Rabu, 12 November 2014

English Literature:A Study on the Structure of Predication Used in Everyman’s Poetry” by Christina Rossetti

chapter includes the description about the background of study, research problems, objectives of the study,
significance of the study, scope and limitation
of the study, and definition of the key terms.
1.1 Background of the Study In the Holy Quran, Allah Says: “You who believe, do not be like those who
abused Moses. cleared him of what they
said. He became outstanding with God. who believe, heed God and speak straight to the point; He will
improve your actions for you and forgive
you your sins. Anyone who obeys God and Hismessenger will achieve a splendid Triumph”. Surah Al Ahzab, th (QS.
33: 70) From the verse above, it
explains that Allah Had Said that He Will Give command to His faithful to obey and pray
to Him and also to speak straight.
However, if we look in the
meaning deeply, the verse contains about the command to speak straight, grammatically and
right in words choice. So, absolutely,
it means that Allah Commands us to speak straight with many parts of understanding such as: meaning, grammar, etc.
In linguistics, syntax is a
branch of linguistics that studies the internal structure of sentences and the
interrelationships among the internal parts. Valin (2001: 1) states that syntax is a central
componentof human language. Syntax is the
study of principles and processes by which sentences are constructed in particular languages (Chomsky, 1956: 1)
Syntactic investigation of a given language
has as its goal the construction of a grammar that can be viewed as a device of some sort for producing the
sentences of language under analysis.
The structure or grammar is also
found in language of poetry.
Hawkeye (http://www.poems-and-quotes.com/article.html?id=561,
March 9, 2008) states that poetry is
from the Greek "ποίησις", poiesis, it means a "making" or "creating". Poetry is an art form
in which humanlanguage is used for its aesthetic
qualities in addition to, or instead of, its notional and semantic content. It consists largely of oral or literary works in
whichlanguage is used in a manner that
is felt by its user and audience to differ from ordinary prose. Reaske (1966:
8) states that some poems are written
purely to entertain us, others solely for the purpose of moral to wrong action and one area
in which to begin advanced analysis is
the exploration of the subtle and oftendelicately established relationship between a poem’s structure and
The book entitled “Everyman’s
poetry” contains the selected of many poems
by Christina Rossetti who is the writer of the book. It is read by several kinds of customer, depending on their sex,
age, education, and occupation.
Rossetti’s poems are the famous poems in the
world chosen by the researcher to be
Christina Rossetti is one of the
most important Victorian female poets.
She was among the finest poets in
English, whose work remains popular with both general readers and scholars. Rossetti often
writesthe poems about love, the loss or
refusal of love, and the loss of youth and beauty. Yet, some of her works contain religious feeling and children fantasy
(Marsh, 1998 : v).
This study takes two theses to
enrich the ideas to analyze the poetry based
on syntactical analysis. It is done by Purmithasari (2003) entitled “The Structure of Predication used at STIBA
Students’ Thesis Abstracts”. She was interested
in analyzing the STIBA students’ thesis abstracts as the data in her thesis. She connected the sentences on the
abstracts with syntactical study, especially
syntactic structures only on structure of predication. She also applied the theory of “Chinese boxes” introduced by W.
Nelson Francis to analyze the data and
used descriptive qualitative method. The next previous study is “A Study on the Structure of Modification used in The
Guns NRoses’s Songs” by Hadi (2002). He
analyzed the lyrics of The Guns N Roses’s songs concerning syntactic structures especially structure of
modification. His research also used the descriptive qualitative and quantitative
method. The lyrics of the songs were analyzed
by using Chinese Boxes suggested by W. Nelson Francis in his book “The Structure of American English”. Those
previousstudies give much information to
this study to do similar research with differrent objects. The comparison is used to get some additional
information in strenghtening this study.
As it is stated in the title, this study
discusses or shows the readers, the poetry
from syntactical point of view because it isassumed that some poems in the book entitled “Everyman’s poetry”
Christina Rossetti have structures of predication.
This study, tries to find and
assure about the structure of predication in Christina Rossetti’ poetry by using the
syntactic structures theory based on the theory of W. Nelson Francis in his book
entitled “The Structure of American English”
(1958). According to Francis in his theory, there are four types of syntactic structures theory, such as structure
of modification, structure of predication,
structure of complementation, and structure of coordination. Yet, this study only chooses one of the theories and
make it as the topic of the thesis entitled
“A Study on the Structure of Predication used in “Everyman’s Poetry” by Christina Rossetti”. Moreover, this study
intendsto explore further the structure of
predication contained on some poems in “Everyman’s poetry” Christina Rossetti, for example on first sentence of ”A
Birthday”, My heart is like a singing bird.
As we know that “My heart” is subject and “islike a singing bird” is predicate.
By knowing the structure of
predication of some poems through this study,
it is expected that the readers could enrichwell and would not be confused to differentiate between subject and predicate
on some poems in the book entitled “Everyman’s
poetry” by Christina Rossetti.
Research Problems Based on the
background of the study in the preceding discussion the research problem is “How are the Structures of
Predication applied in“Everyman’s
Poetry” by Christina Rossetti”. To get description of structures of predication, it is done by answering these
researchquestions, they are: 1. What types of subject are used in “Everyman’s
Poetry” by Christina Rossetti? 2. What
types of predicate are used in “Everyman’s Poetry” by Christina Rossetti? 1.3
Objectives of the Study Based on
the research problems stated above, this study is going to get answer of the problems that means: 1. To
find out and describe the types of subject used on structure of predication in “Everyman’s Poetry” by
Christina Rossetti”.
2. To find out and explain the types of
predicate usedon structure of predication
in “Everyman’s Poetry” by Christina Rossetti”.
1.4 Significance of the Study The finding of this study is expected to give
both theoretical and practical
contribution. Theoretically, it is expected that the research will enrich linguistics study especially syntax study.

English Literature:A Study on the Structure of Predication Used in Everyman’s Poetry” by Christina Rossetti

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