Senin, 03 November 2014

English Literature: A Translation Analysis Of Nokia 2600 Mobile Phone User Guides Direct Translation Cases

1.1 Background
Language is so important and something
which we need everyday to  communicate
with the people because without a language we cannot communicate  with the others. Language is also tool to
connect one to another.
Kramsch (1998:3) exspresses that
“Language is the principle means whereby  we conduct our social lives. When it is used
in contexts of communication, it is  bound
up with culture in multiple and complex ways.”
Nowadays, many people use mobile
phone to connect and share with others in  their life and its become so important. Mobile
phone is a tool of communication that  makes
our life easy, especially to connect with the people. The fact, if we want to
use  mobile phone easily we have to read
the way to use in part of user guide. Using  mobile phone, we can call someone or send a
message fast. We can share the good,  bad
or something with the people in our life.Related to communication in
translation, Kade ( in Wills: 65) says that the  communicative study of translation, the most
comprehensive approach, has proved to  make
possible a precise definition of aspects of research, using the subject of the  research as a point of departure.
means of communication, translation is a process of communication, to  impart the knowledge of the original to the
foreign language. Translation is so  important
to understand about something. Cartford, (in 
Wills: 66), says that  translation
is an operation performed on languages: a process of substituting a text in  one language for a text in another. Clearly
then, any theory of translation must draw  upon a theory of language- a general
linguistic theory.
Newmark (1981:7) defines that
translation is an instrument of education as  well as of thruth precisely because it has to
reach readers whose cultural an  educational
level is different from and often lower or earlier than that of the readers  of the original.
In  addition Nida (in Venuti 2000: 127) defines
“translation consist in  reproducing in
the receptor language the natural equivalent of the source language  message, first in terms of meaning and second
in terms of style. Differences in  translations
can generally be accounted for by three basic factors in translating: 1) the  nature of the message, 2) the purpose or
purposes of the author, and 3) the type of  audience.
Translation is a field of various
procedures. To translate the translator may use  the procedures that differs in importance
according to the contextual factors of both  the Source Language (SL) and the Target
Language (TL).
Newmark (1998:81), differentiates
between translation method and translation  procedures. He writes that, translation method
relate to whole text, and translation  procedures
are used for sentences and the smaller units of language.
(1998:3) gives the meaning of translation that translation is basically a  change of form. Translation also consists of
studying of lexicon, grammatical  structure,
communication situation, and cultural context of tha source language text.
Larson (1998:15) divides
translation into two types. The first one is form-based  translation and the second one is
meaning-based translation.
Vinay and Darbelnet (in Venuti
2000) “ translation procedures are the basic  technique of translation. According to them
the procedures can be divided into two  methods
covering seven procedures, they are (i) direct translation, consist of  borrowing, calque and literal translation, and
(ii) oblique translation, consist of  transposition,
equivalent, modulation and adaptation.
Vinay and Darbelnet (in Venuti
2000) theory of translation procedures is  relatively easy to understand. In this thesis
I analyze the user guides with the theory  of translation procedures by Vinay and Darbelnet’s
to find out the direct translation  procedures
above are exist or not.
In this analisis, the example are
profiles which translated into profil it is the  example of borrowing procedures because the SL
is transferd directly to the TL. The  next
example is inbox  which translated into
pesan masuk  and settings which  translated into pengaturan.
The two example above are
examples of literal translation procedures because  the direct transfer of source language text
into a grammatically and idiomatically  target
Problems of the Analysis Based on the background above there are problems of
the analysis which are  discussed: a.
What kind of direct translation found in the target text? b.What is the most
dominant direct translation found in the target text? 1.3 Objectives of the
Analysis To answer the problems above the research questions is most important  objective of this thesis. The researcher will
try to find out the direct translation  procedures.

English Literature: A Translation Analysis Of Nokia 2600 Mobile Phone User Guides  Direct Translation Cases

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