Senin, 03 November 2014

English Literature: A Brief Description Of Nengget Ceremony In Karonese Culture

Background of the Study 
is a country of republic. It consists of thousand islands. The  society of Indonesia has several ethnic
groups. North Sumatra province for  instance
is one of the province in Indonesia and it has 25 regencies. One those is  Karo regency and the people who live in Karo
regency are Batak Karo,  Simalungun,
Mandailing, Pak-Pak, Toba and others.
In the past or before the coming
ofMoslem and Christians, Karonese  people
believe is Pemena.
It means that Karo people believe to an object that are  considered had magical powers and the spirits
that dwell in one place whose have  an incredible
power. There are many kindsof traditional belief in Karo people  besides Pemena. They still believe it and it
still exists until today. Some people  still
do it till today eventhough it is going to extinct by the age progress.Nengget is one of the traditional
ceremonies that until today is still  implemented
or practiced by Karo people. Nengget is a kind of ceremony ask  something to birth of a baby.
In the context of the ceremony,
Nengget is closely related with the  tradition
of Karonense. Karonense society has its regulations that are inheried by  their ancestors.
 This paper is going to describe the
relationship between the Karo tradition  deal
with Nengget and the social stratification of the Karo ethnic group. As far as  the writer knows that there is no linguistic
research has been published to date  about
the social stratification of the Karo society, and the role language plays in  maintaining this stratification.
   The stratification that the Karo ethnic group
has its completely different  from other
social groups in Indonesia in particular.
 In this paper, the writer like to try to tell
the readers of this paper how the  Karo
people is dealing with the Karo society and how powerful the Karo  language in practicing the ceremony of Nengget
is in terms of its meaning.
1.2  Problem of the Study    How is Nengget be practiced?   What are the benefits of
Nengget ceremony?  
Why do Karo people still want to practice Nengget ceremony?  1.3 
Scope of the Study  The are many
things can be discribed deal with the Nengget. But, at this  time it is impossible for the writter to write
all in remembering the time he has to  do
it, so the writter will describe about the system of Nengget, and reason for  doing Nengget.

1.4  Purpose of the Study    To show the people of knowing Karo understand
the Nengget pratice by.

  Telling the benefits of Nengget    Reason for Karonese to practice the Nengget.

1.5  Significance of the Study  The generation of Karo society who has not
understandthe meaning and  practicing the
Nengget can be studied by. Sothe tradition of Nengget can be made  as reference to further research.
1.6  Method of the Study  The method applied to do this writting are field
reseacrh mainly and  library reseacrh is
used as the guide line to the field reseacrh. The field reseacrh  means that the writter uses some informants as
the resources of the required data.

English Literature: A Brief Description Of Nengget Ceremony In Karonese Culture

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