Sabtu, 15 November 2014

English Literature:The Analysis of Social Values in E.M. Forster’s A Passage to India

1.1 Background of the Study Literarywork is
acreativeactivity;a work of art(WellekandWarren, 1990:3).Its functionis not
onlytoentertain,butalso to enrichhumanknowledge of life.Such literaryworks
arecalledinterpretativeliterature.It is writtento broaden,deepenand sharpenour
awareness of life(Perrine, 1983:3).
Literatureis actuallya
reflectionof lifeexperiencethatincludes various aspectsof both personaland
sociallives. Peoplewho know moreabout literature willbe ableto understandabout
thehumanitybetterbecausetheywill have sensitivenesstoward life.Thereare
manyliteraryworks categorizedas literature such as prose, poetry,and
drama.Thereare two instrumentsto express and describethesituationand thethemeof
a story.Thereare two elementsof literaturenamelyextrinsicand
intrinsicelements.In proseand drama,the extrinsicelementsare
socialaspect,culturalaspect,estheticalaspectetc,and the intrinsicelementsare
Literaturehas averyclose
relationshipto humanlife.Literaturealso reflectsthelife,the thoughts,the
feelings,thebehaviorand the attitudesof human beings.Due tothis reason,
thewriter thentakesone sortof literaryworks, and a novelis the objectof this
study.Novel is a kindof literarywork. It is as a longor extendedwork of
fictionwritteninprose, usuallyin theformof astory.Prose consists of
writingthatdoes not adhereto anyparticularformalstructure.A novel usuallytellsabout
theconditionof thesociety,in which thevaluebecomesthe conceptaboutwhat
peoplethinkimportantinlife.Valuealso becomesa basis to reacha purpose
inhuman’ssociallife.It meansthattocontinuehuman’ssocial life,we mustfulfillour
socialneeds well accordingtothe valuethatareagreed andheld
bysociety.Therefore,everyhuman’sbehaviorshouldbe suitablewith thevaluein order
notto cause conflictcontinually.
Theodorsonin (Basrowi,2005:79-80)
statesthatvalue representsthe abstractthingthatis takenas guidanceand also
generalprinciplesin actingand behaving. Bindingof peopleto valueis
relativelyverystrong andeven ithas the characterof emotionally.
Therefore,valuecan be seenas guidanceof act andalso as thetargetof humanlife.
Valueis somethingthatis lionizedbyhumanbeing concerningeverythingwhichis good
or bad as abstracts,views, or intentionsfrom variousexperienceswith
areproduced bysocialculture,especiallythe elementof socialsense.Socialvalue
thatareproduced bysocialsense canbe statedgenerallyas relativebelieftogood or
bad, to rightor wrong and to what should appearor disappear(Taneko,1993:63).
Thereason whythe writerchooses A
Passage to Indiabecause thestory concernsthe occupationof India
bytheBritish,and it is thepoliticalside of Forster’s novel.He alsowroteHoward’s
Endand ARoomwith A View. Based on theconvincingreason above,the writeris
eagerto know the socialvaluefound in A Passage to Indianovel byE.M. Forster.
Therefore,thewriterintends to conducta studyentitled The Analysisof SocialValuesin
E.M. Forster’s A Passage toIndia.
1.2 Statements of the Problems Based on
thebackgroundof the studyabove,the writerformulatesthe problemof thisstudyas
follows: 1. Whatsocialvalues arefound in E.M. Forster’s A Passage to India? 2.
Whatarethe implicationsof thesocialvalues tothe themeof E.M.
Forster’s A Passage to India? 1.3.
Objectivesofthe Study Relatedto theresearch problemstated,thepurposes of
thestudyare: 1. tofind out thesocialvalues found inE.M. Forster’s APassageto
2. toexplainthe implicationsof
the socialvalues tothe themeof E.M.
Forster’s A Passage to India.
1.4 Scope and Limitation In
thisstudy,the writerwouldliketo focus onlyon thesocialvalues in E.M. Forster’s
A Passage to India. This studyconcernsthe mainand minor charactersand
socialvalues thatreflecttheconditionof Indiasociety.In this case, thewriter
focuses on thesocialrelationshipbetweenAzis and his society,family relationshipbetweenMrs.
Moore and her son, humanityand moral.
1.5 Significance ofthe Study Thefindings of thestudyare supposed to
givecontributionson thearea of literatureparticularlyinanalyzingthesocialvalues
in E.M. Forster’s APassage toIndia. The
writerhopes the findingsof this studyarealso supposed togive contributionto
students instudyingliterature.Theresult of thisstudy,hopefully, willbe useful
as oneof the examplesinstudyingsocialvaluein a novel.It is also expectedto
givesomecontributionsto thereaderto understandand know more aboutsocialvalue.
1.6 Definitionof Key Terms In
orderto give clearunderstandingandinterpretingthetitleof the study, thewriter
would liketogive themeaningto somefollowing essentialterms: Socialvaluesare
thevalues thatreflectthe conditionof onesociety,they are;humanity,socialrelationship,familyrelationshipandmoral(Suraiyain
Themeis idea,opinionand
theauthor’s view of lifethatbecomesthe backgroundof literarywork. It is
themeaningof thestory(Kenney,1966:85).
Implicationis Implicationis conclusion;involvementor
involvedof condition(Dahlan, 1994:247) CHAPTER
II REVIEWOF RELATED LITERATURE Thischapterpresents the reviewof
relatedliteraturesthatareused inthis study.Theyrelatetothe topicwhich coversthe
conceptof literatureandthe theoryof the aspectsof the
socialvalues.Theyareexplainedas follows.
2.1 SocialValues Basicallyhumanbeingis
born alone.But in thenextprocess of life, humanbeings needother peoplearound
him.Humanbeingis a socialcreature who livestogetherin a group or ina forma
group. In asociety,humancanlivein harmonyif theyhold thefirmnessof thesocialvalues,which
exists intheir society.Suparto (inKun MaryatiandSuryawati,2004:113)
statesthatthe social valueshave generalfunctionina society.Amongothers,
socialvaluecan rendera setappliancetoinstruct societyinthinkingand
behaving.Besides, socialvalues alsofunction as lastdeterminantfor humanin
fulfillingsocialroles.Socialvalue canmotivatesomeone
torealizeexpectationaccordingtoits role. For example, when facinga
conflict,usuallydecisionwillbe takenbased on theconsideration of
thesocialvaluewhichis higher. TheSocialvalues alsofunctionas the supervisor
applianceof the humanbehaviorwith depressing energyand fastening energyso
thatthepeoplebehavioris suitablewith thevalue,whichis embraced (Supartoin Kun
MaryatiandSuryawati,2004:113).Fromthe definitionabove, we canunderstand
thatthesocialvalues areas thenormsthatbecomeprinciples indeterminingsomething.So, if we wantto
behaveor act,we mustrefer tothe socialvaluesas the standardhow tomakeagood
attitude. For instance,we have tobe politewhilespeakingtoother
people,becausewords indicateour behavior.

English Literature:The Analysis of Social Values in E.M. Forster’s A Passage to India

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