Senin, 03 November 2014

English Literature: Presupposition Of Selected Slogans In Outdoor Advertisements

Background of the Analysis 
Language is a system of communication that plays an
important role in all  aspects of human
life. It is the most effective tool of communication for people.
Without language, the world
cannot develop normally. Whatever we do in this world,  we use language to express everything in our
mind. The study about language is  called
Linguistics. One of Linguistics aspects is concerned with Pragmatics.
Yule (1996: 3) states,
“Pragmatics is concerned with the study of meaning as  communicated by a speaker (writer) and
interpreted by a listener (reader).” It has,  consequently, more to do with the analysis of
what people mean by their utterances  than
what the words or phrases in those utterances might mean by themselves. In  other word, Pragmatics is the study of speaker
(writer) meaning.
One of branches of Pragmatics is
presupposition. Yule (1996: 25) states, “A  presupposition is something the speaker
assumes to be the case prior to make an  utterance.”  Speakers, not sentences have presuppositions.
In,  “Presupposition is some  propositions which consist of the speaker
takes for granted, i.e. assumes to be factual  prior to making an utterance and which is
conveyed through (somewhat implicit)  linguistic
means ( lexical or structural). “ And, “Presupposition is also an assumption  which the speaker assumes to be mutually
manifest to the listener and has intensively  made it clear to both sides in communication
through encoded (even if somewhat  implicit)
linguistics means.”   For example : (1)  The utterances John regrets that he stopped
doing linguistics before he left  Cambridge
has presuppositions, as follows: a. 
There is some one uniquely identifiable to speaker and address as John.
b.  John stopped doing linguistics before he left
c.  John left Cambridge.
d.  John has been at Cambridge.
Levinson (1983: 167) states that
“ virtually everything’ written about  presupposition
is challenged or contradicted by some authority on the subject, a  condition which can be said to hold true of
much pragmatics”.
To analyze how speaker (writer)
assumptions are typically expressed,  presupposition
has been associated with the use of a large number of words, phrases  and structures. The analysis is based on
Yule’s (1996: 27-29) explanation:  1.  The Existential Presupposition : the
assumption that the entity  related to
the mentioned expression exist.
2.  Factive Presupposition : the assumption that
the event following a  certain class of
verb (factive verb) is a fact.
3.  Lexical Presupposition : the use of one from
with is asserted  meaning is
conventionally interpreted with the presupposition that  another ( non- asserted but closely related)
meaning is understood.
4.  Structural Presupposition : certain sentence
structures have been  analyzed as
conventionally and regularly presupposing that part of  the structures is already assumed to be true.
  5.  Non-factive Presupposition : is one that is
assumed not to be true.
Verb like dream,  imagine, 
and  pretend  are used with the  presupposition that what follows is not true.
6.  Counterfactual Presupposition : what is
presupposed is not only not  true, but is
the opposite of what is true, or ‘contrary to facts’.
Language is used to communicate
somebodies idea, thinking and opinion to  another. Language is also used in
advertisements. In advertisements language is used  a tool to tell their message to make the
consumer interest with them. Advertisements  is very important in business. The consumers
get information about products by the  advertisements.
So, a big company will spend much to an advertisements for their  products, and what consumers get with their
This thesis analyze the slogan of
outdoor advertisements. Slogan is easily  remembered phrase used in advertising.
There are many types of
advertisements, and in this paper the writer focuses  in outdoor consumer advertisements according
to Jeffkins in his book entitled  Advertising.
Besides,  in Medan as a big city there
can be found many outdoor  consumer
advertisements everywhere. Moreover there is no thesis found in English  department that analyze the language of
advertisements pragmatically before.
Problem of the Analysis Based on the tittle of this paper, it focuses on the
following problems : 1.  What are the
presuppositions of selected slogan in outdoor advertisements? 2.  What is the type of presupposition of
selected slogan in outdoor  advertisements?
3.  Which is the most dominant type of
presupposition used in outdoor  advertisements
based on the data?  1.3 Objectives of the
Analysis Concerning with the problems above, the analysis is intended to
achieve some  objectives : 1.  To find out the presuppositions of selected
slogan in outdoor advertisements.
2.  To analyze the type of presupposition of
selected slogan in outdoor  advertisements.
3.  To find the most dominant type of
presupposition used in outdoor  advertisements
based on the data.

English Literature: Presupposition Of Selected Slogans In Outdoor Advertisements

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