Selasa, 11 November 2014

English Literature:A Rhetoric Analysis Used in Soekarno’s Speech at the Fifteenth United Nations General Assembly


This chapter presents background
of the study, research problem, objectives
of the study, scope and limitation, significance of the study, and definition of the key terms.

1.1 Background of the Study Rhetorical
study is often related to the art of public speaking in which teaching concept discusses the fundamental of
persuasion (West & Turner, 2008:6).
The primary point of rhetoric is language use (Effendy, 2005:53). Here, the speaker attempts to use language
effectively in order to ease the audience in understanding the message delivered.
Furthermore, the study on rhetorics is an interesting subject. In mid of eighteenth
century, George Campbell in Booth (2004:6)
states: “Rhetoric is that art or talent by which discourse is adapted to its end. All the ends of
speaking are reducible to four; every
speech being intended to enlighten the
understanding, to please the imagination,
to move the passions, and to influence
the will.” However, rhetoric is used in the form not only spoken like speech
but also written like text. Mc Quarrie
develops a theory on rhetorical figures which is usually used in written form. The rhetorical
figure is classified into two kinds: figurative
and nonfigurative text. For figurative, there are two types: schemes and tropes. Besides that, Mc Quarrie also
proposes rhetorical operation which includes
repetition, reversal, substitution and destabilization. Some researchers use Mc Quarrie’s theory in analyzing
advertising language text, for example, Tom
and Eves (1999) who look at “The Use of Rhetorical Devices in Advertising”. The result of their research
indicated that 45 percent (54 of the 120) of advertisements incorporating rhetorical
devices perform better than advertisements
that did not use performance measurements of recall and persuasion. In contemporary context, rhetoric
is understood as style of communication
emphasizing on “how” something is said more than what is said.

There is another strategy usually
known as technique to construct rhetoric,
like in speech. Techniques of rhetoric have been developed by, such as, Aristotle and Kenneth Burke. In Ancient
Greece, Aristotle developed the idea about
rhetoric as an art of persuasion in which an argument must be concise, clear and convincing (Effendy, 2005:55). He is known
by three kinds of appeals: logos (logical
appeal), pathos (emotional appeal), and ethos (ethical appeal). Logos or logical appeal is an argument encloses logical
case and language usage clearly which
will show the speaker’s credibility. Next, pathos or emotional appeal is used to show emotion, likes love, hate, fear
etc from listener/reader’s feeling.

Finally, ethos or ethical appeal
is related to good perception, source credibility or trustworthiness of speakers. Burke in Booth
(2004:8) argues that rhetoric is a form
in primary function of language itself which is realistic. Moreover, it is a symbolic means to build a system in beings a
natural response in. Therefore, Burke
has focused on language as symbol. The way of people gets success in persuading if they are able to construct the
language in a good concept. Rhetorical concept
of Burke’s work is known with dramatism theory in which there are five key terms as methods (usually called “pentad”)
including act, scene, agent, agency and
purpose. Twenty years later, Burke establishes one point of pentad is attitude (detailed explanation in chapter II).
Actually, in the seventeenth century, there
were some popular orators from Europe like Oliver Cromwell and Lord Bollingbroke who used in techniques of
rhetoric. Hence, the beginning of rhetoric development focused on speech with certain
purpose was to persuade. In the developing
of rhetoric, Sir Winston Churchill was the rhetor from England who got success to encourage British to fight
German Nazi in the World War II.

Furthermore, rhetoric has given
great deal in communication discipline.
By using rhetoric, it helps us to catch the messages which are delivered by speaker. Using rhetorical
techniques will make it easier for the audience
to understand the message. There are six forms in organizing messages: deductive, inductive, chronological, logical,
spatial, and topical (Rakhmat, 2006: 35-36).

Recently, many researchers are
interested in studying about rhetoric, for
example, Anami, Muntaha and Rahmayanti. They use rhetorical concept based on their own perspectives. Anami (2008)
concerned arguments in the text of
Sermon used by Bishop Jose R. Hernandez. She used Toulmin’s and Aristotle’s model but still applied rhetorical
structure and three measures of linguistic,
rhetorical and communication oriented perspective. The findings of her research were that Bishop made an argument
using both theories of argument in all
of his sermons: Toulmin’s and Aristotle’s model. It can be inferred that the texts of sermons are characterized by various
elements of argument and appeals.

Besides that, Bishop uses
quotation from Bible as a strategy for effective argument and persuasion. Anami’s research
attempts only to look at the arguments
used in religious genre.

Next, Muntaha (2008) examines
rhetorical expression in analyzing process
paragraph of NOKIA 3610 user guide’s book by Martin J Arnaudet and Mary Ellen Barret’s theory. The theory
provides five types: enumerators, listing signals, time clues, repetition and pronoun
reference, and visualization. He found four
types in the guidebook namely time clues, listing signals, repetition and pronoun reference, and visualization. For time
clues was the majority type in almost
data found, and continually listing signals were used especially number.

Moreover, repetitive usage had
purpose to emphasize discussion of the topic.

Beside that, both pronoun
reference and visualization were rarely used. The results of his study show that making
paragraph based on rhetorical expression can help readers to understand the guide’s
book easily.

Different from the two
researchers above, Rahmayanti (2008) examines “Figure of Rhetorics in the Text of Movie
Advertisement language”. She focused on
figure of speech usage by Edward F Mc Quarrie and Katie Wales in stylistic.

She was interested in the text of
movie advertisement because rhetorical figure had important components. She found that (1)
the reader should know the concept how
text of the posters was made using rhetorical operation; (2) a copy writer should understand rhetorical operation as a
technique of writing text in order for the
readers understand the message easily. She found that the use of rhetorical operations types include repetition, reversal,
substitution, and destabilization but for
substitution and repetition were the most frequently types used. Rhetorical expression of substitution was the expression
which shows the real claim and assertive
forces in their formal element. Then, rhetorical operation of repetition was the expression of their formal element
containing sounds, words and phrase structure.
She explains the use rhetorical operational concept especially substitution and repetition intended to create
the deviations of the expressions used
by the advertiser or copywriter in advertisement.

English Literature:A Rhetoric Analysis Used in Soekarno’s Speech at the Fifteenth United Nations General Assembly

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