Senin, 03 November 2014

English Literature: Speech Act Classification In Slumdog Millionaire

1.1. Background of
the Study  
As the part of society, people
can see that something connect one to another  is language. People use language to utter
their thoughts, ideas and also feelings.
Even, the blinds and deaf also
use language to communicate each other by using the  signs. And the fact people can see in their
life is language shows the continuous  action.
Devito (1985: 4) mentions “although we may talk about communication as if  it were static and at rest, it is never so; it
is always an ongoing process”.
It can be  shown by an example of teacher explains a
theory in front of the class and then the  students give her feedback by asking a
question or give a conclusion, and then the  teacher answers her students’ questions or
conclude it is right or wrong for their  conclusion.In communicating to each other,
people will try to get their partner to get  what they mean and give response or appreciate
it. It means people want to reach a  certain
purpose when they utter their words. Like what Devito (1985: 3) tells that  “communication refers to the act, by one or
more persons, of sending and receiving  messages
that are dissorted by noise, occur within a context, have some effect, and  provide some opportunity for feedback”.
But, different people will create
different result for their utterances based on  who they are, who the people they talk to are,
and what condition they are speaking  in.
For example, when a United State woman said that she declares a war to Iraqi,  nothing happens. But when the President Barack
Obama says that, what will happen?    The
woman says something that understood by the people of the country but they  give nothing as the response. So what is
missing from the communication that make  it failed?  When the United State woman declares a war to
Iraqi, what she said is only  nonsense
for the people of United State, but when it is said by President Barack  Obama, it is more than just a statement. It
can bea proof that differentpeople will create different classof utterance.
This case that makesthe writer wants to analyze further more about  the speech 
act  which  means the communication  is getting  influenced 
by  the speaker, the listener and
the condition  of  the speaker and the listener builda
The reason for choosing Slumdog Millionaire as the object for this thesis is  this movie is consists of the characters that
come from some different class in the  society.
There are people come from the lowest class who live in the slum, the  educational polices, host, director and staff
of TV programme. That means, every  character
comes from different class who is supported by the different dialogue  condition will create different utterance in
every conversation they build. Some  examples
of the movie dialogues are:  1.  PREM: Welcome to Who Wants To Be a
Millionaire! 2.  PREM: Who was the star
of the 1973 hit film Zanjeer.
3.  PREM: Guess what? You’re right. You just won
one thousand rupees! The three utterances are built by one character but they
have different class of  utterances. In
the first sentence, the character Prem is showing an attitude by    welcoming the audiences. Next to the second
one, the character Prem is challenging  the
contestant to answer the question of who the star of the 1973 hit film Zanjeer  was. And the last one shows that the character
Prem uses his right to make a verdict  which
the contestant gives the right or wrong answer.
Welcoming, challenging, and
verdicting createdby Prem’s utterances explain that  people 
is doing an  action  not only when they speak but their  utterances themselves  also the forms  of 
actions.  It  is 
what  speech act theory explicitly
 conceptualizes (Jannedy, 1994: 229).
Speech act theory shows how speakers and  hearer use language, and how the condition
gives influence for both of them.
1.2. Scope of the Analysis  As has previously been mentioned in the
background of the study that what  people
do with their words like welcoming, challenging, and verdicting show that  they perform an action by using the language,
the concept of an illocutionary act is  considered
as the central to the concept of a speech act. Because shortly,  illocutionary act will show “what people do
with their words”. Therefore, this thesis  will be focused on the illocutionary act
classification based on Austin’s speech act  theory. As the developer of speech acttheory,
his workcontinues to havea specific relevance forlanguage theorizing. Austin is
widely associated with the concept of the  speech act and the idea that speech is itself
a form of action.
1.3. Problems of the Study  Dialogue is one of the main element in a movie
where is one character interacts  with
the other one to build the full story line. If Slumdog Millionaire is consists
of  the characters that come from some
different class in the society, each character will    make different class of utterance, these facts
drive the writer to the following  questions:
What are the classifications of Illocutionary Act found in Slumdog  Millionaire?  2.  What
is the dominant Illocutionary Act found in Slumdog Millionaire?  3.  What
is the explanation for the finding dominant Illocutionary Act in  Slumdog Millionaire? 1.4. Objectives of the
Study  In line with the problems of study
above make the writer to make these as the  objective of analysis:  1.  To
find the classifications of Illocutionary Act in Slumdog Millionaire.

English Literature: Speech Act Classification In Slumdog Millionaire

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