Sabtu, 15 November 2014

English Literature:The Sexist Language of Jokes Column in Hello Magazine

1.1. Background of Study Human is
the best creature
in this universe.
Whereas men and women
are one of
the God creatures
that are hardly
different in any
cases, the differences include
the negative labeling
on females which
is almost unfair for
women. Females are
often described as
a creature that
fatter and weaker than
males. They also
mature rapidly and
live longer. Women
also have a limited access in the public space. In addition, female's
voice usually has different characteristics from
the male's voice.
Likewise, females and malesexhibitdifferentranges of
principle, the image
of women is
stereotypically cannot be separated from
society belief.
beliefs demonstrate an
extreme distinction between men and women in biological and
psychological aspect.
In the
end, belief will
classify women as
the second class
and man as the first class level of society. Socially,
they almost differ in terms of social role in
the society; women
are considered does
not need a
high position and education as
men had, demanded
only to maintain
the household or domestic
business, underestimated as
an inferior creature
whereas man as a superior one.
As Subhan argued
that is proven
by the fact
that man much more
dominates several executive
positions in the
social life. More
than thousand years women are placed as the minority creature. It seems
that can Ronald Wardaugh, An
Introduction to Sociolinguistics(GreatBritain:OxfordPage Bros,1986),p.
Beliefsarealsoknown as amyth,it is
astrongfaith that is passedfromone generationto the next generationin
whichtheylive. Too, the Oxford Pocket Dictionarydefines belief asa firm
opinion, acceptanceorreligiousconviction.
not be abolished and
certainly this concept
useful for men
and harmful for women.
fact will factually create discrimination and gap
between men andwomen.
In brief,
the discourse of
women discrimination definitely
cannot be separated from
the discourse of patriarchal culture.
As mentioned in
Sexual and Politics of
Millet that patriarchal
construct is the
very fundamental factor creating
women disorder and pathology in
social life. In the
frame of patriarchy, the
women are the
sexes that is
formulated to take
care, service, and trait
under the men
Millet explained that patriarchy has
a big and
strict control in
limiting the women's
access. The limitation of access
happens in private and public one. Ironically, it becomes a systemic
and structured mechanism
for women as
a possible thing
to internalizethemin inferiorposition.
This point
of view is
also cited in
holy Koran on
surah An-Nisa: as
follow “Men are the
protectors and maintainers
of women, because Allah has
given the one
more (strength) than
the other, and
because they support them from
their means. Therefore the righteous women are devoutly obedient,andguardin(thehusband's)absencewhat
Allah wouldhave them guard. As to
those women on whose part ye
fear disloyalty and
ill-conduct, MarianaAmiruddin,
Feminisme;IlmuPengetahuan MerindukanKebenaran Pengetahuan Perempuan(2006), p.
48 Akhol Firdaus, Sindrom Iri
Penis;Sketsa Kritik Nalar Feminisme,(Surabaya:Pinggir Indonesia,2005), p.
admonish them
(first), (Next), refuse
to share their
beds, (And last)
beat them (lightly); but if they return to obedience, seek not against
them Means (ofannoyance):For Allahis Most High, great(aboveyou all)”.
Indeed, this kind of verse relates to the
leadership function of men.
This verse
invites misunderstanding as
well as guiding
discrimination between men and
women. It is
caused of some
of interpreters define
and derive the word
qowwam to the
man who are
able to guarantee
and to keep the
women business. Furthermore,
the word qowwam
relates to the
ability and responsibility of
men in fulfilling
the needs of
wife and family
or any household expenses.
It is not
exactly relates to
authority of men
to create a gapbetween menand women. Concerning to
the men's responsibility to
be leader as
mentioned in the holy
Koran, that a
good leader is
a person who
understand and know whomever he
is being led,
man also does
not executed to
do anything arbitrarily like
insulting or excluding
women under his
authority so does
in language.
means, Islam and
possibly other else
religions never discriminates one
of God creatures.
As the researcher
has noted before, Islam placed
men and women
to have the
same position as
the caliphs of God.
Therefore, it is
prohibited to discriminate one
of them. Gender discrimination in
the society is the
problem of the
culture. As a
matter of fact, almost
all of the
cultures in the
world distinguish men
and women whichare reflectedin
everyaspectof life,involvesthe language.
TheNoble Qur'an; English Translation of
TheMeanings and Commentary, (Madinah MunawwarohK.S.A: KingFahdComplex, 1417),p.
113 ZaitunahSubhan, Tafsir
Kebencian;Studi Bias GenderDalam Tafsir Al-Quran, (Yogyakarta:LKiS,1999), p.
105-106 Similarly, It is stated
thatmenand women has thesamepossibility to be
a mutual partner
and of course
with no gender
discrimination. Thus, the God willonlyviewthe humanbeings based on
sexism is discrimination on
the basis of
gender. Before then, gender
what we are
issued here refers
to the differences
between men and women.
For further the
Encyclopædia of Britannica
notes that gender identity is
an individual's self-conception as
being male or
female, as distinguished from
actualbiological sex. Althoughgenderis commonlyused interchangeably with
sex, within the
social sciences it
often refers to specifically social
sexism is primarily
women who are affected by
sexism, it can
be used to
discriminate against either
men or women. In
other words, discrimination against
people based on
their sex or gender
is called sexism.
Sexism can refer
to three different
beliefs or attitudes.

English Literature:The Sexist Language of Jokes Column in Hello Magazine

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