Sabtu, 15 November 2014

English Literature:A Psycholinguistic Analysis on Slips of the Tongue in the Speaking Class At Fantastic English for Better

This chapter presents background
of the study, statements of the problems, objective of the study, scope and
limitation, significance of the study, and definition of key term.
1.1 Background of the Study “O,
Muslim believers! If you doubt about resurgence (from dead), you’d be
understand that God created you out of dust, from out sperm, the clots of blood,
into a morsel of flesh partly formed and partly unformed, in order to explain
that We remained you in your mother’s womb, what We wanted until the right
time, and We take you out as a baby.” (Surah Al-Hajj: 5) “Surah Al-Hajj: 5”
refer to human creation that is from drops of sperm. It indicates that God has
created individual as perfect as possible, people are created better than other
creature. However God still gives sufficiency laxity in every person, because
there is no body perfect except God. This is also shown by the following verse “Say: “Explain to me if Allah took the hearing
and the sight and close your heart, who is God except Mighty Allah that returns
to you?’ concern how we Showed our (God) greatness signs again and again, but
they still divert”. (Surah An’aam:46) There are people who have certain laxity
that impair the function of hearing and sight. It finally influences their
communication skill, some of them find difficult
in slips of the tongue.
As a social person, human beings
are always interrelated with others.
Language is very important thing
to be used by people in the word to communicate each other. Languages as used
by human being as a means for inter similar speech community. Language is an
oral or the oral symbol represents meaning as they are related to real life
situation and experiences. Human being can convey ideas and feelings by means
of many defiles, among them hand signals, facial expressions, body language,
nods, smiles, and winks (paralinguistic techniques) (field, 2003:4) Language is
heritage of human being which is extremely worth as long as their story of
life. Language represents life heritage which must be learned. A child cannot
speaks a language otherwise have been taught. Language also shows its identity
as human being. Aphorism of Malay told. “Language Show Nation” this matter is
very relevant to comprehend language and its reality. This is also become correctness of pursuant to the theory
of relation among mind, cultural, and language. Every language presents
experience and mind of somebody.
(Rahardjo, 2002).
One who has a bee in his bonnet,
almost certainly his language also intrudes.
In other words, someone whose
language intrude is generally his mind also intrude. Thereby, language is very
importance for human life. (Rahardjo, 2002).
Freud 1966 (in Carroll, 1985:
255) proposed that somebody misspeaks; it is an accidental expression of
repressed thoughts or feeling. Freud would argue that slips of the tongue were
never accidents, that they always revealed some underlying unconscious or
repressed need or impulse. Freud’s theory suggests that this professor’s slip
of the tongue arouse because of some suppressed impulse or intention on the
part of professor. In Freud’s mind, this verbal slip could not have been
accidental or based on any explanation other than the indispensable condition
of suppression he had proposed. Furthermore, this suppression of intent or
impulse which they made the cornerstone of all slips of the tongue could operate
at three different levels. On one level the suppression could be conscious and
deliberate, on another the suppression can be identified afterward by the person
who made the slip but was not intended before hand, and at the deepest level
the person absolutely denies the suppression. For Freudians, it really doesn’t matter
what level the person absolutely who has made slips of the tongue is operating
at. For them in all cases the slips is the result of the conflict between two
forces- the underlying unacceptable need and the tendency to keep it hidden.
Freudian slips do not exist but
rather are related to the speech patterns of aphasic patients. Aphasia is
caused by brain damage and characterized by an inability to speak or
comprehend, Dell explained. In other words, when people with aphasia speak,
they make many errors. (Dell, 2005).
Fromkin 1973 (in Clark, 1977:
273) Slip of the tongue is occurred when the speaker’s actual utterance differs
in some way from the intended utterance. It involves unintentional movement,
addition, blending, or substitution of material within an utterance and can be
phonological, morphological, lexical or syntactic.
The researcher agrees with
Fromkin’s ideas because actually when someone wants to say something, she or he
has already planned what should be spoken. But when she or he speaks the
intended utterance differs in way from the intended utterance
In communicating with others,
people do not only need the speaking and writing skills but also listening and
reading skills. Speaking and writing are included in productive skills in which
people produce language and transfer information to other people. Listening and
reading function as receptive skills.
With listening, people can hear
information from other people or some media electronic such as television,
radio, internet, newspaper, and others. Four English skills; listening,
speaking, reading and writing are also important for English students to be
mastered. Among of these skills, reading is crucial skill in learning language
because with reading, the students are expected to enlarge their knowledge and
Speaking is the most effective
way to communicate with others. By speaking we can share information or give
our idea. Sometimes, speaking also can show the characteristic of someone.
People use this activity in their daily life in order to explore what they
want, what they feel and what they need. Although speaking is an effective way
to communicate with others, it is not the single way to do communication. There
are many other ways that can be used to communicate with others such as writing
and body language, but these two ways sometime can be not effective and can
cause miscommunication.
We as human being are the perfect
creature. Allah has given us a brain we can also differentiate between bad or
good things. Human can also use this superior to create a language or speak by
using their own language that can be use as a tool in communication.
When people find difficulties in
their speaking, especially when they use foreign language, they may find or
make any errors in their speaking. Those errors may be in different kinds, such
as anticipation, shift, or deletion. Those facts that can be found in the
speaking are called by slips of the tongue. Besides those three kinds slips of
the tongue, there are still many kinds’ slips of the tongue that will be discussed
in the following chapter. Slips of the tongue may happen in the middle of humans
speaking; it is sometime occurred without prediction. Slips of the tongue may
not happen in every conversation, different person will have different experience
in the use of slips of the tongue. It is happened usually according situation. Nikmatur
Rohmah (2005) observed about slips of the tongue on newspapers of liputan 6
surya citra televisi (SCTV). The results suggested that slips of the tongue on
newspapers of liputan 6 surya citra televisi (SCTV) always used Reversals/ Exchange,
perseverations and blends to know slips of the tongue on newspapers of liputan
6 surya citra televisi (SCTV).

English Literature:A Psycholinguistic Analysis on Slips of the Tongue in the Speaking Class At Fantastic English for Better

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