Rabu, 12 November 2014

English Literature:Language Styles Used in Oprah Winfrey Show”

This chapter discusses the background of the
study,problem statements, objective of
the study, significance of the study, scope and limitation and definition of key terms.
1.1 Background of the Study It is the fact that people may use various
styles in expressing their feelings, ideas
and in conveying message to others. One's feeling and thought will be expressed in accordance with his own way and
manner. Dealing with this statement,
Wales states that language style is the perceived distinctive manner of expression in writing or speaking. It also can
be seen as variation in language use, whether
literary or non-literary.
Every human being uses a variety
of styles in everydifferent situation to get the greatest attention from the listeners
or readers. In order to make messages are
accepted by others and delivered smoothly, people are required to use various ways. They have certain features that are not
ownedby others. Based on the .
Katie Wales, A Dictionary of
Stylistics (second edition) (England: Pearson Education Limited, 2001), 371.
characteristics variation of each
human being, Allah says in his verse ”And among His Signs is the creation of the Heavens and
the earth, and the variations in your languages
and your colors: Verily in that are Signsfor those who know”.
We can infer the above verse that
there are great numbers of languages spoken
by human beings of various ethnics. It is important for us to know that every group in society has a language and
style, which is different from others. It implies the style of the language that it is
used to avoid misunderstanding among the
society. In addition to the fact that no peoplewho speak or write their idea exactly in the same way. In expressing an idea
in the form of spoken or written language,
people have and use their own style.
Interaction will not occur
properly if someone doesnot speak with the right style. Chaika states that language style
usesall the resources of language: tone
of voice, different way of pronouncing sounds,even choice of the words and grammar.
For example the choice of the
words, “May I help you?”this utterance is
more formal than we use “Can I help you?”. The language style that occurs in communication has the implication to the
listener and speaker known what the speaker
means. It means that different people will use different language style.
The same idea comes from Keraf.
He states that language styles can be analyzed
based on the linguistics context, which isdivided into: words choice, tone, sentence structure, as well as direct
and indirect meaning.
The researcher is interested in
investigating how the speaker or writer uses .
Al-Qur’an, 30: 22. See Yousouf
Ali .
Elaine Chaika, Language the
Social Mirror (Rowley, Massachusetts : Newbury House Publishers, Inc, 1982), 29.
Gorys Keraf. Diksi dan Gaya
Bahasa(Jakarta: PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 2007), 117-129.
his or her own style in conveying
his or her intentional written or spoken to the people. Therefore, the researcher is more
interested to investigate the language style
that is used by the speaker.
Likewise, the language used by
broadcaster, the styles found in the language
deals with the situations around him. The ways he reports the news perhaps can be investigated from the
characteristics of language styles to show styles of formality, informality and
colloquially. Such manner is happened in Oprah Winfrey Show since she produces various
ways of her language styles in presenting
her program. Dealing with explanations above, the researcher is interested in investigating language style
used in spoken form. The researcher discusses
the language style in script used in talkshow program of Oprah Winfrey Show, especially analyze the utterances of
Oprah Winfrey. The researcher adopts Mc
Crimon’s theory analyzing, he divides language style into three kinds: (1) Formal Style, (2) Informal Style, and (3)
Colloquial Style.
The Oprah Winfrey Show, often
referred as Oprah is an American syndicated
talk show, hosted and produced by its namesake Oprah Winfrey. It is the highest rated talk show in American
television history. It is currently the longest-running
daytime television talk show in theUnited States, having run nationally since September 8, 1986 “The Oprah
Winfrey Show” became the number one talk
show in national syndication in less than a year.
Furthermore, this study has a
relation with the previous researches that is about language style done by Umam. He analyzed
language style used by the .
2009), 1.
members of Pondok Pesantren Darul
Abidin in Pare, Kediri. He found that there are three classifications of the language
style used among the members of Darul Abidin,
the teachers and the functionaries cottage.They are formal, informal and colloquial style.
Zahra focuses on language style
used by Bloggers in the Blogosphere
according to Gleason’s theory. The result of her study shows that there are five styles of language style, they
are: consultative, casual, deliberative, oratorical and intimate style. From her
analysis, she found that mostly the bloggers
like to use consultative style or key among others. They tried to use the effective method in delivering their responses
in order to get the complete information
of blogger’s responses and also to express grateful.

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@ =MsoNormal style='text-align:justify'>1.2 Research Problems 1. What kinds of associative meanings are
found in the headlines of The Jakarta
Post? 2.How are associative meaning used
in headlines of The Jakarta Post? 1.3
Objectives of the Study The objectives
of this study is mainly connected tothe research problems above, they are: 1. To
find out the kinds of associative meaning in theheadlines of The Jakarta Post.2. To describe associative meaning those are
used in headlines of The Jakarta Post.
1.4 Significance of the Study The researcher expects that this study will
contribute to the linguistic field, especially
in semantics, with particular reference to associative meaning (connotative meaning, stylistic meaning,
affective meaning, reflected meaning and
collocation meaning) which occurs in the headlines of newspaper.
Further, this study can be used
as a guideline for those who read The Jakarta
Post to get better understanding in interpreting the words meaning.
Finally, it would also be useful
for students who want to study about associative
meaning in particular and semantics in general.

English Literature:Language Styles Used in Oprah Winfrey Show”

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