Sabtu, 15 November 2014

English Literature:An Analysis on the Overstatements in the Headlines of The Jakarta Post

chapter presents the discussion about background of the study, statement of research problem, objectives of the study,
significance of the study, scope and limitation
of the study, and the definition of the key terms.
1.1 Background of the “Had we sent this as
Alqur’an (in a language) otherthan Arabic, they would have said: “why are not its verses explained in
detail? What! (A book) not in Arabic and
(a messenger) an
Arab? “Say: “It
is a guide
and a healing to
those who believe; and for those who believe not, there
is a deafness in their ears, and it is blindness
in their (eyes):
They are (as
it were) being
called from a
place far distant!” (Surah Fussilat: 44) People often say more than what is needed,
perhaps to mark a sense of occasion, or
respect. If they communicate by using overstatement, they exaggerate their statements, they speak more than what is
necessary that may also convey implicatures.
Overstatement is exaggerated statements, so it is too or more imperative (Hornby, 1987:601). It is violating
the maxim of quantity by choosing a
point that lies far beyond what is said, which ishigher than actual state of affairs.
This study focuses on written communication,
particularly on the newspaper. One can
get much recent information fromthe newspaper which is the utterances often stated briefly or expressed
in exaggeration. So, it is possible to find
overstatement on the newspaper.
The Jakarta Postis used as the
object of the research that will bespecified on its headlines. It consists of 24 pages and
comprises 9 sections, namely headlines,
opinion, city, archipelago, national, world, business, features and sport.
The Jakarta Postnewspaper is
published by PT Bina Media Tenggara under license No.197/SK/Menpen/SIUPP/A-6/1987
adj.No.545/Ditjen PPG/K/1992. It has
been developed into a prestigious newspaper respected for its independent views and broad coverage of various
international events.
The headlines of The Jakarta postare
investigated in this study for it is the most important part of newspaper and denote to
the essence of the news besides capturing
the reader’s attention in the first time.In addition, it often reflects the policy of the newspaper and it almost always
based on certain presuppositions. In short,
the headline must convey maximum of information with a minimum of language symbol.
There are also some researchers who conducted
their studies in the same field.
Khafidhoh (2004) studied the implicature used inClekitin Jawa pos; while Farida (2003) discussed flouting and hedging
maxim of utterances produced by apple
farmers in Poncokusumo Malang. Furthermore, Fitriyah (2002) conducted her study on the discourse analysis on Emha’s
Markesot Bertutur Lagi. Djatmiko (1993)
focused the theory of implicature to investigate the literary study on the Shakespeare’s work “Othello”. In addition,
Hanifa (2001) studied the flouting of the
felicity conditions and conversational maxims in Oliver Goldsmiths She Stoops to Conquer. This research focuses on
finding the overstatement which has not
been much explored by current researchers.
1.2 Statements of the Research
Problem Based on the background of the
study above, the problem of the study is: 1. How
are the overstatements found in the headlines of The Jakarta post? 2. How are the maxims of quality and quantity
flouted in the Headlines of The Jakarta
Post? 1.3 Objectives of the Study Concerning the problems mentioned above, the
objectives of this study are to give
detailed explanation of how the overstatements found in the headlines of The Jakarta Postand the way maxims of quality
and quantity flouted.
1.4 Scope and Limitation To avoid the broadening of this discussion and
to make the research is manageable; the
researcher has limitation. This study focuses on the overstatement in the headlines of The Jakarta
Post. In this study, the headlines of The
Jakarta Post published from February st to
February th , 2008 issues are taken as the data. The overstatements analyzed
are those in the headline, whereas the
overstatements in other section will not be analyzed. The headline as the core of information in the newspaper is written in
the form of sentence or utterance and the
messages which are often conveyed implicitly. Therefore, it is interesting to
be analyzed by using Grice maxim.
1.5 Significance of the Study The
findings of this study are supposed to give both theoretical and practical contributions on the area of
discourse analysis. Theoretically, the findings
of this study are expected to be one of the sources in discourse studies, particularly on analyzing the overstatement in
newspaper. Practically, it is expected
that this study gives more empirical data on how to analyze the overstatement in newspaper. Therefore, it can
be applied in teaching and learning process.
This study is also expected to give an important direction for others who are interested in doing similar research in
the same field in the future.
1.6 Definition of the Key Terms The
definitions of the key terms used in this study are as follows: 1.
Headline: Line of words printed in large type at the top of page and as
the title of The Jakarta post.
2. Overstatement: Exaggerated statements, it is
too ormore imperative.
3. The Jakarta Post: The newspaper consists of
24 pages that publishedby PT Bina Media
Tenggara under license No.197/SK/Menpen/SIUPP/A-6/1987 adj. No. 545/Ditjen PPG/K/1992. 4. Discourse Analysis: The study of how human
use language to communicate and in
particular, how addresses work on the linguistic messages in order to interpret them. 5. Maxim of quality: The contribution should be
as truthful as is required 6. Maxim of quantity: The contribution should be
as informative as is required 7.
Flouting Maxim: The basic assumption which is violated to inform their addressee of the extent to which they are
reviews below cover the discussion about implicature, cooperative principles, flouting maxim, previous study.
2.1 Implicature A speaker’s words often convey more than the literal
meaning of the words uttered. The term
implicature used by Grice to account for what a speaker can imply, suggest, or means, as distinct from
whatthe speaker literally says (Brown
and Yule, 1983: 31). As a brief account of how the term ‘implicature’ is used in discourse analysis, Brown and Yule
(1983:33) have summarized the important
points in Grice’s proposal. They would like to emphasize the fact that implicatures are pragmatic aspects of meaning
and have certain identifiable characteristics.
They are partially derived from the conventional or literal meaning of an utterance produced in a specific
context, which is shared by the speaker and the hearer; and depend on recognition by the
speaker and the hearer of the cooperative
principle and its maxims.

yle � o s � d ؕc es'>words, especially deixis which is always
related totext, which cannot be separated from the context. Sometime, on the text there
are some words, which are hidden, so we
can show each function of words if we know the context this study, then focuses on the use of deixis types on the
context.Magazine is one of communication
instrument in the form of written text between
the writer and the reader. The writer uses his idea, language, experience, and
world view expressed
in words, while
the reader uses his
knowledge, language, though and
world view to construct and interpret the writer’s word into idea to arrive at the writer’s intended
meaning. Aswe know there are many kinds of
English Magazine which spread all over Indonesiasuch as TESOL Magazine, Global Finance, Hello English, etc. each
magazine has different style, news and language. In
communication including magazine,
unconsciously human being used
deictic expression (such as I, you, and they,
now, there, that and so on) to indicate
something in the immediate context. In this study the researcher will use Global
Finance Magazine as
the object of
the research, because
the Global Finance is only magazine which used English
language in Indonesian country, so it is
can be easily and more effective to become the object of research, especially they as English Student.
The Cover
Story Section of The Global
Finance Magazine will
be investigated in this study for
it is the most important part of magazine and denote to essence of news besides capturing the
reader’s attention in the first time when they receive a magazine. If the cover of
magazine is interesting, the reader will enjoy
reading it from
beginning until the
end. So, cover
story as the
news title must
be located in
strategic place on
magazine, since it
can be categorized
as special word
or utterance, in
order that the
readers can look
at the cover
of magazine. In short the Cover
Magazine must convey amaximum or information with a minimum of language symbol.

To analyze the Cover Story of The Global Finance , the theory of deixis
is chosen because
it is used
to pointed thing
in order to make
clear what speaker/writer means. Also the researcher will
focus on analyzing the deixis type which
consists of five parts: Discourse deixis, Person deixis, Place deixis, Time deixis and Social deixis.
This study has relation to
previous research, they are Choiriyah (2003) is study which analyzed the Deixis used on the
Jawa Post Radar Malang.She discuss Choiriyah
(2003) discussed a pragmatic on deixis used in the headlines of Jawa Pos/Radar Malang. She found that deixis used
in theheadlines of Radar Malang could be
divided into person deixis, place deixis, time and space deixis. The person deixis could be divided into person
deixis which used the direct name of the
third singular person, person deixis with certain social status in society and
the professions. In addition, place
deixis was used when the journalist wanted to show the time where the utterance occupied.
Moreover, Hasanah (2004) studied deixis of
headlines published by Kompas during
general election 2004. Based on Levinson theory, she found that there were five kinds of deixis, namely
person, place, time, discourse, and social deixis. The first person deixis was used when
journalist wanted to show the speakers
who produced the utterance in the headline, while the third person deixis was expressed when the journalist wanted to
show the people who did refer to the speaker
or addressee. Place deixis was used to describe a location relative to the location of participant in speech event, as
well ashave been shown in the context.
Time deixis was used to point the
certain period oftime when journalist showed the utterances used by the speaker and also
the time of event. In addition, a discourse
deixis was used to refer to some portionsof discourse that contain the utterance as a signal and its relation to
surrounding text. Furthermore, social deixis
was used to indicate the distinct social roles between participants.

English Literature:An Analysis on the Overstatements in the Headlines of The Jakarta Post

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