Senin, 03 November 2014

English Literature: Moral Analysis of The Characters in Sandra Brown’s Mirror Image

Background of the Study  
is the art of written text, it is considered as the reflection of  human imagination. The writer build or
imagined their story by using their life  experience. This experience everyday life may
emerge as ideas to create a story.
In general, Literature is life
experience uttered in words to become a beautiful  writing.
Taylor states “Literature is
essentially an imaginative act; that is, an act  of the writer’s imagination in selecting,
ordering, and interpreting life experience,  ( Taylor, 1981 : 1 ).” Literature can be
classified into three categories, they are:  1. prose fiction; 2. Poetry; and 3. Drama.The words prose derives from the
latin ‘prosa’, which is literally translated  to ‘straightforward’. Edgar V. Robert and
Henry E. Jacobs (1995:2) classify prose  into
two, fiction and non-fiction prose. Prose fiction or narrative fiction includes
 myths, parables, romances, novels and
short stories. Fiction prose is made based  on author’s creation and imagination.
Non-fiction prose describes facts and  opinion.
Novel is the longest of all
literary forms, and the more popular. Novel is a  normally a prose work of quite some length and
complexity, which attempts to  reflect
and express something of the quality or value of human experience or  conduct ( Taylor 1981: 46 ). Novel made by
authors as an expression their idea  about
their life experiences. Novel represents human activitiesin daily live    through characters and setting. There are six
elements of novel, they are: 1. Plot;  2.
Character; 3. Setting; 4. Theme; 5. point ofview; and 6. style. In analyzing
this  thesis the writer focuses on the
character than the other five aspects.
Character is an important element
in novel. Character is an imagined person  who exist in a story, the author creates the
characters from the aspects of the  ordinary
people that portray the personalities of human beings, and then develops  these aspects and puts them together in a
story as the author likes. The characters  have important role in creating the conflicts
in a story. The author tells the  characters
qualities from the description the story narrator gives and through the  actions and deeds of the characters revealed
in the story and through what other  characters
say or do to this character. Characters attitude usually described  behavior and moral value, whether the
characters have good value or bad value  according
to moral standard. Moral standardfrom some rules, which acceptable in  society, is believed asa universal truth.
A moral (from Latin morālis) is a
message conveyed or a lesson to be  learned
from a story or event. According to Dewey ( 1953:1 ) says that: “The  word ‘moral’ comes from latin, which means
manners, custom or habit is  concerned.
This habit is concerned with right or wrong, good or evil, a good  lesson in behavior, the right way of leading
one’s life.” Moral is concerned with  the
judgment of the goodness and badness  of
human action and character,  pertaining
to the discernment of good and evil, designed to teach goodness of  character and behavior, instructive towhat is
good and bad. Everyone cannot  separate
from the arrangement based on the principles of right in their custom and  obey to life norm as a moral standard which
acceptable in society.
Britannic (1982: 253) writes, “Morality isa standard of  human behaviour determined either subjectively
and based on what is considered  ethically
right or wrong”. Morality has something to do with the action of human  being as members of social groups. The sources
of morality are custom or culture,  religion
and ideology. Moralityconsists not only of particular statements of  conduct, but also in the general working rules
by which we often justify and  individual
In judging moral, we have to pay
attention to the action and motivation of a  person. Encyclopedia Americana (1972:
610)states, “Moral judgment can be  divided
into two groups. They are theory of value and theory of obligation.” In  theory of value, which deals with the nature
of good, we find both particular and  general
answer to the question: “What things, persons, motives, state of affairs  and character traits are good and bad”.
Happiness, power, wealth, honor, an equal  distribution of goods, knowledge, friendship
and various traits of character are the  nature
of good. For example, some pleasures are good since one ought to act as so  to bring about the greatest good for the
greatest number of people.
In the theory of obligation which
deals with conduct we find both particular  and general answer to the question: “What
actions are right and wrong?” or  alternatively
the question, “How ought a man to live?” A good motivation without  a good action will produce a bad result. On
the contrary, a good motivation which  is
accompanied with good action will produce good result.
 Furthermore, the novel that the writer going
to analyze is Mirror Image.
In this thesis the writer would
like to discuss about moral lesson depicted from  this novel. As we know everybody has a moral,
even it is good or bad. The writer    would
likes to discuss some moral value from this novel such as kindness,  honesty, selfishness, theft, fabrication,
abortion, and infidelity that described  through
some characters of this novel. The moral value in thisnovel deals with  the human problem in life. The writer wants to
convey some moral lessons from  this
novel through the character.

English Literature: Moral Analysis of The Characters in Sandra Brown’s Mirror Image

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