Senin, 03 November 2014

English Literature: An Analysis Of The Moral Lessons Found From The Main Characters In A Great And Terrible Beauty By Libba Bray

1.1  The Background of the analysis 
Literature is
the art of written text. It is considered as the reflection of human
Literature is writing which
expresses and communicates thoughts, feelings and attitudes to life.
Generally, literature can be
divided into two categories. There are fiction work and nonfiction  work. And literature also has three branches
such as drama, poetry, and prose. Meanwhile, prose  can also be divided into novel, short story,
romance, etc. novel is one form of a literary work.
Cockshut (1890:1) has one stated
that, “Novel are fictions, they are in prose and they  usually, but not quiet always”. Fiction
originally meant anything made up, crafted, or shaped, but  today the word fiction refers to prose stories
based on the author`s imagination, and non-fiction  describe facts or opinion. The novel is a
fictional story in writing or words and has the intrinsic  and extrinsic elements. A novel usually tells
the story of human life in their interaction with the  environment and each other. In a novel, the
authors make every effort to direct the reader to the  images of the reality of life through the
stories contained in the novel.
In a novel can portray characters
and actions representative of real life, which deals with  human life, passion or ambition, desire, joy,
sadness, feeling, thought, egoism and many things  that deals with fact of human life. Novel also
can give can give precious lessons that may be  considered as moral teaching that may be
useful in one`s life.
(1983:71) says, “Character has meanings as a figure in a literary work, such
as;  Hamlet, and personality that is, the
mental and moral qualities of a figure, when we say what X`s  character is weak, immoral and etc,”.
Libba Bray is an American
novelist, A Great and terrible beauty (2003) is her first novel  and became a New York Times bestseller. She
wrote two more books to finish the trilogy she  had started with A Great and Terrible Beauty,
Rebel Angels and The Sweet Far Thing. In this  thesis, I will analyze the moral lesson found
from the main character in A Great and Terrible  Beauty by Libba Bray. There are four main
characters in the novel they are Gemma Doyle, Ann  Bradshaw, Felicity Worthington, and Pippa
Cross. As we know every people have a moral, even  it is good or bad. The moral value in this
novel deals with the human problem in life, the main  characters in this novel tries to build up the
good moral value in life because nowadays only few  people who have the right principle for their
life. People become egoist, do not cares to others,  hate each others, and materialistic life
becomes the view of life for most people for reaching the  happiness but actually material can not always
makes people happy. The main characters in this  novel tries to show us for reaching the
happiness and for the better life we should hold the right  principal as our view of life that morally
good based on the standardization of behavior in  society. The bad moral of the main characters
in this novel can be a good lessons to the reader to  increase their good moral because the bad
moral of the main characters here shows how their bad  moral can harm their own life. So the reader
can learn how to be moralist human with keep their  good action, attitude, and responsibility.
The explanation above becomes the
reason why the writer chooses the moral lessons that  reflected by the main character found in A
Great and Terrible Beauty which written by Libba Bray. The  main characters of this novel are Gemma Doyle,
Ann Bradshaw, Felicity Worthington, and Pippa    Cross. This includes the analyzing the moral
of the main character, are the main characters have a good  moral or bad moral.
1.2  Problem of Analysis Based on the background
of the analysis above, the problem of analysis may be recognized  as follows:  1.  How
Gemma and her friends` attitude in doing the adventure in the realm world? 2.  What are moral lessons we get from the main
characters attitudes? 1.3  The objectives
of Analysis The purpose of this research tends to answer the question or
problem of study and it will be  in vain
if the study has no purpose to be achieved. The purpose or objectives of this
thesis are:  1.  To identify the main characters attitude when
they do the adventure.
2.  To describe the moral lessons portrayed from
the main character.
  1.4  The Scope of Analysis In this thesis, I would
like to focus to the moral lesson of four main characters portrayed in  Libba Bray novel A Great and Terrible Beauty,
they are Gemma Doyle, Ann Bradshaw, Felicity  Worthington, and Pippa Cross and the
adventures of four main character in a realm world  portrayed in the novel.

English Literature: An Analysis Of The Moral Lessons Found From The Main Characters In A Great And Terrible Beauty By Libba Bray

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