Senin, 03 November 2014

English Literature: The Description Of The Ideas Found In The Novel Of Coonardoo

1.1 Background  
Until the seventeenth century the world
‘novel’, if it was used at all, meant  a
short story of kind written. By about 1700 it had got something like its
present  meaning, which, is ‘a fictitious
prose narrative of considerablelength in which  characters and actions representative of real
lifeare portrayed in plot of more or  less
complexity’. In other words novel,as we understand, is a story longer,  realistic and complicated. The novel is now
the most widely read of all kind of  literature,
and one is surprised to find that is fairly new.
 Fiction is narratives based in the imagination
of the author, not literal,  reportorial
facts; oneof the three major genresof literature. Fiction originally  meant anything made up or shaped. Fiction is
distinguished from the works it  imitates,
such as historical accounts, reports, biographies, autobiographies,  letters, and personal memoirs andmeditations.
While fiction may often resemble  these
forms, it has a separateidentity because it originates not in historical facts  but in the creative, imaginative powers
writers of fiction may include historically  accurate details, but their primary goal is to
tell a story and say something  significant
about life.
Fiction is rooted in ancient
legends and myths. Although many of these were  fictionalized accounts of events and people
who may not ever have existed, they  were
largely accepted as fact or history. An especially long tale, an epic, was  recited over a period of days. To aid their
memories, the storytellers chanted their  tales in poetry, often perhaps accompanying
themselves on a stringed instrument,  to
impress and entertain their listeners.
is written or oral compositions that tell stories, dramatize  situations, express emotions, and analyze and
advocate ideas. Literature is  designed
to engage reader emotionally aswell as intellectually, with the major  genres being fiction, poetry, drama, and
nonfiction prose, and with many separate  sub-forms.
1.2 Problems  Indonesian philosophies agree that someone
does not love someone before  they
getting to knowing to one another. It is true that before we get engage to  something we do not interest to it. It is
asthe same to the writing. Before we try to  read a novel, we may find that it will bea
boring thing to be started. So the novel  of Coonardoo is really very interesting, but
before we try to read and understand  the
idea of the writer we cannot feel close to it. Therefore the problem that the  writer of this paper wants to answer is the
kinds and types and characteristic of the  characters used in the novel.
1.3 Scopes of Writing  When someone is eager to write a criticism of
a novel or a descriptions of  a novel
there are many glasses can be usedto see inside, but on opportunity the  writer of thus paper wants to see inside the
novel just deals withthe characters and  so
the plot, setting, and theme.
1.4 The Purpose of Writing  Surely, in doing something, of coursethere can
be a variety of purposes  hidden on the
planning he or she made, but the writer of this paper in discussing    the novel of Coonardoo has certain purposes.
They are, firstly, she wants to finish  her
study from the Diploma III of English Language at the Faculty of Culture  Study of the University of North Sumatera, so
the writer of this paper is required  to
write and submit a paper to the department. Secondly, she is very eager to
apply  the knowledge she spades from her
lecturers during her study period. Thirdly, she  wishes to share the interesting things
pictured in the novel.
1.5 Reasons for Choosing the
Topic  Actually there are a tremendous
topics tobe made as a topic of a scientific  paper, but at this opportunity the
writerdecided to discuss about the Katharine  Susannah Prichard’ novel entitle Coonardoo
which was published by Pan Books  in 1983
in Sydney, Australia because I am interested in the evens written on the  plot that presented by Prichard who spent her
childish in Fiji. The country of Fiji  is
populated by Fijian People. It a territory of foreign country.
1.6 Method of Writing  In order to write a scientific writing there
will be some methods to be used.
For examples, experimental
approach, field research, or library research. On this  occasion, to write this paper the writer is
using the library research. In writing this  paper deal with the method applied of course
the writer takes all the required data  for
further analysis from written text. The main data is taken from the original  novel and the other needs taken from other
written texts.

English Literature: The Description Of The Ideas Found In The Novel Of Coonardoo

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