Selasa, 11 November 2014

English Literature:A Comparative Study between Phonetic Consonants Pronounciation Variations of Chinese and American Main Characters on Spy Next Door.”


This chapter presents the introduction which
is used in this research. It consists of
some sub chapters. They are background of the study, research problems, objective of the study, scope and limitation,
significance of the study, and operational definition of key terms.

1.1 Background of the Study When we listen
carefully to the way of every single person who speaks English, we will hear hundreds of slight
differences in the way every individual pronounces
particular sounds. The way how people express the English in their speech sound is called pronounciation. As
stated by Daniel Jones (1978:3) that there
are no two people pronounce exactly alike. This statement shows that every single person will pronounce a language
differently even in slight differences, in this case is pronouncing English. It means
that the main part of differences in producing
English is the way how people pronounce it in their speech apparatus.

The differences can come from
variety of causes, such as locality, social surroundings and geographical regions. Boey
(1997:114) states that there are varieties
in English based on broad geographical regions, as we speak of American English, British English, Canadian
English, New Zeeland English and etc. It
shows that English will have different styles in different geographical regions. Those statements above can also be
found in Quran which is stated since thousands years ago, as found in Surah Ar-
Ruum verse 22, it is revealed: And of this sign are the creation of the heavens
and the earth, and the diversity of your
tongues and colors. Surely there are signs in this for all mankind.

Diversity of your tongues means
that diversity in language and more specific
it can be diversity of how individual pronounces language. While the word colors refers to as what has been stated
by Boey (1997:114) about the diversity
of locality, social surroundings and geographical regions.

Therefore, there has been an
effort by the linguists to find a way to break down the stream of speech, so that the units
may be studied and described accurately.
Through a long process with a method analyzing speech, there must be a method to record them. Till this day, the
linguists have found that speech sound
often called as pronounciation can be studied from two points of view: the phonetic and phonological. David (1995:236)
states that phonology is the study of the
sound system of languages which studies only those contrasts in sound (phonemes) making differences of meaning
within language. On the other hand, phonetic
studies all possible sounds that the human vocal apparatus can produce.

In this study the researcher
takes phonetics point of view in analyzing pronounciation.

In this research, the researcher studies about
how Chinese produce English especially
in speech sounds aspect. He takes Jacky Chan whom played as main character in one of films in English language
released at 2010. He is a Chinese who
has already played and directed movies in Europe countries since 13 years after he succeed in his homeland Hongkong. The
entire movies which are produced in
Europe countries are in English language. Since that, English is as a part of Jacky Chan language for sure. But the
researcher finds variation of speech sounds
produced by Jacky Chan in pronouncing some consonants in English language. As an example thein word
sure is pronounced as [z] by him, so in phonetic transcription of sure becomes while in Standard English it is  According to the phenomenon
above, the researcher is curious in analyzing
the “Spy Next Door” movie in the phonetic aspect. The researcher is curious to find any varieties of consonant
that are produced by the Jacky Chan, a Chinese
who plays as one of main characters in this movie. The researcher is also interested in discussing how English
consonants are pronounced in this movie. By applying Daniel Jones theory on
consonant he wants to present the analysis by comparing between varieties of consonants that
are produced by the Chinese and American
main characters to find out the differences and the similarities. First, is according
to the organ of speech which articulated and second is according to the manner in which the organ articulated.

The previous study related to the English
pronunciation was conducted by Nurul
(1999). Her research was focused on pronouncing the letter „s

to find what are the
variations that appear and each combination in the initial, medial, and position of organ of speech, entitled A Study
of Pronunciation of Letter „s

and Its Combination in English. the result of her
study is that, there are so many variation of pronunciations that appears from the letter

and each possible combination in the initial, medial and final position and
the environments that cause the variation
of pronouncing the letter „s


Other study related to the
English pronounciation had also been conducted by Agtifa (2008). Her researchs title is A Phonetic Analysis on Variations in Pronouncing the Consonants Found in “Bride and
Prejudice” Film. By applying Daniel
Jones theory in her study, she presented a lot of varieties of pronouncing English consonants pronounced by the Indian
actors and the actresses.

Ahsah (2008) through his
research, he tried to find the differences and similarities of phonetic variation character
in “The King Maker. The title of his study
is “A Comparative Study between Native and Non-Native Characters Phonetic Variations in
“The King Maker”. In his research he found that there some sounds that cannot be produced by Thai
but it is produced by British. In the other
hand Thai can produce sounds in which British cannot produce it.

From those previous studies
above, the researcher is eager to investigate about English varieties focused on accent,
especially about varieties in consonant pronunciations produced by the Chinese and
American main characters in the “Spy
Next Door” and then compare them to find the differences and similarities, entitled A Comparative Study between Phonetic
Consonants Pronunciation Variations of
Chinese and American Main Characters on “SPY NEXT DOOR”.

This research is also conducted
to enrich the previous studies above.

1.2 Research Problems Based on
the background of the study above the researcher formulates the research problems as follows: 1. What types of consonants variations are found
in the Chinese and American main characters of “SPY NEXT DOOR”? 2. What are the differences and similarities
between Chinese and American main characters
of “SPY NEXT DOOR”in pronouncing the consonants variations? 1.3 Objective of
the Study Based on the problems above, the objectives of the study are : 1. Kinds of phonetic consonants variations of
Chinese and American main characters in
“SPY NEXT DOOR.” 2. The differences and
similarities between Chinese and American main characters in “SPY NEXT DOOR” in pronouncing
the consonants variations.

1.4 Scope and Limitation For deeper analysis
of the study, the researcher scopes and focuses only on the Chinese and American main characters in
pronouncing the variations of consonants
from the Spy Next Door movies dialogues in phonetic point of view
in order to avoid broaden of the
discussion. The researcher does not analyze factors that influence the main characters in the film in
producing the consonants and just focuses on the pronounciation aspect of articulatory
phonetics point of view. He also does not analyze the whole actors and actresses dialogues. He limits it just from Jacky Chan (Bob Ho) as the Chinese, Amber Valetta
(Gillian), Madeline Carroll (Farren), Will Shadley (Ian) and Alina Foley (Nora) as the
American main characters. From these characters
the main data will be collected.

English Literature:A Comparative Study between Phonetic Consonants Pronounciation Variations of Chinese and American Main Characters on Spy Next Door.”

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