Senin, 10 November 2014

English Literature:A Discourse Study of Types of Cohesion Used by the Main Character of Freedom Writers”


This chapter presents background
of the study, problems of the study, objective of the study, scope and
limitation of the study, significance of the study and definition of the key

1.1 Background of the Study Cohesion
is one of criteria making a sequence of sentence constitutes as a text. Renkema
(1993: 34-35) proposes seven criteria that sequence of sentences must meet in
order to qualify as a text, such as cohesion, coherence, intentionality, acceptability,
informativeness, situationally, and intertextuality. In addition, cohesion holds
an important role in creating a text because it helps to create a text.

As Halliday and Hasan (1976:298)
assert that cohesion helps to create a text.

Cohesion can be achieved by
cohesion devices.

However, film script is also
considered as a text. Jahn (2003) asserts that film script is a text containing
a film’s action narrative and dialogue. A film script is either a recipe for
making film or a written record of a finished film. It holds an important role
both to the actor involved in the process of performance of the film and the
movie goers. To the actor involved in the process of performance of the film,
it helps them to inspire their role. While to the movie goers, it helps them to
understand the story of the film.

Related to genre, film is both narrative
and performative genre. It is assumed that film is a performative genre that
comes to life in performance. Jahn (2003) states that a film is a multimedia
narrative form based on physical record sound and moving pictures, like
watching a play, watching film is a collective public experience and social
occasion. Since film is narrative genre, it is related to a textual form. Thus
film analysis can build on the interesting relationship between text and
performance just like in drama analysis. However, analyzing film in term of its
language use is an interesting study, since film provides real life setting
portrayed through sound and moving pictures. Therefore the researcher will make
a research concerns with cohesion devices in the script of “Freedom Writers”.

In this case, the film that is
analyzed is entitled Freedom Writers, directed by Richard Lagravenese in 2006
based on the book “the freedom writers’ diary” by the freedom writers with Erin
Gruwell. The genre of this film is action, adventure, and crime or gangster.
The reason why the researcher chooses this film is because the character of
Hillary Swank as Erin Gruwell has a good personality.

She shows forceful woman
personality, friendly, cheerful and she cares about the problems of the other
people. While based on linguistic consideration, this film chosen since the
researcher assumes that it is found cohesion devices used by the main

The research on cohesion has been
researched by many Students in State Islamic University Maulana Malik Ibrahim
of Malang. Agustine (2003) conducts an analysis on “Cohesion Used in the
Advertisements Published in The Jakarta Post”. This study has obtained the
following result. First, both grammatical and lexical cohesion used in this
text except clausal substitution are used in the advertisements
no. 1-20. Second, in term of grammatical cohesion, personal reference is
dominant than the other with the number 20 advertisements. While in term of
lexical cohesion, repetition is mostly used than the others with the number 16
advertisements. Third, cohesive devices are used in all advertisements with various
function, they are to indicate a spatial order and to indicate classification.

She analyzed cohesion based on
Halliday and Hasan’s Theory.

Muniro (2005) focused on
“Cohesion and Coherence Used in the Two Texts of ‘Cermin Exploitasi Advertiser’
and ‘Marketable Versus Nilai-Nilai of Prokon Aktivis’ in Jawa Post Newspaper”.
She found that cohesion can be identified in the first and second data info
recurrence mentioned and specific definiteness, co-reference via proform,
ellipsis, and junction. In addition, in coreference via proform, catapora and
proverb are not found in the second datum either. In addition, intonations and
key cannot be found in the first and second data because they are not as the
conversational text that there is dialogue in the text, which can be applied
into intonations and keys. She analyzed cohesion based on Robert Alain de
Beaugrande and Wolfgang Ulrich Dressler’s Theory.

Aisah (2008) conducts an analysis
on “A Discourse Analysis on the Reference Found in the Advertisements published
in ‘The Jakarta Post’”. This study has obtained the following result. The types
of reference used in the Advertisements published in Jakarta Post are personal
reference, demonstrative reference, and comparative reference. Personal
references consist of personal pronoun and possessive determiner. They usually
use the pronoun it, its, they, their, to show the product and service. They
also use the pronoun “you” to represent to the reader. At last, the
researcher concludes that authors have their own way in presenting their idea.
She analyzed cohesion based on Halliday and Hasan’s Theory.

The present study entitled A
Discourse Study of Types of Cohesion Used by the Main Character of “Freedom
Writers” focused on discussing the types of cohesion used by the main character
of “freedom writers”.

1.2 Problems of the Study Based
on the Background of the study above, the researcher would like to analyze the
following problems: a. What types of
cohesion are used by the main character of “Freedom Writers”? b. What functions of cohesion are used by the
main character of “Freedom Writers”? 1.3 Objectives of the Study Based on the
problems of the study above, the objectives of the study are as follows: a. To identify the types of cohesion used by the
main character of “Freedom Writers”.

b. To describe the functions of cohesion used by
the main character of “Freedom Writers”.

1.4 The Scope and Limitation of the Study To be
well focused, the scope and limitation of the study need to be clarified. This
study is focused to discuss the types of cohesion which are used by the main
character of “Freedom Writers”; directed by Richard Lagravenese in 2006 based
on the book “the freedom writers’ diary” by the freedom writers with Erin
Gruwell. 1.5 Significance of the Study The results of the
study are expected to give contributions to the related study both
theoretically and practically.

1. Theoretically significance The result of the
study is expected to give additional information about how to understand the
movie script entitle “Freedom Writers”.

2. Practical significance It is expected that
this study is useful for the lecturers and the students of the State Islamic
University Maulana Malik Ibrahim of Malang, especially at English Letters and
Language Department. It is expected to be able to give additional information
to the researcher about the utilization of types of cohesion found in it. This
study is also expected to give more information for others who are interested
in doing similar research in the same field in the future.

1.6 Definition of the Key Terms To avoid
misunderstanding of the key terms, the researcher defines some key terms as
follows: 1. Discourse Analysis: The
study of language in use either in spoken or written language.

imm6 � t l x/� hK� s up. But positive face and its derivate forms of positive politeness are less
obvious. Next definition of positive face
is adequate only if certain interpretations are born in mind.

Furthermore, some acts that threaten other’s positive and
negative face are called Face Threatening
Acts (FTAs). Face Threatening Acts are acts that infringe on the hearer’s need to maintain his or her self
-esteem or to be respected .

Dealing with the circumstances
where it may occur, politeness is not applied
in daily conversation only. In fiction, where the author usually creates writing based on life experiences, politeness
can be also applied. Here, a fiction is constructed
from many conflicts which enable politeness phenomena to occur since fiction can be considered as the
representation of the natural events.

Therefore, politeness phenomena
in a fiction is an interesting issue for some researchers to conduct a study in the use of
politeness strategies. This might be because
politeness strategies can be identified much clearer in the fiction.

In this research, the researcher
only investigates the phenomenon of politeness
strategies used by main characters in “Spartacus” movie. However, the primary reason of choosing Spartacus movie is
because this movie tells about the struggle
of slaves to be free human beings. Spartacus as the main character in this movie invites another slaves to get their
freedom by fighting the Roman Empire.

English Literature:A Discourse Study of Types of Cohesion Used by the Main Character of Freedom Writers”

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