Senin, 03 November 2014

English Literature: An Analysis Of Noun Clauses Used In Danielle Stell’s Novel “ Special Delivery “

CHAPTER I Introduction 
Background of The Study 
A group of words that contains a subject and a
predicate is commonly termed a  clause. A
clause may be either a sentence, an independent clause or a sentence-like  construction within another sentence, a
dependent clause. If a clause can stand alone as a  sentence it is an independent clause. Some
clauses, however, cannot stand alone as  sentences:
in this case, they are dependent clauses or subordinate clauses.
Clauses can  take the place of different parts of speech.
Similarly, a noun clause can take the place of a  noun. A clause is like a sentence that's
within a sentence. A noun clause has the function  of a noun in the main sentence. So in a genera
notion a noun clause, also termed a  nominal
clause, is a dependent clause functioning as a noun, that is as a subject,
object or  complement.Noun clause has various aspects
such as forms and functions. Noun clause may be  formed with an interrogative word, with
‘that’, with ‘that’ deletion and with ‘whether’ or  ‘if’. Noun clause may be of various functions,
such as subject of a verb, object of a  transitive
verb, object of preposition, object of a missing preposition, in apposition to
a  noun or pronoun, subject complement,
object complement and adjective complement.
Many people are fairly
comfortable with the idea of nouns, but they might not feel so  confident when it comes to the idea of a noun
clause. Noun clauses come in a variety of  forms; therefore, breaking down the study into
its basic components is essential to the  proper learning of the form.Using noun clauses
in everyday speech is a fairly common  practice,
as noun clauses add often crucial information to sentences. However, learning
to  differentiate between the various
types can be difficult. If a person is in n a position  where he or she has to decide which form the
noun clause is taking, the person should  consider the options carefully, and consult a
grammar guide.
The analysis done in this
scientific writing is concerned with the functions of the  noun clauses used in the novel Special
Delivery  written by Daniel Steel.
Danielle    Fernande
Dominique Schuelein-Steel was born on August 14, 1947 in New York. She is  an American romantic novelist and author of
mainstream dramas. She was educated in  both
the US and Europe, and has worked in teaching, advertising and public relations.
She wrote her first book when she
was only 19, and has gone on to write an astounding  amount of material since. She can work on up
to five books at a time, whether it be  researching,
editing or the writing itself. Legend has it she still uses a manual
typewriter,  dating from 1946, for her
work, and can often spend up to 20 hours a day writing.
Her writing can be very personal
at times, and often involves issues and themes that  occur to normal people in everyday life such
as cancer, marriage, divorce, adoption and  mental illness. She has raised nine children
of her own, and lives in San Fransisco and  Paris. Danielle Steel has been hailed as one
of the world's most popular authors, with  over 580 million copies of her novels sold.
Her many international bestsellers include  Matters of the Heart, One Day at a Time, A
Good Woman, Rogue, Honor Thyself,  Amazing
Grace, and other highly acclaimed novels. She is also the author of His Bright  Light, the story of her son Nick Traina's life
and death.
In a novel that explores the fun
and challenge, and occasional absurdity, of new  beginnings, Danielle Steel  tells the story of two people who find love
where and when  they least expect it.
At fifty-nine, Jack Watson owns
one of the most successful boutiques in Beverly  Hills, has two adult children who are the
light of his life, and his choice of Hollywood's  most beautiful women. After a failed marriage
in the distant past, and brief, tragic affair  years afterward, Jack has become the perfect
bachelor. And he loves it.
Amanda Robbins knows Jack Watson
only as her daughter's father-in-law, an  incurable playboy whom she dislikes intensely.
Theirs has been a relationship based  solely
upon the marriage of her daughter to his son. And Amanda wants no other  relationship with him. But when she becomes a
widow unexpectedly, twenty-six years  after
she retires from Hollywood stardom to become a wife and mother, Amanda finds  herself on unfamiliar ground, and is surprised
to find herself both befriended by, and    attracted
to, Jack Watson. Worse yet, she likes him. There is a lot more to him than she previously
Amanda's shock at her attraction
to Jack is equaled only by her children's. Then  suddenly, a startling announcement stuns both
families, as Jack and Amanda are faced  with
an unexpected gift that neither thought possible, and with a choice that
provides  them both considerable
challenges. But at a time in their lives when they least expect to  feel that way, they not only feel young again,
but are blissfully happy, in spite of the  confusion, opposition, and obstacles all
around them.
Special Delivery  is about what two people do when life gives
them everything  they wante, twenty years
after they expect to find it. In her fortieth bestselling novel,  Danielle Steel makes the readers laugh and cry
as she touches the heart with tenderness  and accuracy. The emotions of loneliness are
deeply explored in Danielle Steele's novel  Special Delivery. And they are done quite
well. But who would figure that a party would  kindle a romance between the newly widowed
Amanda and a long time bachelor, Jack? And oh what different personalities
between Amanda and Jack. The main thing they have  in common is the family connection from each
of their former spouses to their children  and children in law.

English Literature: An Analysis Of Noun Clauses Used In Danielle Stell’s Novel “ Special Delivery “

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