Senin, 03 November 2014

English Literature: A Comparative Analysis Of A Narrative Genre “Beauty And The Beast” And A Recount Genre In Letter

Background of the Study 
Every student of University of Sumatera Utara at the
end of their study is  obliged to write a
thesis as a partial fulfillment to complete her study. She is  allowed to join the green table test for a
degree after finishing her thesis. The  thesis
is a proof that she has passed her study. In writing the thesis, the writer has
 chosen one field of study, namely
linguistics, because linguistics is an interesting  topic to be discussed.
This thesis is a comparative
research. Comparative research is the act of  comparing two or more things with a view to
discovering something about one or  all
of the things being compared. The writer chooses to compare between  narrative and recount because they are often
mostly used in writings. However, it  is
interested to compare the difference between narrative and recount and analyze  what elements are found in narrative and
recount genres.
This thesis focuses on  an analysis of a discourse text that
specifically  analyzes generic structure
of a text. Genre has a structure that is called generic  structure, which gives a text a complete
characterization of texture.
A generic structure is realized
and characterized by a structure  characteristic
of its own. Genre may be classified into two major categories. They  are story genre such as narrative, recount,
and anecdote, and factual genre such as  description,
report, (auto)  biography, procedure,
expository, explanation,    discussion,
and exploration. The advantages to learn generic structure are to  enrich people's knowledge about writing skill.
The reason of comparing a narrative
genre and recount genre is to identify  how
the generic structure develops in different types of genres, because genre is  as social action. Besides that, narrative
genre and recount genre are the dominant  genre used in society like in communication and
writing. And in this thesis the  writter
focuses in analyzing narrative genre in Beauty and the Beast story and  recount genre in letter “Weekend at the Beach”.
1.2. Problems of the Study In the
analysis there are some research questions that need to be answered,  they are: a. 
What is the generic structure used in narrative text Beauty and the
Beast?  b.  What is the generic structure used in a
recount letter “Weekend at the Beach”?  c.  How are both genre types developed to achieve
their goals? 1.3. Objectives of the Study Dealing with the analysis of generic
structure in narrative Beauty and the  Beast
and recount letter “Weekend at the Beach”, this thesis is written to obtain  some purposes or objectives. They are: a.  To identify the generic structure used in
narrative Beauty and the Beast.
b.  To identify the kind of generic structure
used in a recount letter “Weekend at  the
c.  To explain the development of generic
structure in both texts.
Scope of the Study The writer tries to narrow down the field of analysis that
is only to take  one aspect of language
to be realized. In this thesis the writer focuses her analysis  in analzying the generic structure in Beauty
and the Beast story and recount letter “Weekend at the Beach”.
1.5. Significance of the Study The
significances of the study are to: a. make the readers know about the generic
structure of narrative and recount.
b. make the readers more
understand the genre types and their generic structure.
c. to develop literacy ability.

English Literature: A Comparative Analysis Of A Narrative Genre “Beauty And The Beast” And A Recount Genre In Letter

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