Minggu, 09 November 2014

English Literature:Rhetorical Appeals of Pastor Stanley and Ahmed Deedat in Great Open Debate Is Jesus God”


Background of the Study The art of speaking is an activity which is
highly commanded by Allah to all human
being. He orders
us to convey
the message to the
hearer with the greatest
language, a very good manner, and righteous message. As Allah says on the Koran It is for the reason that the
quality of our speech will have an appeal on the hearer’s personal impression and emotion.
The hearer will be an enthusiast of the
speech we deliver if we make use of the art of
speaking very effectively and efficiently.
So that the hearer will have a positive response and easily accept the message we are going to convey.

Such a good way of speaking is
technically termed as rhetorical appeal.

The rhetorical appeal is one of
the branches of argumentative Discourse Analysis with
special focus on
persuasive language. The
term “rhetoric” in this
sense is common
in North American
college and university
courses in rhetoric
or “rhetorical communication”, which
typically focus on
how to express
message correctly and effectively
in relation to the topic of writing or speech, the audience, and the purpose of communication (Richard
& Schmidt, 2002: 458-459).

Through rhetoric (the study of
effective speaking and writing), we can use particular
words to advise,
to persuade, and
to praise others.
Even we can
use some words
to create a
satire, provocation, or
anger. According to
Aristotle, rhetoric is
the ability, in
each particular case,
to see the available means
of persuasion. He
finally described three
main forms of
rhetoric: Ethos (speaker’s credibility),
Logos (the use
of logical reason),
and Pathos (emotional
appeal) (Brinton: 2000) .

Ethos is the speaker's
credibility. It has something to do with who speaks.

We tend
to believe people
whom we respect.
One of the
central goals of argumentation
is to give an impression to the reader that you are someone worth listening to. Then the second appeal is logos
whichtries to give a logical truth, fact,
and statistic. Logos makes the claims and thefacts fit each other. Finally the speaker must employ the pathos. It is the way
how the speaker makes the hearers feel
impressed and touched. By employing those three appeals, the speaker will be much more persuasive in their speech.

In daily conversation such as
discussion, lobby, dialogue, interview,
and debate, a
speaker frequently applies
the rhetorical appeals, as
noted above, in persuading, convincing,
and influencing his
or her rival.
Take the example
of Ahmed Deedat,
a very well-known
Muslim debater, who is
able to persuade, convince, and influence the audiences who
attend the debate. Ahmed Deedat got a very
great and warmly response from the audiences.

The amazing
thing happened at the end
of the debate was
the Christian audiences
who converted into
Islam. They stated
what Ahmed Deedat
told was accurate
and acceptable. Ahmed
Deedat encouraged the
audiences to make a
comparison between Islam and Christian.
Ahmed Deedat proposed the facts about the
scientific errors in the bible and scientific truth in the holy Koran.

He, with exact verse and its
number, recites different quotes from different Bibles conflicting with each other which make
his opposite Christian missionary rethink his
own religion. In
South Africa, where
he lived, hundreds of
people converted to
Islam including large
number of Christian
Missionaries. The capability of persuasive strategies and the
masteryof both the Bible and the Koran make
any Christian missionaries think 100 times before debating with him.

On the
other hand, Pastor
Stanly is a
Christian scholar who
is expert in Christian
knowledge. He oftentimes gives seminars,
talks, sermons, even debates of across
religion. He is one of
the most famous
debaters in Christian.
He has written a lot of books of both Islam and
Christian.He made rebuttal, in his books, on
what Muslim writers
wrote. His understanding
on those two
religions made him ready to conduct the debate against Ahmed

In 1985
the great debate
happened between Ahmed
Deedat and Pastor Stanly in Stockholm under the topic “Is Jesus
God?”Those two debaters have a different concept
of god. Stanly
claims, as Christian’s
belief, that Jesus
is god.

However, Ahmed Deedat tries to
clarify that Jesus is not god but he is a prophet.

This different
concept of god
generally triggers the
two followers of
Islam and Christian always in conflict. Through
sufficient understanding, those two debaters argue each other with a very good reason.

Those are
the underlying reasons
why the speech
delivered by Ahmed Deedat and
Pastor Stanley in the debate
is interesting to be researched.
The researcher will analyze the
debate between Ahmed Deedat and Pastor Stanly by using
the theory of
rhetorical appeals introduced
by Aristotle. The
theory of rhetorical appeals is relevant to be used
because of two reasons. First, in order to be
more persuasive, the
speakers should have
ethos: who speaks, Logos,
and pathos. Second, between the
theory and the data arecompatible and well-matched.

Ahmed Deedat and pastor Stanly
intentionally employed what Aristotle claimed as rhetorical appeals.

Actually, there
are several researchers
who have already
studied about rhetoric.
Yet those researchers
studied the rhetoric
in general with
different perspective. To avoid
the re-research, therefore, the researcher needs to enlist and explore the previous studies.

Muntaha (2008)
researched about “A
Rhetorical Analysis on
Process Paragraph in #okia 3610
User’s Guidebook”. He investigates the
phenomena of rhetorical situation to
describe the process paragraph used in Nokia 3610 user’s guidebook by using the theory of Martin J.

Additionally, the
researcher who studied
the same field
was Alfaruq (2008).
He researched about
“A Rhetorical Element
Analysis on the Argumentative Essays
in Islamic Magazine”
by using the
theory of Hairston.

Other researcher
was Pattaroeba (2006)
whose study was
about “A Rhetorical Analysis on Aa Gym’s Religious speech. He used
the theory of Searle’s Typology.

His research focused on the
function of rhetorical speech act, style, and figure of speech.

Furthermore, Covington
(1986) researched on
“Aristotelian Rhetorical Appeals
in the Poetry
of Matthew Arnold”.
He used the
theory of Aristotelian rhetorical
appeals. He found
that Matthew Arnold
wrote mostly nonlyrical, discursive poetry that relies heavily on
nonlogicalAristotelian rhetorical appeals to "ethos" and "pathos".

The last
researcher was Chakorn
(2008). He researched
on “Rhetorical Appeals in Thai Annual Reports: An
Investigation ofthe Authority’s Language in the Executive Letter during Asia’s Economic
Crisis”. He explored the use of the rhetorical
appeals in the MFTCs (message from the chairman), and the following discussion reports on this particular issue.
Rhetorical appeals found in his corpus are
mostly logos and ethos.

It is clearly-cut that there are
two researchers who researched on rhetorical appeals introduced by Aristotle with the
different objects of the study. The
other reseachers, esspecially
the students of The
State Islamic University
of Malang, focused
on rhetoric, as
explained above, in
general with different objects
and theories. Whereas,
the present study
explores the rhetorical
appeals of Ahmed Deedat
and pastor Stanly in great open debat “Is Jesus God?”.

1.2 Problems of the Study Corresponding
to the background
of the study
elaborated on preceding discussion, the researcher formulates general
statement of the problems into more specific
as follow: 1.2.1 What
are the rhetorical
appeals employed by
Pastor Stanly and Ahmed
Deedat in great open debate “Is Jesus God?”? 1.2.2
How are the
rhetorical appeals employed
by Pastor Stanly
and Ahmed Deedat in great open
debate “Is Jesus God?”? 1.3 Objectives of the Study Based
on the research
problems stated above,
the study is
carried out to achieve
the following purposes: 1.3.1 To
describe the rhetorical
appeals employed by
Pastor Stanly and Ahmed
Deedat in great open debate “Is Jesus God?” 1.3.2 To
describe how the
rhetorical appeals are
employed by Pastor Stanley and Ahmed Deedat in great open debate
“Is Jesus God?” 1.4 Significance of the Study This
study is expected to give useful informationof an effective speaking on rhetorical appeals such as ethos, logos and
pathos. Furthermore, the result of the study
will give both
theoretical and practical
contribution toward language learners.

the study helps
to broaden the
understanding of the reseacher and
all language learners
who major in
linguistic study especially
to those who want to learn more
about rhetoric, so that the discipline of rhetorical study
will get developed
in sciences. The study is
also expected to
help the students who take the public speaking class.
On theother hand, the students of the State Islamic
University of Malang
rarely research the
study. Therefore, by conducting
this research, the students will get a broader understanding concerning with the rhetorical appeals.

it is expected
to be useful
for the next
researchers who are interested in
conducting research on the same
field as the references.
The researcher hopes this study
will give the readers acontribution in presenting the arts of speaking. The students and the
researcher himself who read the outcomes of
this study can
positively apply the
rhetorical study and
give their friends motivations in order to be more curious in

1.5 Scope and Limitation The
researcher elaborates on
rhetoric with special focus
on rhetorical appeals. This study only focuses on three
forms of rhetorical appeals such as ethos (speaker’s credibility),
logos (the use of
logical reason), and
pathos (emotional appeal). The
object of the study is speech delivered by Ahmed Deedat and Pastor Stanly in Great Open Debate “Is Jesus God?”
held inStockholm. The speech will be analyzed
by using the
theory introduced by
Aristotle in his
three forms of rhetoric
(ethos, logos, and pathos).

1.5 Definition of the Key Terms To
establish the same understanding on the central idea and the area of the research,
the researcher defines
the operational definition
of the key
terms to avoid misunderstanding and misinterpreting.

1.6.1 Rhetorical appeals Aristotle defines the rhetorical appeals as
means of persuasion which is used to
persuade, convince, and influence
others through ethos,
logos, and pathos (Booth, 2004:

1.6.2 Ethos It is the speaker’s credibility which refers
to theaudience’s perception of whether
the speaker is
qualified to speak
on given topic
(Lucas, 2004: 429) 1.6.3 Logos It is
the logical appeal of the speaker through evidence and reasoning (Lucas, 2004: 437).

1.6.4 Pathos It
is an emotional
appeal such as
sympathy, civic pride,
a sense of justice, or
similar feelings based
on values and
beliefs (Lucas, 2004: 449).

1.6.5 “Is Jesus God?” It is the topic of the debate conducted in
1985 by Ahmed Deedat and Pastor Stanly in great open debate in

English Literature:Rhetorical Appeals of Pastor Stanley and Ahmed Deedat in Great Open Debate Is Jesus God”

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