Senin, 03 November 2014

English Literature: Love As Motivation Of Life For The Main Characters As Reflected In The Nathaniel Hawthorne’s Selected Short Stories

Background of Analysis 
Literature is the product of human’s work in art that
uses language as its  means of both oral
and written language that can cause a beautiful feeling and  soulful readers. Literature, in general, is
life-experience which is uttered words to  become a beautiful writing.
Reading literary work, readers
can get the writer’s intention, so that they  can enrich their knowledge and enlarge their
horizon of thinking about human life.
Readers can also find various
human behaviors which are acted out by characters  in a literary work. A literary work usually
provides lesson to the reader how to  solve
problems and situations that exist in real life.
In literature, there are three
genres, namely poetry, drama and prose. Poetry  is a meaningful arrangement of words. Drama is
a story which is intended to be  performed
on the stage. Prose is fictitious narrative kind of writing. They have  much in common but different in expressing
idea, style, and others.
The word prose derives from the
Latin ‘prosa’, which is literally translated  to ‘straightforward’. Edgar V. Roberts and
Henry E. Jacobs (1995:2) classify prose  into
two, fiction and non-fiction prose. Fiction prose is made based on author’s  creation and imagination. Non-fiction prose
describes facts and opinion. Prose can  be
classified into some other forms, for example novel, short story, romance, and  biography. The first three forms are included
in fiction prose, while the latest is  non-fiction.
thesis is going to discuss two short stories as the object of analysis. A  short story is a brief, imaginative narrative,
unfolding a single predominating  incident
and a single chief character. It contains a plot, the details of which are so  compressed and the whole treatment so
organized, as to produce a single  impression.
This thesis is going to discuss
two short stories as the object of analysis.
Short story is a brief,
imaginative narrative, unfolding a single predominating  incident and a single chief character. It
contains a plot, the details of which are so  compressed and the whole treatment so
organized, as to produce a single  impression.
Poe says in Edgar V. Roberts and Henry E. Jacob (1995:49),”Short  story is a short, concentrated story (he
called it “a brief prose tale” which could be  read at a single sitting) was ideal for
producing this kind of powerful impression.” Edgar V. Robert and Henry E. Jacob
says (1995:49) that short story  concentrates
on a single character in a single situation at a single moment. An  effective short stories consists of a
character (or group of characters) presented  against a background or setting, involved
through mental or physical action, in a  situation.
Dramatic conflict is-the collision of opposing forces-is at the heart of  every short story.
In a literary work, whether oral
or written, literary element or intrinsic  element is a factor which plays an important
role in a story. According to Rene  Welleck
and Austin Warren (1977:139), intrinsic elements in literary product  include characters, themes, conflicts and plot.
Character is creation of images
of imaginary person in drama, the narrative  poetry, the novel or short stories while
setting is the environment or place and time    where the story takes place. Conflict in short
story is simpler than the novel.
Theme is a topic or main idea of
a story.
One of interesting theme to
discuss in a story is about love. Harry Harlow  (1958:32) defines that love is as an
affectional feeling for others. Love is a  commitment to find the meaning of life from
two different human genders. In  other
words, love is not only a series of beautiful words but an expression of soul  and emotion based on responsibility regardless
of background, status and  condition.
Love can give a pos itive and negative motivation for someone.  Love is  more than a feeling. Love is also a motivation
for us to perform an action.
Hornby (2000:) says love is (1) a
strong feeling or a deep affection towards  someone or something and (2) a strong feeling
against someone or something that  is
sexually attracted."No one knows what the real meaning of love is.
Everyone  has his/her own meaning
depending on his/her point of view. Love might be the  conceptualized as an attachment-formation
process. Hazan and Shaver (1987:9)  state,
“love is the attachment system in human undergoes modification during the  course of adolescence, so that its original
objects, the parents are relinquished, and  the individual is able to integrate new
objects, new attachment figures. The  attachment
system is just one among a number of interrelated behavioral system  which include exploration, care giving, sexual
mating and affiliation.” Nathaniel Hawthorne postulates love as the theme in
her two short stories,  "Rappaccini's
Daughter" (1844) and "The Birthmark” (1846). These short stories  are about love of the different gender and how
it can motivate the life of the main  characters.
"Rappaccini's Daughter" tells us about the true love between Giovanni
 and his lover, Beatrice. Beatrice is a
poisonous girl and the victim of her father’s    experiment who is a scientist. Giovanni’s love
motivates Beatrice to live as  ordinary
people. Giovanni also help her to cure the poison from her body and to  socialize with society. "The
Birthmark" is a love between husband and wife who  asks perfection. Georgiana tries to be
faithful to her husband Aylmer who is very  perfectionist. Aylmer demands a physical
perfection from his wife, Georgiana.

English Literature: Love As Motivation Of Life For The Main Characters As Reflected In The Nathaniel Hawthorne’s Selected Short Stories

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