Senin, 03 November 2014

English Literature: Communication Strategies Used By The 2009 1 St Year Students Of English Department At The North Sumatra University A Case Study

Background of theAnalysis  
Based on Longman
Dictionary of Applied Linguistics (1989), language is  the system of human communication by means of
a structured arrangement of  sounds (or
their written representation) to form larger units, example morphemes,  words, sentences. In common usage it can also
refer to non-human system of  communication
such as the “language” of bees, the “language” of dolphins.
Language can be divided  into two, they are written language and
spoken  language.
Everybody agrees that language
form firstly introduced to us is in the  spoken
form. Most of our activities use spoken forms as the medium of building  relationship, interaction to our environment.
L. Susan Stebbing (1962:15),  explain
that, we use language in order to communicate one with another, to  express our personal reactions to situation,
to stimulate a response in some one else, and for the sake of thinking
something out language may be described as a  means of conveying something that the user of
the language wants to convey We can see that oral communication is the
effective and efficient way in  daily
activities of human  beings. Language
plays an important role and the  strategic
instrument to embody the ambition. What language? Certainly, the  languages legitimated as the international
languages by the United Nation  Organization.
One of them is English.
experts or writers argue that communication strategies can happen  or take places according to the needs of the
communication, for example:  As Tarone
(in Vivian 1996) says that while the L2 have a problems in  communication, so they use the strategies as
mutual attempt  to solve their  problems.
Kasper (in Vivian 1996) agrees
that solution to psychological when the  speakers
have problems in L2 processing.
Kellermen (in Vivian 1996) says
that communication strategies can be the  strategy in gaps vocabulary is L1 or L2.
 Cook (1996:87) L2 learners are attempting to
communicate trough a  language that is
not their own it is different from children learning a first language  where mental and social development to go hand
in hand with language  development.
Hence, unlike L1 children, L2 learners always want to express thing  for which they do not have the means in the
second language. In the 1980s there  was
considerable debate about the communication strategies of L2 learners  employ to cope with this problem. There are
two functions of communication  strategies;
they are communication as social interaction, and communication  strategies as psychological problem-solving,
for this case, the writer only tries to  discuss
communication strategies as social interaction.
Tarone (in Vivian 1980),
communication strategies can be divided into  three, they are: Paraphrase, Falling back, and
Avoidance. Each of them can he has  some
different types. Those types are:    A.  Paraphrase 1) 
Approximation,  → someone who is
grouping for a word falls back on a strategy of using a  word that means approximately the same, say
‘animal’ for ‘horse’, because  the
listener will be able to deduce from the context what is intended.
2)  Word coinage → another form of paraphrase is
to make up a word to substitute for the  unknown
word ‘air ball’ for ‘balloon’.
3)  Circumlocution → L2 learners talk their way
round the word- when you make a container for  ‘pottery’.
B.  Falling back, known as transfer, example: 1)   Translation from the L1, a German-speaking
student says ‘make a the door  shut
‘rather than ‘shut the door’.
2)  Language switch, that’s a nice tirtil
(caterpillar) distinct from the code  switching
discussed above because the listener does know the L1.
3)  Appeal for assistance, what is this? 4)  Mime what you need. My daughter succeeded in
getting some candles in a  shop in France
by singing ‘happy birthday’ in English and miming blowing  out candles.
C. Avoidance,  → Do not talk about things you know are
difficult in L2, whether whole topics or  individual words.
writer wants to analyze various communication strategies used by  students in English Department Faculty of
Letters University of Sumatra Utara.
1.2 Problems of  the Analysis  In this thesis, there are some problems that
appeared and need to be  answered, they
are: 1.  What kinds of communication
strategies used by English students? 2. 
What is the most dominant communication strategies used by the English  students? 1.3 
Objectives of  the Analysis  Dealing with the analysis of communication
strategies in 2009 batch  students of
English department university of Sumatra Utara, the objectives of the  analysis of this thesis are:  1.  To
find out kinds of communication strategies Used by English students 2.  To find out the most dominant communication
strategies used by the  English students.
1.4 Scope of  the Analysis  The analysis only focuses on kinds of
Communication Strategies that  found in
Batch 2009, the students of English Literature Department of University  of North Sumatra. Not all of 2009 students are
as informant, but only 10 of them  will
be recorded and analyzed.
Significances of theAnalysis  The writer
hopes that, this thesis can give the information for the readers,  especially the students of university that in
communicating by using English  language,
there is a strategy than can help them to produce and make their  communication be communicative.

English Literature: Communication Strategies Used By The 2009 1 St Year Students Of English Department At The North Sumatra University A Case Study

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