Kamis, 13 November 2014

English Literature:An analysis of conflicts faced by Oliver Twist as the main character of Charles Dickens’ Oliver Twist

This chapter contains background of the study, statements of
the problems, objectives of the study, scope and limitation, significance of
the study, and definition of key terms.
1.1 Background of the Study Fiction is one of the sources of
different kinds of knowledge, knowledge of experience, emotion and felling
apprehended by the mind. Literature is also one of the most exciting parts in
the extent of every language.
According to Culler (1997:27), literature is, "a speech
act or textual event that elicits certain kinds of attention ". Literature
itself contrasts with other sorts of speech acts, such as imparting
information, asking question, or making promises.
On the other hand, literature is not just a frame in which
we put language and it is not just a special kind of language, but literature
is language with particular properties or features, and literature is a certain
kind of attention.
As long as we know, most of us read literature only for
pleasure and enjoyment, and we read what we like. However, if we study
literature merely for that purpose, indeed, we lose the life experience that we
might never endure in real life. We can take much benefit during the process of
studying literature. In literature, we can enter a new world of experience. It
opens up our mind into boarder and
deeper image of human life with all of its possibilities that we may imagine
Literature is also an imaginative writing that can be used
to express many aspects of life such as imagination, emotion, idea and
experience. It has a very close relationship with human beings and their
problems, it reflects life, thought, feeling, behavior and attitude of human
being. The basic aim of literature is to give pleasure or enjoyment and a close
relation to life. By literature, someone can change the way of people’s
thinking that colorized the world. Nevertheless, not every man is interested in
it. Some people say that literature is nothing. They just know that literature
is a romantic thing and only for having fun.
Prose is divided into fiction and non-fiction. Novel is a
part of prose fiction that has beautiful values and gives some fun for every
one who reads it.
Because of that, novel is different from the other literary
works. Foster (in Rene Wellek and Austin Warren, 1993:30) write that novel is
very helpful to show a person’s future or human characters. Actually,
literature has many kinds of branches; one of them is novel as literary genre.
By reading novel, the readers are capable of seeing “the real reality of life”,
not to higher, to lower, or the inner reality.
Novel is one of literary works that presents some or any
interesting stories.
Some good stories of novels are written by the author or
novelist who always presents intrinsic and extrinsic approach by showing about
how people act and feel in their life that make it interesting and a valuable
things to analyze (in http://www.library.ogr).
Novel, however, presents a
documentary picture of a life. Alongside the fact that the novels look at
people in society, the other major characteristic of the genre is that the
novels tell a story. In fact, novels tend to tell the same few stories repeatedly.
Novelists frequently tend to focus on the tension between individuals and
society in which they live, presenting characters that are at odds with that society
(Peck and Coyle, 1986:102).
Novel has many varieties; one of them is didactic novel; it
is also called as problem and adventure novel for example “Oliver twist” novel.
This novel tells the struggle and the adventure of a child who has name Oliver
Twist to get affection from people around him especially from his mother. He
spent his child as a destitute orphan and pitied by none. At the age of ten
years old, he should go from the poor house and began his new experience in the
hard and bad life. At the poor house, he got a bad service from the
housekeeper, he often got limited food and it made him always hungry. Another
time, he forced himself to be a thief for the food’s sake. Then Oliver joins a
gang of crime to be a robber and to act in a first robbery to the one of the
rich families in London, which will change his life, later. When the robbery
failed, Oliver was arrested, and shoots by the security of the house, but the
chief of robbery did not care of him.
Oliver Twist is one of Dickens’ novels that satire the
government at that time because there was a different service between a rich
and a poor society. This is one of the reasons why he wrote this novel.
Oliver Twist is the main character in this story because he
always appears in every place and time of the story. Besides, the whole of the
story in this novel tells about his life, his struggle, his happiness and
everything about him.
There are many reasons why the researcher takes this title,
the first because "literary work has much enrichment which need to be
mutifacated and developed seriously"( Nyuman Kutha Ratna, 2006:341). The
second reason is that this novel contains only the experience and the real
condition of Charles Dickens.
The third reason because it is one of the popular novels in
Victorian period in the th century. The
fourth because, in the novel the main character faces many conflicts especially
internal and external conflict that will be explained in the next chapter. The
fifth reason is to know more what the conflicts in the novel are and it becomes
the main reason why the researcher takes the conflict as the title. The sixth
reason is to increase and enrich knowledge about conflicts analysis itself, because,
after looking for many sources in this University’s library the researcher did
not find studies that is focusing on conflicts analysis in Charles Dickens' Oliver
Twist. Besides, the researcher also has been motivated by Abdul Mujib’s thesis
by the title, Psychological Conflict faced by the main character Cleopatra on
Caesar and Cleopatra by George Bernand Shaw to improve the knowledge about
conflict and to get the result that more detail about conflict.
1.2 Statements of the Problems Based on the background of
the study above, the researcher intends to answer the following problems: 1. What are the conflicts faced by the main
character in Charles Dickens' Oliver Twist? 2.
What ways are used by the main character to overcome the conflicts? 1.3
Objectives of the Study The main objective of this study is, to make the
readers know and understand well about the content of the novel. Besides, the
researcher wants to provide the answer from the problems of the study.
The objectives of this study are: 1. to find out the conflicts that are faced by
the main character included in this novel.
2. to find out the
main character’s ways to overcome the conflicts.

English Literature:An analysis of conflicts faced by Oliver Twist as the main character of Charles Dickens’ Oliver Twist

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