Sabtu, 15 November 2014

English Literature:Woman Social Mobility portrayed in Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice

chapter presents an introduction. It consistsof Background of Study, Statement of Problem, Objectives of Study,
Significant of Study, Scope and Limitation,
Theoretical Frameworks, and Definition of Key Terms.
1.1 Background of the Study Literary is social institution that uses
medium of language. Techniques of traditional
literary such as, symbolism and dimension are sociological because they are convention and norm of society.
Moreover, literary “present life” most consisting
of social fact, although literary work also “imitate” nature and of human being subjective world (Wellek and
Werren, 1993:109). It shows that literature
and society relate to one and another. Sapardi Djoko Damono (1979: 19) in his book Sosiologi Sastra: Sebuah Pengantar
Ringkassays that literature reflects
life; and the life itself is reality. In addition, another critic comes from Von Herder (Sapardi Djoko Damono, 1979: 19),
mentioned that each work of literature
is from certain environment and certain geography.
A literary work is a record of human life,
which reflects and portrays some aspects
of activities and experiences that human being deal with. According to Kennedy (1983: 397), literary work is a force
that affects people. It stirs May responses
in them and raises their emotion, perhaps, argues for ideas that changed their minds. Those indicate that by reading a
literary work, a reader is supposed to be
able to have an enjoyable experience while learning something valuable from the work he is reading. Besides that, by
reading a literary work is a portrayal of human life, we can learn many aspect of life
through it.
Taine, in Sapardi Djoko Damono (1979: 21),
also states that literature is not only
created as private imagination but also asthe reporting of that period, the reality of certain thinking. The example of it
is novel. It is a mirror that is very suitable
to decide all aspects of life and nature. The statement above shows that literature also tells us about the condition
of certain times. One of literary work which
describes about the unpleasant or ugly thingsin life called naturalism.
Goldman in Faruk (2005: 29-30)
defines novel as story of a seeking degradation
values to authentic done by a hero which is problematic in a world also is degradation. What meant with authentic
values of that was values is organization
of novel world as a whole though only in explicit. The value there's only in awareness the novelist is not in
conscious characters or reality.
Added by Lukacs in Faruk ( 2005: 30) mentions
thatnovel still thinks in totality
boundaries in a world of has no longer contain the matter, inferential the meant with authentic values of that is life
totality. He also mentioned that, formative
main relativity quad totality to every individual phenomenon implying that thing closed in his self can become
complete, complete because something happened
in his self, there are nothing anything released from its, what subjects to the higher level reality is outside it,
complete because all thing at depth.
Philip Abrams ( 2003: 45-46) in George Ritzer
and Douglas Goodman book "The
Modern Sociology Theory" haves a notion that England sociology formed at nineteenth century passing three
sources that is often impinges - politics economics, ameliorism, and social evolution.
The intention of politics economics is
provide fact required by government to comprehend the way of working system (public) and arranges it wisely. Then,
ameorelism is desire to finalize social problems
(poorness) through reform. The social evolution has understanding which more circumstantial about social
structure hidden under surface of England sociology.
While Swingewood (2005: 1) in Faruk book
entitled "Pengantar Sosiologi
Sastra" defines sociology as objective and scientific study about man in public, study about institutes and social
process. Added by Wolff in Faruk (2005: 3)
explains that artistry sociology and literature is a discipline without form,
is not defined carefully, consisted of a
number of empirical study and various attempts at theory which more general, each other only
had equality in the case of that altogether
deals with relation between art or literature with public. Hence there are art investigating author social base like the
one is done by Laurenso.
From materials above can be told, that theory
according to Ritzer, can be complexity
narrowing possibility that the forming of art sociology. Because art sociology tries to answer question about
public is enabled, as its mode of action, and why the public living. Through tight
research about social institutes, religion, economics, politics, and family that is
jointly forms is so-called as social structure.
In principle, sociology of course studies life of man reality as a collectivity. However, it is met many
different theories and methodologiesand even
are each other interfering in about the life and way of obtaining knowledge about it.
Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudicehad existed
before it finally saw publication on
January 28, 1813. Austen began the book, originally titled First Impressions,in 1796. Her father submitted it
to a London publisher the following year,
but the manuscript was rejected. Austen continued to work on the book, and scholars report that the story remained a
favorite with the close circle of friends, relations, and acquaintances she took into her
confidence. She probably continued working
on First Impressionsafter her family relocated to Bath in 1801 and did not stop
revising and rewriting until after the deaths of both her father and a close friend in 1805. After this point Austen’s
seems to have given up writing for almost
five years. She had resumed work on the bookby 1811, scholars report, and the final product appeared anonymously in
London bookstalls early in 1813.
Novel Pride and Prejudicewas written during
the middle of the Romantic period in
western literature, but it is itself rather uncharacteristic of other fictional
works of the period. Unlike the great
Romantic novels and poems of the period, which usually praised youthful passions,
Austen’s work minimizes them. Instead of
the wild forces of nature, Austen’s concentrateson family life in small English
towns. Austen’s emphasizes a balance
between reasonand emotion. Instead of suicide
and unrequited love, Austen’s offers elopement and marriage. Although the author does consider some of the same
themes asher Romantic contemporaries —
the importance of the individual, for instance — Austen's society is altogether more controlled and
settled than the world presented in Romantic
In late-18th-century England, women were
relegatedto secondary roles in society
with respect to property and social responsibilities. For example, women were not permitted to visit new arrivals to
the neighborhood (such as Mr. Bingley in
Pride and Prejudice) until the male head of their household had first done so.
Women were under enormous
pressure to marry for thepurpose of securing their financial futures and making valuable social
connections for their families.

English Literature:Woman Social Mobility portrayed in Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice

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