Senin, 10 November 2014

English Literature:Cause and Effect Paragraph Used in Business Column of the Jakarta Globe Newspaper


chapter presents background
of the study,
problems of the
study, objectives of
the study, significances of the
study, scope and
limitation, and definition of the key terms.

1.1 Background of the Study Writing
is a way
of gaining control over
the ideas and getting
down a paper (Wingersky, 1992: 1). Writing is also as
a thought process discovering and organizing
ideas to communicate with
readers. When writing
begins, it must
be thought that writing is as an
act of communication. The writers should
consider the existence
of the readers
to help them
write process in order
to be easy
to understand and finally
appreciated. They need some processes of writing a good essay like
prewriting, organizing, drafting,
revising, and editing
to control the outcome
of writing.

Before doing writing process, the
writers have to know the principle of organization
of paragraph, such as
introductory paragraph, main
paragraph or development
paragraph, and conclusion
paragraph. Development paragraph,
as one of the important parts of
an article for instance, basically discusses subdivided topic,
one by one.
Moreover, Oshima and
Hogue (1999: 199)
state that development paragraph
contains as many paragraphs as necessary to explain the controlling ideas in the thesis
statements. In writing process, the writers typically
apply some types of development paragraph, one
of them is
cause and effect. Cause
and effect paragraph is a development
paragraph that attempts to show
how the events or some actions happen. According to Mut’im (2009: 138) states
that cause and effect is a method explaining
why things or as they are, or why something happens.

The writers use cause and effect
in paragraphs when they are tracking the development of one situation or event out of
another. They usually use numerous ways
to organize a
good cause and
effect paragraph and to get
the reader’s attention to read the whole paragraph. They
may use the structure words of cause and
effect paragraph, for example, because of, the result of, as a result,
therefore and the cause of, and also the
signal of cause and effect development such as first …, second …,and finally ….. Besides, they
usually apply the equal significant of cause and
effect, for instances obvious to less
obvious, less interesting
to more interesting). Oshima and Hogue (1981:103) add
that in writing a cause and effect essay, there
are many possible
structure of words can be used
to show
whether discussing a reason or
result. Some cause and effect paragraphs are mostly used in opinion
to move, to
amuse, and to
persuade the readers.
Another motive in writing using cause and effect development is
writing to convey information in a form
of reports on news or events.

In fact, the writers of newspaper
do not obviously clarify the concept of cause
and effect paragraph in their writing process. They tend to simply explain the
causes or the
effects of an
event without showing
the equal significant of cause or
effect paragraph in details. Consequently,
the readers cannot catch
the ideas given
by the writers
and the information or
message cannot be
clearly conveyed so the readers
do not receive and get the point.

The researcher selects cause and
effect paragraph in the form of reports or news in newspaper to be analyzed because of some reasons. First, cause and effect paragraph in report usually presents an
actual event. It cannot be separated each other
and it must be
related to the events. Second, after studying
some previous studies,
there are many
researchers research about
development paragraph but
they only focus
on another development
paragraph such as argumentative
essay that analyzes claim of fact, claim of policy, claim of value, process
analysis and cause
and effect paragraph.
For that reason,
the present researcher wants to complete the previous
studies by analyzing cause and effect paragraph.
Third, cause and effect paragraph is the common paragraph mode used whether in academic writing or in any kinds of
composition that gives the specific result in development paragraph and can give a stimulus in
writing process for both
students and lecturers of developing their writing.

For those
reasons above, the
researcher finally decides
to focus on analyzing
business column of the Jakarta Globe newspaper. The Jakarta
Globe Newspaper is a
daily English language
newspaper in Indonesia, launched
on November 12, 2008. The article
of business column in this newspaper is in a form of report.
The report contains the sequence of events that is displayed based on chronology
of events, especially for new
events related to
the economical development
in Indonesia. In
addition, the Jakarta Globe
is a new
English newspaper in Indonesia
that gives details about factual events in cause and effect paragraph in simple
language, so the readers are easy to understand it.

Furthermore, the researcher is
not the only one who researches the cause and effect paragraph in newspaper. Formerly, there are some
researches who do the similar researches
on development paragraph, especially argumentative essay, rhetorical
analysis on process
paragraph, and cause and
effect paragraph.

Noniawati (2006) investigated unity
of student’s argumentative essay using Turnabout in
the State Islamic
University of Malang. She
found that all
essays have an
appropriate unity because
the essays have
clear thesis statements
and supporting sentences in its
introductory, development and concluding paragraph.

Walid (2007) analyzed on Claim of
Policy in the opinion column of Jakarta Post.

He found that most of the writers of opinion
column of the Jakarta post use funnel type
of introductory paragraph. Muntaha (2008) studied on A rhetorical analysis on
process paragraph in NOKIA 3610 user guide’s book. He found that almost all of the essays analyzed have well-construction
of it unity. The unity of the essays shows that
the developing and
the conclusion paragraphs
support the topic sentence
clearly. Hidayat (2008) analyzes on cause and effect paragraph in “The History
of America” on Microsoft
Encarta Premium 2008. He
found there are three
ways too organize cause and effect paragraph in History of America. They are chain organization, block organization and
a combination of block and chain organization. The
writer mostly stated cause
and effect relationship
directly by using signal words. From
those previous studies, the previous researchers only focus on other types of development paragraph,
such as argumentative essay,
claim of policy, process
analysis, and cause and
effect paragraph. Meanwhile,
the previous researcher who studied cause and effect
paragraph only focuses on identifying and describing cause and
effect directly by
using signal words
or imply cause
and effect from
set of idea
logically or combination
of both. Unlike the previous researchers,
the present researcher wants to categorize the type of cause and effect paragraph
used by the writers of the Jakarta Globe newspaper, and also to know how
the writers of newspaper organizes their
articles by using the
relevancy between cause
and effect paragraph and
showing the equal
important or immediate
and remote. Smalley and
Reutten’s theory (1982) is chosen to
be applied because this
theory shows the equality
of value in a
cause and effect paragraph whose purpose
to strengthen the relevancy between cause and
effect itself and it
also concerns to the way to organize cause and effect paragraph by using
immediate cause or effect to
the remote cause or effect, or
from the less importance
to the most importance. In addition,
this research is conducted since there
are very few researchers who investigated the business column of the Jakarta Globe newspaper using Smalley and Ruetten’s
theory .

English Literature:Cause and Effect Paragraph Used in Business Column of the Jakarta Globe Newspaper

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