to that verse,
because it studies the structural ambiguity
of sentences in order to get the specificunderstanding.
In linguistics, syntacticor
structural ambiguity is a type of linguistic ambiguity that arises as a result
of the structure or syntax of a sentence.
Structural ambiguity occurs when
a phrase or sentence has more than one underlying
structure, e.g., these compulsions can be either mental or behavioral in nature. These ambiguities are
said to be structural because this sentence
can be represented in two structurally different ways: These
compulsions can be either [mental] or [behavioral in nature] The compulsion can be either mental or
behavioral which is applied in nature These compulsions can be either [[mental] or
[behavioral] in nature] The compulsions
can be either mental or behavioral,which both are applied in nature The above example is a type of grouping
syntactic ambiguity that is ambiguous
because it is unclear whether an adverb in a sentence modifies only one or several objects. When the role a
word plays in a sentence is unclear it
will influence the understanding of the reader or the listener, because it will have more than one meaning as
well.This kind of case will occur the
object of speech and writing not with theexception of whom does such English capability test, such as IELTS.
English skill is being important
for everyone wanting her/him self to be
actual and interact with the global word. The growing science which is really fast and the globalization flow in many
parts of life are impossible being followed
without having a professional English capability. And for this reason, we must standardize our English either
for academic or professional purposes by
join IELTS or other international standard test. Today, the use of IELTS for standardize one’s English capability
is being larger in the entire world.
That is why, now many institutions select giving scholarships by using IELTS (Saifuddin: 2007) Some studies concerning with syntactical
analysis have been done by some
researchers. This research uses some others studies as reference, those are the study entitled “A Syntactic Analysis
on theEnglish Translation of Surah Yasin
Using Theory of Tree Diagram” written by Khotimatul Rahmawati (2007) and “Syntactic Errors in the
Argumentative Essay of the Students
English Letters and Language Department of UIN Malang, written by Iva Syarifatin (2007)”. Both used the same
theory for the analysis, that is the
theory of tree diagram.
Based on the reason above, this
research intends toanalyze syntactically
the structural ambiguity on IELTS reading comprehension texts by using tree diagrams analysis proposed by
Diana Bornstein in her book “An Introduction
to Transformational Grammar” (1977). So, this thesis is entitled” SYNTACTIC ANALYSIS ON STRUCTURAL AMBIGUITY
1.2 Problem Statements The research problem of this research is “how
is the structural ambiguity of IELTS
reading comprehension texts?” To answer
the problem above, the research questionsare formulated as follows: 1. What
is structural ambiguity found in IELTS readingcomprehension texts? 2. What is the structural distinction among the
representations of structural ambiguity
found in IELTS reading comprehension texts? 1.3 Objectives of the Study The objective of the study is aimed to answer
the problem statements above completely.
Those are: 1. To find the structural ambiguity found in
IELTS reading comprehension texts 2. To
find the structural distinction among the representations of structural ambiguity found in IELTS reading comprehension
1.4 Significance of the Study The valuable result of this study will give
two advantages — theoretically and
practically. Theoretically, this study will give a valuable finding to the field of syntax specifically on
structural ambiguity. Practically, the result of this study will be
useful for those who want to take
IELTS—to make them understand the reading comprehension text.
1.5 Scope and Limitation This study is descriptive qualitative study
concerning with the syntactic analysis
on the structural ambiguity of the IELTS reading comprehension texts.
The analysis of the structural
ambiguity is limitedto the structural ambiguity
of the reading comprehension texts of IELTS. The data are taken from Barron’s IELTS book (2008). This research
doesnot discus about the transformational
rule, complement phrases or other objects of study. In analyzing the data, the researcher uses the
theory of tree diagram suggested by
Diane D. Bornstein (1977) in her book “An Introduction to Transformational Grammar”.
1.6 Definition of the Key Terms In order to avoid misinterpretation, it is
necessary to define and give some
explanation about the words based on the title of this thesis related to the language terms. The definition of the
key terms is stated as follows: 1. Syntactic Analysis: is the process of
analyzing a sequence of tokens to determine
its grammatical structure with respect toa given formal grammar.
2. Structural Ambiguity: is the ambiguity on way
in which the parts of the sentence are
put together.
3. IELTS: stands from International English
LanguageTesting System. It is one of
English capability test, designed specially for whom wanting to join middle or high academic institution or
even for living in countries use English.
4. Reading comprehension text: a main written
part of test the level of understanding
of a passage.
CHAPTER II REVIEW OF THE RELATED LITERATURE In the review of the related literature some
of theories dealing with the focus of
this study will be discussed. Those are; syntactical analysis, structural approach, syntactic structure, tree diagram,
structural ambiguity, IELTS reading comprehension
texts, and about previous study as well.
2.1 Syntactical Analysis The
definition of syntactical analysis depends on how we determine the meaning of syntax itself. As the term of
this analysis, some linguists have said
more about it.
Syntax is the way in which words
are arranged to show relationships of
meaning within (and sometimes between) sentences(Crystal: 1987).

English Literature:Syntactical Analysis on Structural Ambiguity found in IELTS Reading Comprehension Text

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