Minggu, 02 November 2014

English Literature:An Analysis Of Code Mixing Used By Telkomsel's Caroline Officer Call Center Of PT. Infomedia Nusantara

1. 1 Background of the Study  Caroline officer is a centralized office used
for the purpose of receiving or  transmitting
a large volume of requests by telephone. An inbound call center is  operated by a company to administer incoming
product support or information  inquiries
from consumers. Outbound call centers are operated for telemarketing,  solicitation of charitable or political
donations, debt collection and market research.
In addition to a caroline
officer, collective handling of letter, fax, live chat, and email  at one location is known as a call center.
Call center is a facility used by
companies to manage all client contact  through
a variety of mediums such as telephone, fax, letter, email and increasingly,  online live chat. The majority of large
companies use call centers as a means of  managing their customer interaction. These
centers can be operated in two major  ways,
the first, by having an in house department responsible for the day to day  communications with customers, the second to
outsource customerinteraction to a  third
party agency.
One of large company used call
center is Telkomsel. Telkomsel is a brand  name of a mobile phone network operator which
operates in Indonesia. It was  founded in
1995, and is a subsidiary of Telkom Indonesia. The company currently  has 122 million subscribers.
Telkomsel's caroline officer call
center ally required to select a particular  code whenever they choose to speak formally with
customers, and they may also  decide to
mix codes even within sometimes very short utterances and thereby create   a new code in a process known as code mixing.
Code mixing can occur in  conversation
between speakers turn or within a single speaker turn. In the latter case  it can occur between sentences or within a
single sentence.
Code is a term for any variety
language. Kinds of code that are code  switching
and code mixing. If utterance is switched from one language to another  language supporting a distinctive function, it
is called codeswitching. Conversely, if  an
utterance either words, phrase, or clause consist does not support a
distinctive  function, it is called code
mixing. In conclusion, code mixing is a mixture of word,  phrase, clause, or sentence of several
languages. It means that code mixing occurs  when a speaker uses a certain language in this
communication and inserts some  pieces of
another language. In addition, code mixing does not only occur in spoken  communication but also inwritten communication.
Nababan (1993:32) states that
code mixing is the situation in which the  speaker mixes two or more languages or kind of
languages inspeech act. For  examples in
a conversation betweenCaroline Officer and Customer:  CO  :
Silahkan Bapak Iman ada yang bisa dibantu?  C  : Ini
tadi apa, ponsel saya diutak-atik sama teman saya, jadi akhirnya  diapanya itu di pengaturan daripada web itu, di
tekannya itu check itu check. Jadi pengaturan checkitu kosong, akhirnya saya
gak bisa  lagi internet, gak bisa juga
apa facebook. Mohon bantuan daripada  operator
Telkomsel bagaimana jalan keluarnya.
CO  : Baik, ini maksudnya settingan di
handphonenya Bapak Iman untuk  akses
internetnya ya?  C  : Iya untuk internetsama facebook.
CO  : Begitu ya, baik. Saat ini Bapak Iman
menggunakan handphoneny   merk dan tipe
apa bapak?  C  : Merek Nokia C2.
CO : Handphonenya Nokia C2 ya.
Bapak Iman tadi sudah ada  Menghubungi
kami untuk permasalahan ini bapak?  C  : Sudah sudah. Tapi katanya tadiitu coba
hubungi di apa, dicoba  kirim internetapa
dikirim ke 5432 ataupun di apa itu ALLya ke  5432. Jadi saya coba, disini ada balasannya:
“ponsel anda tidak dapat  atau tidak
terdaftar saat ini.” Jadi silahkan hubungi apa servicekami,  gitu saja.
 From the definition above, language and human
being as a society cannot be  separated
actually in this globalization era, people have started to learn another  language especially to learn English as
aninternational language. This habit, than  will make people become bilingualism. It is
because differences of ethnic, region,  background,
and level different country of people cause the variety of the language  itself. Because of that, to show good identity
in this modern society world, the people  always have to know all various cases to exist
in certain community that uses that  communication
or languages cause in the world so many language of different. This  case will cause sometimes the people use
varieties language in communication to  each
 Telkomsel's caroline officer call
centerfrequently always using this code  mixing
in case of communicating with customers incoming calls by phone every day.

English Literature:An Analysis Of Code Mixing Used By Telkomsel's Caroline Officer Call Center Of PT. Infomedia Nusantara

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