Sabtu, 15 November 2014

English Literature:The Influence of Conflict to Jerilee’s Character Development in Harold Robbins’ The Lonely Lady

1.1 Background of the Study World without
literary works will not be interesting. By reading literary work we not only
spending our free time but also getting the other benefits.
According to Olsen (in Aminuddin,
2002: 61) literary work is valuable thing that able to give some values more
than for spending free time or entertainment.
Reading literary work, especially
novel, doesn’t only demands the reader to spend it in a short time or in a
single sitting. If we are reading a novel based on our interest in finding the
intrinsic or extrinsic values and using a structured processes, we don’t only
get something explicit but also the implicit. Ryan (1963: 40) states that: “Although this
spontaneous enjoyment is the
basis for developing appreciation,
it accounts at
least partially for
the predisposition of the young
leader to look
upon form as something arbitrary imposed upon a content
that is completely satisfying in its own right.” From the explanation above the
writer concludes that reading novel is very interesting and enjoyable, because
it can spread and develop the reader’s appreciation. In addition, it can
increase the reader insight and knowledge.
Doing analysis in literary works
also give some benefits for us.
According to William Kenney
(1966: 7), “By undergoing literary
analysis, the readers
will develop intellectual and
emotional skills, coordination, and reflexes to the point where they will be
able to use them without stopping to think of what they are doing.” Novel
usually concerns with human beings and often provides valuable messages for
us through the
given story. In
reading a novel,
we will also
be brought into a vast, close and fresh relationship to life. It is true
that what has been written on a novel is the mirror of human being’s life. The
literary work can be the writer’s own experiences or others or may our
As the human beings we always
face conflict in our lives. In a novel we also found conflicts happen to the
character in the whole story. There are two kinds of conflict in a story; there
are internal and external conflicts. Internal conflict is something that is set
inside your character. External conflict is something on the outside
(, 30-12-2004, 14.00). External conflict is related to
an external force, such as another person, society environment, nature and so
on. According to William Kenney (1966: 19) a story may deal with a conflict
within a single man (e.g., desire Vs duty), a conflict between man and society,
between man and nature and so on.
The Lonely Ladyis a novel relates
to the life of Jerilee Randall, a smalltown girl who wants to be an author. She
is a good girl in the family and society.
She wants to be success in
reaching her dream in Hollywood, but she faces many conflicts. The sex, alcohol
and drugs appear many conflicts for her. The people around her also cannot
accept her attitude that makes her feels uncomfortable.
Live is not always easy, the
screenplay that she wrote always fails so she cannot earn the money to cost the
needed of her life. It brings her to the bad stress, depressed for a long time.
But then she realizes her faults and tries to be a good person. Finally, she
startsto write again and this time she is succeed as the bestselling author in
In this research the writer
chooses Harold Robbins’ novel The Lonely Lady, the analysis will focus on the
conflict of the main character deals with the character development. The writer
chooses the novel The Lonely Lady characterized as an interpretive literary
works based on these two following reasons; First, beginning with this easier
novel, we can get better understanding of human characters and their conflicts.
People are usually interested in something that has connection with their lives
and their problems. Though a novel as a medium, this study attempts to arise
students’ interest in enhancing their understanding and appreciation in
literary work.
The second reason is more
specific toward the novel itself. Harold Robbins tells us about the main
character in his novel, Jerilee Randall, explains her life, her conflicts and
her effort in reaching the dream as an author. Robbins also shows us how is the
real life in this wild world that can be learnt as useful things in our lives.
As written in the back cover of the novel: “Only a woman knows what loneliness
is … Jerilee Randall wanted
success – the kind of
success and independence which
she could only
achieve by breaking free from her husband and family and
making a career for her self as an author.
But the sex,
drink and drugs
in The Lonely Lady’sjet-set life
in Hollywood and New York only gave her a deeper loneliness
and a harder
truth-that fame can
fade, and friends can disappear
when needed most.
In this
searing, poignant novel,
Harold Robbins-the world’s bestselling contemporary
writer-rips the deceit
and pretence from a society where
money, appearance and fame seem to be the only values.” The statement above
supported by Barbara Pinolini, the movie observer, she says that the story
relates the life of Jerilee Randall, a small-town girl, from child to woman and
from actress to bestselling author. An early marriage to a brilliant order
playwright fails, but Jerilee finds success through perseverance and determination.
The analysis focused on the main
character, Jerilee Randall, deals with the conflicts and the influence to the
character development with the title “The Influence of Conflicts to Jerilee’s
Character Development in Harold Robbins’ The Lonely Lady.” 1.2 Research
Problems Based on the background of the study above, the researcher formulates
the problems that will be investigated in this study as follows, 1. How is
Jerilee’s original character? 2. What kinds of conflicts faced by Jerilee? 3.
How do the conflicts influence Jerilee’s character development? 1.3 Research
Objectives Related to the research problems stated before, the purposes of the
study are: 1. to find out Jerilee’s original character.
2. to find out the kinds of
conflicts faced by Jerilee.
3. to describe the influence of
conflicts to Jerilee’s character development.
1.4 Scope and Limitation There
are many interesting aspects in the novel to be analyzed, but the writer only
focuses her study on “The Influence of Conflict to Jerilee’s Character Development
in Harold Robbins’ The Lonely Lady.” Here Jerilee is a protagonist.
The weaknesses of this research
are when the writer uses the moral values devices, she has to have a large
knowledge about moral values to make a good interpretation as what the author
wanted. Further the writer hopes that there is analyst who will be interested
in analyzing the moral values found in The Lonely Lady.

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Flouting Maxim: The basic assumption which is violated to inform their addressee of the extent to which they are
reviews below cover the discussion about implicature, cooperative principles, flouting maxim, previous study.
2.1 Implicature A speaker’s words often convey more than the literal
meaning of the words uttered. The term
implicature used by Grice to account for what a speaker can imply, suggest, or means, as distinct from
whatthe speaker literally says (Brown
and Yule, 1983: 31). As a brief account of how the term ‘implicature’ is used in discourse analysis, Brown and Yule
(1983:33) have summarized the important
points in Grice’s proposal. They would like to emphasize the fact that implicatures are pragmatic aspects of meaning
and have certain identifiable characteristics.
They are partially derived from the conventional or literal meaning of an utterance produced in a specific
context, which is shared by the speaker and the hearer; and depend on recognition by the
speaker and the hearer of the cooperative
principle and its maxims.

English Literature:The Influence of Conflict to Jerilee’s Character Development in Harold Robbins’ The Lonely Lady

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