Senin, 03 November 2014

English Literature: The Intrinsic Analysis on Edith Nesbit Novel The Railway Children

1.1 The Background of study  
A novel is a literary work has been
appreciated by many people because it  entertains
and teaches. Entertain means literary provides time to read in order to  understand meaning of life and the way a novel
teaches its readers. According to As  Hornby
(2000:867) defines that novel is a story long enough to fill a complete book,  in which the characters and events are usually
imaginary. Novel is a totality because  it
builds up of elements, and every element are related with others. The elements  make work of novel meaningful and a live.

These elements are called intrinsic  elements.
The intrinsic elements are integrated elements which build up the literary  work directly.A novelis organic structure which
has a unique complex and give expression  for something with indirectly. These
complexities make readers doubtful to interpret  it correctly. The way the author writes
withcomplexity seems to be valued artistic  richness. This artistic richness comes along
the words, imaginative power, and  intention
delivered to the readers. Therefore readers may enjoy because they get the  insights about life and meaning of life. The
topic of the paper has been consciously  chosen
for some reasons:  Firstly, Anatomy of
novel stated that the intrinsic elements which build up a  novel are four, it consist of theme, plot,
character, and setting. They are dominant in  literature, without the existence of these
elements; literary works will never come to  exist. On this paper, I made up my mind to
portray intrinsic elements because they  have
ultimate importance as inseparable elements.
the theme as of one intrinsic element in the novel about attitude of  children in the story in accordance with their
respective characteristics. This is the  other
reason why I choose the topic.
The nature difference as
expressed in the novel is represented by persons.
These persons are fictitious
which are better known as character in literary work.
1.2. The Scope of study  Edith Nesbit’s Novel the Railway Children is
an interesting novel. It talks  about how
the children care. In writing this paper, I limit my scope as follows: 1.  How the novelist represents his message in
terms of theme?  2.  How is the story of the novel connected to
the theme in the terms of plot?  3.  How is the theme and plot brought together by
fictitious persons in terms of  character?
Where is the event of plot taking place in terms of setting?  1.3. The Purpose the study  The purpose of writing this paper. I have some
purpose to describe theme: 1.  To portray
the novelist’s message in term of theme.
2.  To connect the Story of the novel with the
theme in term of plot.
3.  To portray fictitious persons I terms of
4.  To portray the event of plot in terms of
Significance of study  I have strong
confidence that literary study offers rich insights. Not only does  it cover on the study of intrinsic elementsbut
it also invites possibility to study  different
points such as point of view, expressed in novels. So, I hope this study can  make students of Diploma get understanding
about importance of intrinsic elements  and
also as an academic contribution to English Students of Diploma USU. Besides,  this study hopefully can encourage English
students to have great interest to study  literature in their final paper.
1.5. The writing of study  In writing this paper, I apply library
research and thenI do some steps. First  of
all, I read the novel to understand the story. Then, I read the theory of
literature  especially the theory of
analyzing fiction from several books. After that, I make the  summary of the novel. I also collects data
internet to add her paper. Finally, I  analyzes
the novel based the theory I got.

English Literature: The Intrinsic Analysis on Edith Nesbit Novel The Railway Children

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