Sabtu, 15 November 2014

English Literature:A Study on the Laws of Plot in Thomas Hardy’s The Mayor of Casterbridge Novel

This chapter discusses background
of the study, statements of the problems,
purposes of the study, scope, and limitation of the study, significance of the study and definition of key terms.
1.1 Background of the Study The word "literature" has different
meanings depending on who uses it and in
what context. Literature is defined as everything in print (Wellek and Warren, 1956:20). From that, statement literature is
simplyanother way we can experience the
world around us through our imagination. Literature includes all written materials, such as history book, prose, and
Other statement from the free
encyclopedia, Literature is a body of written works related by subject-matter, by language
or place of origin, or by dominant cultural
standards ( accessed on 17 December 2007. From the above statement, it is
concluded that Literature is a term used
to describe written. and literature is used to describe anything from creative writing to more technical or
scientific works, but the term is most commonly
used to refer to works of the creative imagination, including works of poetry, drama, fiction, and nonfiction.
In literature, there are many
kinds of literary work, such as novel, drama, poetry etc. Novel is a long work of prose
fiction which may consists of over 100,000
words, contain a number of character some of them are fully developed, have more incidents, scene, or episode (
Koesnosoebroto, 1988:19).
Koesnobroto’s statement above
shows that novel is afictional narrative, longer than the short story. The length of
novel allows the author to use multiple structures,
there may be plots, counter plots, and subplots. An author also has more space for social and historical complexity,
more psychological background of
character, motive, and choice. The author shows characters in novel more depth than the short story. Novel is able to contain
morecomplicated action than the short
story, and it is more possible to introduce subplots.
We know story is common thing in
a society. Each people have special story
and that story is almost various. And it is legal. Because their experiences, view of point, love, and history are
different. Event thought they have same a lovely story, may be they have different point
of view. it same with Edward’s statement
(1965:5) he says probably no two readers get exactly the same thought and felling for something they read, because
their past experiences have been different.
A story has become the main part
of the human life.It belongs to human life
that needs an entertainment in this busy world. This is because a story can be
a beautiful thing to listen from some
one and retell to another one. By using a story also, someone can know what has been going on
in the past time, now and then because a
story tells something that has relation with time event. The readers can also get many experiences, knowledge and
understandhow the characters solve their
problems from reading story.
Present the reader publics try to
enjoy their reading materials, by allowing them selves to have freedom in imagination.
The reading activity has become a personal
and private activity and every one enjoyedreading story activities.
Enjoyment alone with reading is
not enough but for reading story gives us something more then pleasure, it hardly
justifies itself as something important to our life. As we know reading story will
develop or refine our minds. To have a compelling
claim on our attention, it must not onlygive in enjoyment, but also understanding.
As human being, we always want to
know and understand about someone, and
usually we want to know and understand about our self. We ask question about the reasons for our behavior or action.
Although a story doest not provide answers
to the questions, at least by reading storygive hints, suggestions, and flashes of insight. Reading story can give
these things in such a way as to refresh and support our own thinking, and give us
insights how to face problems.
Some people like to read or tell a story to
their children, their partner, their best
friend, event to every people who close to them. They do it because they want to make a better relation ship with other,
make a conversation, or reading a story before
sleeping, etc. for some people, a story can be a special thing they have, a special thing they need to read or to ear in
every free time they have.
We can find so many novels, which give us
various kinds of stories. From romantic
novel, which is giving the reader, such a romantic story, which is full of romanticism. Horror as such a novel, which
gives usa screaming story that often gives
many surprise and weird thing that happen andscared us. thriller that full of murder because thriller is a kind of novel
that thestory is about murdering and may
it is done for fan of revenge by someone maniac, and another kind of story is about adventure that usually give many journey
to investigate something weird that
happen. Adventure sometimes such a detective story act. But among all only a few of people read novel and recommend it
because of some reason. One of the reasons
is because the novel has interesting or uninteresting stories.
With the intelligence of author,
he will write and try to make his novels interesting. Writers have, of course, always
been interested in the word around them,
but the development of the novel reflect a move away from an essentially religious view of life towards a new interest
in the complexities of every day experience
(John Peck and Martine Coyle, 1984:102).That statement shows us a literary work can be the reflection of the
author’spoint of view on his life. He can use it as a medium of expression of his idea,
will,thought, and life experience than
it can be advantage for the author to expose something new and the interesting one make the reader interested.
A novel can be appreciated for
having many values and it is based upon private
relationship between the reader and the writer. Novels provide the reader with understanding the content of novel easily
rather than short story because the author
of a novel describes more completely about character, setting, and the resolution of it. This is not for short story
because the length of the novel is no the same as a short story which is some
description arelimited.
The reader would be interested to
read every page and chapter of novel if there
are some things making the reader vexed. And one of elements which is very dominant to influence the reader to reads on
and rereads novel is the laws of plot because
this part is most important thing in the novel to influence the reader. They can feel Happy, sorrowful, disappointed,
pride, surprised, vexed.

A Study on the Laws of Plot in Thomas Hardy’s The Mayor of Casterbridge Novel

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