Senin, 03 November 2014

English Literature: The Translation Procedures of Economic Terms Found in The Translation of N. Gregory Mankiw’s Principles Of Economics into Haris Munandar’s Pengantar Ekonomi

 1.1 Background of the Study  
varieties  of  language 
has  made  a 
gap  for  people 
from  different  countries 
to  share  information 
in  communication.  In 
order  to  bridge 
the  gap,  translation is conducted. Translation is
attempted to be used to overcome barriers  in international communication. It takes a
very important role and has successfully  played its role in spreading the knowledge in
this world through the translation of  scientific
books and journals.
We cannot deny that there are a lot of good books of  science 
written  in  English, 
which  some  of 
them  are  not 
readable  for  some  interested  learners. 
By  the  translation 
of  those  books,  
science  has  been 
made  understandable and familiar
to a lot of people. Therefore, some scientific terms,  such as export, import, credit, debet and
monopoly have been familiar to most of  us.Science  is 
always  improving  and 
making  innovation  to 
fulfil  the  human  need.
Economy is one of the sciences which is improving rapidly to fulfil human  need. Economy has an intense contact to human
life. Everyday, human activities  will  include 
economic  activities,  such 
as  purchasing,  selling, 
and  paying  something.
According  to 
Oxford  Advanced  Learner’s 
Dictionary,  term  is 
a  word  or  phrase
used as the name of something, especially one connected with a particular  subject or used in a particular type of
economic science improves and innovates, it often evolves or produces  new 
term.  This  new 
term  may  cause 
problems  to  a 
translator  since  it 
is  quite  impossible 
to  update  the 
existing  dictionaries  with 
a  new  term 
in  every  short  period  in 
order  to  have 
a  very  complete 
term  dictionary.  Compiling 
new  term  dictionary would also require a tremendous
amount of human effort.
In this case, because of some
reasons, a translator should decide whether  he tries to find the equivalent word in the
target language or to loan those terms  into
the target language. Bolinger (1975:419) says, “Borrowings concentrates in  the areas where contact is most intense.
Therefore, it is not surprising that science  and technology lead the field nowadays, with
sport and tourism close behind. But  the  contact 
has  grown  so 
close  in  recent 
time  with  press, 
radio,  television,  and  international  travel, 
that  a  kind 
of  universal  diffusion 
is  taking  place.” 
For  example,  the 
word  monopoly which  is 
translated  into monopoli.  The 
translator  uses  borrowing 
procedure.  The  translator 
borrows  the  term 
from  the  target  language and make changes in the writing
system of the word.
Another  problem 
that  frequently  appears 
is  that  economic 
terms  often  cannot be translated on a word by word basis.
While the individual word of the  term
may have many possible translations, the term itself typically has a unique  translation that may or may not correspond to
the translation of its components.
For example, ask price which is
translated into harga terendah. This is one of the  example 
of  the  term 
found  in  Gregory 
Mankiw’s  The  Principles 
of  Economics.
According to Oxford Advanced
Learner’s Dictionary, to ask means to request that  somebody 
gives  something  or 
does  something.  In 
Bahasa  Indonesia,  this 
is    permintaan.
While price means an amount of money for which something may be  bought or sold which in Bahasa Indonesia, it
is harga. The translation of the word  askcorresponds
to price that what a buyer ask is usually the lowest price. In this  case, the translator uses equivalence procedure
to solve the translation problem.
In  the 
other  hand,  some 
translations  of  term 
may  not  have 
corresponse  between its
components. For example, the translation of 
current asset  into  aktiva  lancar. 
Current means  the  latest which 
is  mutakhir in  Bahasa 
Indonesia,  asset refers to the
thing owned by a person or company that has value, which is  harta  milik
in  Bahasa.   In 
this  example,  the 
translation  of  the 
term  current  asset into  aktiva lancardoes not correspond to the
translation the word composing the term.
In  this 
case,  the  translator 
also  uses  the 
equivalence  procedure  to 
solve  the  translation problem.
In addition, it also frequently
appears that a translator adds a word to make  the translation not strange in the target
language. For example, the term substitutes which is translated into barang
substitusiinstead of substitusi and demandswhich  is translated into permintaaninstead of
permintaan-permintaan. The translation of  the 
terms  substitutions  and 
demands  faces  problem 
if  they  are 
translated  with  literal translation. In these cases,
transposition procedure is used.
Mona Baker and Gabriela Saldanha
(2009:288) says that in most cases, it  is
the terminologists who engage in the systemic research of one or more domains  in 
order  to  compile 
bi-  or  multi- 
lingual  resources,  such 
as  glossaries  or 
term  banks,  for 
use  by  translators. 
However,  as  noted 
above,  translators  themselves  may engage in a kind of ad hoc terminographic
activity when they endeavour to    establish
a terminological equivalent or find a translation solution to a particular  terminological problem encountered in a text.
It means that translator also plays a  role
in determining the name of scientific term in a target language. The translator
contribution to the target language in expanding its vocabularies when
no  equivalence  in 
TL  is  found, 
especially  the  vocabularies 
dealing  with  science  which will always improve.

English Literature: The Translation Procedures of Economic Terms Found in The Translation of N. Gregory Mankiw’s Principles Of Economics into Haris Munandar’s Pengantar Ekonomi

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