Minggu, 02 November 2014

English Literature:An Analysis Of Illocutionary Acts In Joko Widodo’s Political Speeches

1.1. Background of the Study In
social life, people always communicate with each other by using language.
Language is one of tools of
communication. In communication, language has an  important role because it means to explain
what the speaker wants the listener to do.
Yule (1996:48) said that
illocutionary act is form an utterance with some kind of  function in mind. While people communicate,
they use utterances to express what  they
have in their mind toward the listener. Utterance produced by speaker does not  only function to explain the speaker mind
toward the listener but also means to show  the relationship between them. In attempting
to express themselves, people do not  only
produce utterances containing grammaticalstructures and words, they perform  actions via those utterances (Yule, 1996:47). It
means that in saying a word,  sometimes
someone uses word not only to say things but also used it to do things. In  brief, when someone says something, it has
some action behind it, which is called  speech
 Language has a very important meaning in the
world of politics. Language is  essential
to politicians. Mostactivities performed by the politicians are done through  the avenue created by language. Language
becomes a very powerful medium to  instill
ideology, influence, and gain and maintain power. Language serves as a means  of doing ideological control and power
control. Ideological cultivation processes and  controlling power requires such language as
the medium of political speeches,   campaign,
manifesto, rally, election, inauguration, governance etc. Political speech is  becoming a popular concept especially inthe
area of linguistic research.
 The point of interest of this research is Joko
Widodo, one of the phenomenal  politicians
in Indonesia. Joko Widodo is more widely known as Jokowi. Not only  spread to a national scale, the figure of the
Governor of Jakarta is also known to  foreign
countries. He is different and unique, that's the interesting part of the
Time magazine covers Jokowi
profiles with simple reason. Jokowi is considered  unique because of a political figure and a
successful entrepreneur who became a  leader.
Jokowi crazes in visits to slums or “blkan”now become his trademark  (http://cholilright.blogspot.com/2013/04/time-magazine-phenomenal-leader-call.html
 retrieved on 15 July 2013).
 Since served as the governor of Jakarta, the
media never stop preaching the  figure of
Joko Widodo. Even, media more incentive to cover his activities and  reported to the public. Joko Widodo started
phenomenal since its emergence as  Surakarta
Mayor has raised the dignity of Solo or Surakarta into the spirit of Java  after becoming Governor ofJakarta since
October 2012.
 Joko Widodo, who was awarded third place in the
2012 World Mayor Project,  became the
elected governor of Jakarta in October 2012 after serving as mayor of  Surakarta (Solo) since 2005. During his time
as Mayor of Surakarta, Joko Widodo  (Jokowi)
turned the crime-ridden city into a regional centre for arts and culture,  which has started to attract international
tourism. His campaign against corruption  earned him the description of being the most
honest politician inIndonesia. Joko  Widodo’s
victory over Jakarta’s incumbent governor Fauzi Bowo was largely due to  his track record as mayor of his hometown and
his reputation for honesty and   humility
(http://www.citymayors.com/mayors/jakarta-widodo.html, retrieved on 10  July 2013).
 The research is on Joko Widodo’s political
speeches during the governor  election
campaign of Jakarta in2012. One of the reasons why analyze the speeches is  because she is greatly interested in political
area especially on political speech. In  politics,
we must be able to convey message without insulting the other people, and  at the same time we can successfully make
people understand and support our  intention.
Politicians express their opinions and viewpoints and present their  arguments to influence and convince potential
voters. A politician who can convince  his
public that his aims and objectives are right and thus persuades his audience
to  support him has delivered a good
speech and increased his influence, in other words,  his power. From this fact, she is strongly
curious to know the illocutionary acts in  Joko Widodo’s speeches and how Joko Widodo
takes the advantage of using  illocutionary
acts in the political speech because it is very important to understand  the illocutionary acts when we talk to people.
 An Analysis of Illocutionary Acts in Joko
Widodo’s Political Speeches means  to
explain the relationship between a theory of language, especially speech acts  theory with its practice. This research
describes the theory of illocutionary acts,  which exist in Joko Widodo’s speeches, one of
the three speech acts’ components,  and
the theory of illocutionary acts as theory of language in use. The speech act  approach to discourse focuses upon knowledge
of underlying conditions for  production
and interpretation of acts through words. It can be noted that words may  perform more than one action at a time and
that contexts may help to separate  multiple
function of utterances from one another. The literal meaning of words and   contexts in which they occur may interact in
our knowledge of the conditions  underlying
the realization of acts and the interpretations of acts.
1.2. Problems of the Study   Based
on the background, there are somequestions to be raised as the  problems of this analysis, they are:  1.  What
the types of illocutionary acts are found inJoko Widodo’s political  speeches?  2. 
Which type of illocutionary acts isthe most dominant in Joko Widodo’s  political speeches?  1.3. Objectives of the Study  The objectives as follows:  1.  To
classify the type of illocutionary acts found in Joko Widodo’s political  speeches.
2.  To find out the most dominant type in the
utterancesin Joko Widodo’s  political
1.4. Scope of the Study   This
research mainly focuses on the types of illocutionary acts appeared in  Joko Widodo‘s political speeches delivered in
the years of 2012 during the governor  election
campaign of Jakarta. There are 3 speeches; on 3 June 2012, 16 September  2012 and 20 September 2012. The illocutionary
acts contained in the political  speeches
are analyzed by using Searle’s classification.
 1.5. Significances of the Study   This
study is considered importantas it provides 
the readers easy  understanding
about speech acts, especially in the form of speech. On the other word,  this study will inspire other researcher
prospective to explore deeper about the  illocutionary
acts area in other speech. Thus, for the students who find difficulty  understanding speech acts can make this study
as bibliography to understand speech  acts

English Literature:An Analysis Of Illocutionary Acts In Joko Widodo’s Political Speeches

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