Senin, 03 November 2014

English Literature: The Values Of Aek Sipitu Dai In Limbong For Batak Society

The province of Sumatera Utara
consists of 33 cities and native tribes that can be classified into three
tribes namely, Malay, Batak (Batak Karo, Batak Toba,  Batak Simalungun, Batak Pak-pak, Batak
Mandailing), and Nias. Sumatera Utara is one of the historic city in the
Republic of Indonesia. One of the most famous  tourism attraction is Lake Toba and Samosir
Island. The natural beauty is amazed stretches of beautiful Lake Toba, the
largest lake in Southeast Asia.
People known  as the Batakness still adhere to the cultural
heritage and traditions of their  ancestor.
Besides, itsnatural beauty, the region of Lake Toba and Samosir Island  also special arts and the culture which is
priceless to the entire overseas countries.One of the historical area is
Pusuk Buhit, located in Limbong-Sagala village, 15  km from Pangururan.
Pusuk Buhit is widely known as a
sacred hill for all Batak descendants. The  first man of Batak man  is 
“Mulajadi Nabolon”  (Almighty God)
was born  supernaturally on the summit of
Pusuk Buhit long time ago. Until now, most of  the Batak 
in his legend. Until now this area is still respected and used as a  historical tourist destination areas in
district of Samosir. Most  people who  purposely climb Pusuk Buhit to pray to
Mulajadi Nabolon and ask for bless and  power.
Not only  it has magical and sacred
place, but also from the top of Pusuk  Buhit,
the visitors can the surrounding 
environment, like: The surface of 
Toba  Lake, Tongging, Haranggaol,
Silalahi, Tamba,Bakkara and Muara.
Samosir Island is one ofthe
interesting places in Sumatera Utara, which  lies in the middle of emerald green Lake Toba.
People who inhabit Samosir Island  live
prosperously on fishing, farming, livestock. Besides it, they carve and weave    as side job. They make Ulos as a scarf and
essential for special ceremony.
Samosir is a popular tourist
destination due to its exotic history and the view  which is offered. The tourist resorts are
concentrated in the Tuktuk area. The  island
is the centre of the Batakculture and it has so many artifacts.
Samosir consists of lakes, hills,
attraction. The lake is Toba Lake whose  its
wide is about 1103 km² (Agus : 2010), the hills are called Bukit Barisan, and  the attraction is the diverse cultures  both of original natural as ancient tomb, traditional
houses. One of the interesting things of Aek Sipitu Dai is as a Hallow  place to the Bataknese people who live at
Limbong Sagala village. The history of  water
sources can be streamed into seven channels and it has seven flavors and it  is believed that it can cure some diseases,Its
location is ± 9 km from Pangururan  city.
2. The Problem of the Study  Based on the background, the problems are: 1.  How is the history of Aek Sipitu Dai in
Limbong?  2.  What are the values of Aek Sipitu Dai for
Batak society? 3.  What are the
uniqueness of Aek Sipitu Dai? 3. The Purpose of the Study   The
purpose of the study is to describe the history, value and uniqueness  of Aek Sipitu Dai for Batak society. Besides
it, this paper is written as one of the  requirements
to graduate from Faculty of Culture in English Department.
4. The Scope of the Study The
scope of the study is  focused on the
history, value and uniquiness of  Aek
Sipitu Dai in Limbong, Sianjurmula-mula.
5. The Reason for Choosing this
Topic  The reason for choosing this title
is because Samosir Island is unique. Aek  Sipitu Dai is a magical and historical place.
There are seven kinds of water with  seven
flavors created by Langgat Limbong, the descendant from Si Raja Batak.
6. The Method of the Study There
are two methods used, namely: field research and library research.
Field research is a kind of
research, that researcher collects the required  data from some information who are reasonable
to be used as the representative  the
miracle of Aek Sipitu Dai.
Library research is used to find
some data by collecting some books that are connected to Aek  Sipitu Dai.

English Literature: The Values Of Aek Sipitu Dai In Limbong For Batak Society

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